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(Removed some brackets from the 'Not Relying on Science' section)
(Yield is now 5 as per PR #24122.)
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<div style="display: flex; float: right;">[[File:Hydroponics.png|frame|right|[[Hydroponics]]. This is your home.]]{{JobService}}</div>
Hydroponics and the [[Botanist]]s who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the [[Chef]] can use for food. Without Botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Hydroponic plants are also useful for RnD, Cargo, and the crew aside from food. Grinding plants to create biomass can be very useful for someone needing a snappy toolbelt or boots.
== Your First Shift ==
So you've just arrived to the station and you can't tell a potato from a killer tomato. Note that while this little guide should be enough to get you started, you should still spend some time on other sections to properly learn how to be a botanist, but all of that is for later.
<br/>For now let's head to the first part of the guide:
=== What Is Your Purpose? ===
As a botanist you have three basic goals: Get science their plants (listed below), feed the station, and keep the Biogenerator from emptying. Aside from that you're mostly going to be left alone to make any plant you wish, just make sure you keep your more dangerous experiments inside.
<br />Now that you know roughly what to do, it's time to explain how to mutate your plants or boost their stats.
=== Important Plant Stats ===
The most important important plant stats are:
*'''Potency''': Determines reagent amount in the plant as well as the strength of some traits such as bioluminescence. Goes from 0 to 100, with 100 being most potent.
*'''Yield''': How many individual plants you harvest each time. Goes from 0 to 10, with 10 being most plants harvested.
*'''Production Rate''': How long it takes for the plant to be ready to be harvested again. Goes from 1 to 10, with 1 being quickest. This is a bit counterintuitive, so make sure you remember it.
=== Useful Chemicals ===
There is an [[#Chemicals|expanded list of chemicals]] below, but these are the most important ones:
*<span title="1u potassium + 1u nitrogen + 3u oxygen = 1u Saltpetre">'''Saltpetre'''</span>: Increases potency by 1 point per 2u used on the plant, and reduces production speed.
*<span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">'''Unstable Mutagen'''</span>: Use it to mutate your plants. 2u is enough for stat mutations and a chance for a new trait, while 5u will give a chance for species mutation. The plants use the <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span> immediately so you can keep adding it as quickly as you'd like.
*<span title= "Available directly from hacked Nutrimax vendor or an upgraded chem dispenser. In addition: 1u ammonia + 1u ethanol heated to 374K(100C) = 2u Diethylamine. Heat the beaker, jug or bucket with an igniter, welding tool, or bonfire until you hear the reaction">'''Diethylamine'''</span>: Increases Yield by 1 for every 50 units added. This is counted '''per addition''', so adding less than 50u at a time does nothing. '''Always add in multiples of 50u'''
*<span title= "Produced by blumpkins, also available directly from hacked Nutrimax vendor or an upgraded chem dispenser. In addition: 1u nitrogen + 3u hydrogen = 3u Ammonia">'''Ammonia'''</span>: Increases yield by 1 for every 100 units added. '''needs to be added in multiples of 100u'''
*<span title="Available directly from the Nutrimax vendor or the Biogenerator>[[Vendors#Service|'''Robust Harvest''']]</span>: One of the 3 main fertilizers you get access to and the only one you should use once you have a steady supply of <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Mutagen</span>. It increases yield by 30% and prevents random mutation from ruining your plants' stats. Doesn't increase the stat itself, just the harvested amount.
''Hover over each of the chemicals for a how to obtain them. for further details: [[Guide to Chemistry]]''
=== Perennial Growth ===
The most important trait, and the first one you should extract to a disk in the [[#DNA Extractor|DNA Extractor]]. This is what makes your plant not disappear as you harvest it.
=== What Plants to Grow? ===
First and foremost, Ambrosia Gaia. It produces a chemical called Earthblood that makes your trays self sustain. 4 Branches at 100 potency will turn a tray or soil plot into a self sustaining one, at lower potency you may need more. Science also need a branch for research.
Then come the plants for science:
*<span title="Mutate Ambrosia Vulgaris into Ambrosia Deus, then Mutate Ambrosia Deus into Ambrosia Gaia">'''Ambrosia Gaia'''</span>: The first plant you should always get
*<span title="Available in hacked seed vendor">'''GlowShrooms'''</span>: Also produce radium, an ingredient of <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>.
*<span title = "Mutate GlowShrooms">'''Glow Caps'''</span>: Have the "Electrical Activity" trait which can be added to potatoes so that they can be made into much stronger batteries.
*<span title="Mutate Nettles, that are available from a hacked seed vendor">'''Death Nettle'''</span>: These make sulfuric acid and fluorosulfuric acid, which are mostly useful for nefarious purposes.
''Hover over each plant for the means to get it.''
Science may ask you for other plants too, but for the most part these should be more than enough.
As for the other plants:
*For food, make whatever the chef asks for, and preferably plant it in his garden to save tray space. Don't forget to put Gaia branches in the soil plots.
*The [[#Biogenerators|Biogenenerator]] can take just about any plant, but the higher the nutriment and plant matter content the better, so watermelons are one of the best choices.
*If you expect power issues grow some potatoes. They can be made into potato batteries by clicking them with wires, and with high potency and the electrical activity trait from glow caps are as good as any power cell science can make.
=== Recommended Checklist ===
Now that you know some basics let's run you down a basic to-do list for the beginning of the shift:
*Go to the backroom, grab a botany HUD and seed extractor from one of the closets, and the plant data disk box from each.
*Put the plant disk boxes near the [[#DNA Extractor|DNA Extractor]]
*Ask Science for a chem dispenser, and bolt it near some trays so you don't have to walk back and forth all the time. '''However, Science doesn't have to give you the chem dispenser, so keep this in mind'''.
*Ask cargo for a multitool and screwdriver and use it to [[Hacking#Major_Hackables|hack your vendors]].
*Take a jug of Robust Harvest from the Nutrimax vendor and use it once on each of 8 trays. Those trays will "remember" they have robust harvest in them once they become self sustaining. You should do this on every tray and soil plot, but preferably after you got your Gaia growing nicely.
*Plant Ambrosia Vulgaris.
*Put a jug, bucket or beaker in your chem vendor and make some <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>.
*Set your <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Mutagen</span> container to dispense 5u at a time(alt-click) and add <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Mutagen</span> to the tray until the Ambrosia Vulrgaris mutates into Ambrosia Deus, then Ambrosia Gaia. Note that Ambrosia Gaia gets easily taken over by weeds, so make sure to rake the tray often, and keep a watchful eye on it.
*If the yield is very low use <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Mutagen</span> 2u at a time(can only be done with a jug, pipette or syringe) to boost it a bit.
*Boost the Yield some more with Diethylamine from the Nutrimax vendor. Make sure you pour all the bottles into a bucket and add to the tray in multiples of 50.
*Make <span title="1u potassium + 1u nitrogen + 3u oxygen = 1u Saltpetre">Saltpetre</span> and use it on the Ambrosia Gaia until you get to 100 potency, and at most 5 production speed.
*Extract the Perennial Growth trait from some seeds that have it(e.g:apple seeds)
*When the Gaia finishes growing use one branch on the [[#seed extractor|seed extractor]], to get seeds, then insert the Perennial Growth trait to it in the [[#DNA Extractor|DNA Extractor]].
*Put whatever branches you have left into trays and save one for science
*Plant 2 Glowshrooms and 1 Nettle and mutate the Nettel into Death Nettle and one of the Glowshrooms by spamming Mutagen 5u at a time. Glowshrooms can mutate into shadow shrooms instead of glowcaps, so you may have to wait until your Glowshrooms finish growing so you can make some seeds.
*Get 2 of each shroom, 1 Death Nettle, and 1 Gaia branch to science. And make sure to keep one of each to make seeds from. Also make 3 leather in the Biogenerator if you have the biomass for it and make botanists gloves so sci don't sting themselves on the Death Nettle.
Would you look at that, you just made yourself useful! Good job!
As an aside, you can do a lot of these steps in paralel, but with how easy it is to lose your gaia to weeds it's better to keep it slow at first, at least until you have some backup gaia seeds.
=== Not Relying On Science ===
So you didn't get your chem dispenser, are you screwed? Well, not really, you can do hydroponics in other ways! To start with you still need your vendors hacked. Then go to the chemists with a bucket and ask them to fill it with <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>. Use this bucket to mutate Pumpkins into Blumpkins and also grow some Glowshrooms. Now extract the radium gene from the Glowshroom seeds onto a disk, and insert it into a pack of Blumpkin seeds using the [[#DNA Extractor|DNA Extractor]]. Remove all other chemicals from it and you should be left with a plant that produces pure <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Mutagen</span>. You can now use the grinder in the back room to grind those plants into <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Mutagen</span> that you can use on your plants and continue from there.
For <span title="1u potassium + 1u nitrogen + 3u oxygen = 1u Saltpetre">Saltpetre</span> you will need [[#Beekeeping|bees]], which you can also use for <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Mutagen</span>, or <span title= "1u ammonia + 1u ethanol heated to 374K(100C) = 2u Diethylamine">'''Diethylamine'''</span>. But even without the <span title="1u potassium + 1u nitrogen + 3u oxygen = 1u Saltpetre">Saltpetre</span> you can still manage by recording plant stats onto disks. Not optimal, especially not without upgrades for your machines, but sometimes you have to make do.
Now, if worst comes to worst and you can't get any <span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Mutagen</span> to start with you can use Left4Zed to make your plants mutate each time they are harvested. This process is slow, but once you get your Blumpkins things start going a lot faster. 
Without a chem dispenser you won't be getting <span title= "1u ammonia + 1u ethanol heated to 374K(100C) = 2u Diethylamine">'''Diethylamine'''</span>, but you can still make <span title= "Produced by blumpkins, also available directly from hacked Nutrimax vendor or an upgraded chem dispenser. In addition: 1u nitrogen + 3u hydrogen = 3u Ammonia">'''Ammonia'''</span>. You should already have blumpkins for mutagen production, so take a blumpkin seed, remove the other chems from it, grow it, and grind it in the all-in-one grinder to make Ammonia. This is a reliable process, but a slow one, especially with an unupgraded grinder. Don't forget that you need to transfer the Ammonia to the tray '''in multiples of 100u''' so the smallest container you can use a large beaker, jugs won't work. 
Another thing that might happen is you have a chem dispenser but no upgrades, in which case it won't dispense <span title= "1u ammonia + 1u ethanol heated to 374K(100C) = 2u Diethylamine">'''Diethylamine'''</span>. It still does make the basic chems needed to make it: 1u Nitrogen + 3u Hydrogen makes 3u Ammonia + 3u Ethanol = 6u Diethylamine, but you still need to heat them up. The easiest way is with an <span title="Purchased from the Vendomat in tool storage">'''igniter'''</span>, and a <span title="Purchased from the YouTool in tool storage">'''welding tool'''</span> can also be used, though it requires refuling. Another option is to make a <span title="Made with 5 towercap logs. Ignited with any source of fire">'''bonfire'''</span>, which can heat up as many containers as you can fit in the tile it's on, but comes with the disadvantages of burning the containers placed on it to ash if they remain on it too long, and setting you on fire if you step into it. 
<br/>In addition to all that you will want to [[#Chem Upgrade|upgrade your chem dispenser]]. Ideally you want to use a potato with 100 potency and the <span title="Extract to disk from Glowcaps">Electrical Activity<span/> trait
=== Extra Tips ===
*You can pickup, harvest or insert plants into a fridge, a [[#Biogenerators|Biogenerator]], a [[#seed extractor|seed extractor]], a grinder or a disposal bin by clicking with a held plant bag or portable seed extractor.
*You can unbolt trays to move them around, in case you want to take a grown plant somewhere else.
*<div id="Chem Upgrade">Potato batteries can be used in your chem dispenser as an upgrade or simply to replace a spent power cell. Simply <span title="Use a screwdriver to open the panel, then a crowbar to pry the chem dispenser apart">'''disassemble the chem dispenser'''</span> and <span title="insert the board into the frame first, then the rest of the components">'''reassemble it'''</span> using the new potato battery instead of the old power cell.</div>
*<span title="Use a welding tool, then a wrench">'''Disassemble one of your reception desks'''</span> and move your [[#Biogenerators|Biogenerator]] there so that you don't have to deal with people asking you to make stuff.
*Make yourself an extra fridge for experiments, and another one that is accessible to anyone, like the Biogenerator, so you can share your plants.
== Basics of Botany ==
== Basics of Botany ==
[[Hydroponics]] and the [[Botanist]]s who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the [[Chef]] can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death.
=== Your Area ===
=== Your Area ===
Hydroponics is your place of work and cultivation. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutriments and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany.
Hydroponics is divided into two rooms. The big southern section is where you'll spend most of your time growing goods. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutriments and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany.

Plants require nutriment and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant.
Plants require nutriment and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant.
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* On some maps, there's wheat on the table, this wheat has 50 potency and 1 production speed.
* On some maps, there's wheat on the table, this wheat has 50 potency and 1 production speed.
* Treecaps have naturally high endurance and resistance, as well as 50 potency.
* Treecaps have naturally high endurance and resistance, as well as 50 potency.
* The tobacco in the seed vendor has 10 yield.
* The tobacco in the seed vendor has 5 yield.
* The wheat in the seed vendor has 1 production speed.
* The wheat in the seed vendor has 1 production speed.
* At the start the DNA modifier can only store 50 potency on a disk, pester science to upgrade it as soon as you can so you can use 95 potency on a disk.
* At the start the DNA modifier can only store 50 potency on a disk, pester science to upgrade it as soon as you can so you can use 95 potency on a disk.
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* Weeds don't suffer from high weed level.
* Weeds don't suffer from high weed level.
* Mushrooms and weeds can't be overtaken by weeds in a tray.
* Mushrooms and weeds can't be overtaken by weeds in a tray.
* Mushrooms' yield can't drop to 0. It will always be at least 1.
* Mushrooms' yield can't drop to 0. It will always be at least 1
In addition to those types, some individual plants have their own unique features that aren't bound to a trait:
* You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light.
* You can carve a corn cob (eaten ear of corn) with a hatchet to make a corn cob pipe.
* Wheat can be used to feed chickens in the Hydroponics near the kitchen (just give them wheat directly) for them to lay eggs.
* You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things.
* Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. Works nicely with Strong Bioluminescense.
* Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch.
* Novaflowers ignite people you hit them with and deal burn damage depending on potency.
* Death-Nettles will sting when picked up without protective gloves, stunning and dealing burn damage. They will also deal burn damage on hit, which gets lower with each hit.
* Comfrey and Aloe can be crushed to make healing poultices that apply the plant's reagents to the skin.
* Combustible lemons can be armed and thrown like grenades and create a fiery explosion after a 5 second delay, be responsible with them.
* Killer Tomatos will wake up and start attacking anything in sight after being used in hand. If the liquid contents trait wasn't removed they will squish when you throw them and will not wake up, so you would need to drop them instead.
* Grass and Carpet Grass can be used in hand to make Grass or Carpet tiles.
* Replica pod can be used to grow dead people back to life. To clone someone, follow these simple steps:
** Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe.
** Inject it into the bag of seeds.
** Plant the seeds.
** Let the plant grow and harvest it. The person will come back as a Diona.

Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include:
Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include:
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!{{anchor|Ambrosia gaia}}Ambrosia gaia
!{{anchor|Ambrosia gaia}}Ambrosia gaia
|6% nutriment, <span title="Heals everything a LOT, but gives a bit of brain damage">5% earthsblood</span>, <span title="Take them">5% vitamin</span>
|6% nutriment, <span title="Heals everything a LOT, but gives a bit of brain damage. Turns trays and soil plots self sustaining">5% earthsblood</span>, <span title="Take them">5% vitamin</span>
|Mutate [[#Ambrosia deus|Ambrosia deus]]
|Mutate [[#Ambrosia deus|Ambrosia deus]]
Line 436: Line 365:
|MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray
|MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray
|[[#Destroying angel|Destroying angel]]
|[[#Destroying angel|Destroying angel]]
!{{anchor|Fruiting cactus}}Fruiting cactus
|<span title="Works the same way as saline glucose solution but doesn't replenish blood">8% Vitrium Froth</span>, 4% nutriment, <span title="Take them">4% vitamin</span>
|Fire Resistance
|Lavaland Plant
Line 453: Line 388:
|<span title="No effect">10% sulfur</span>, <span title="No effect">10% carbon</span>, <span title="No effect">7% nitrogen</span>, <span title="No effect">5% potassium</span>
|<span title="No effect">10% sulphur</span>, <span title="No effect">10% carbon</span>, <span title="No effect">7% nitrogen</span>, <span title="No effect">5% potassium</span>
|Perennial Growth
|Perennial Growth
|Only available from Xenobiology
|Only available from Xenobiology
Line 483: Line 418:
|<span title="Radioactive">10% radium</span>, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment.  
|<span title="Radioactive">10% radium</span>, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment.  
|Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality
|Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality
|MegaSeed Servitor (hacked)
|MegaSeed Servitor
|[[#Glowcap|Glowcap]] [[#Shadowshroom|Shadowshroom]]
|[[#Glowcap|Glowcap]] [[#Shadowshroom|Shadowshroom]]
Line 571: Line 506:
|Weed mutation
|Weed mutation
|Special, see [[Guide to hydroponics#Kudzu|this.]]
|Special, see [[Guide to hydroponics#Kudzu|this.]]
!{{anchor|Leafy mushroom}}Leafy mushroom
|6% nutriment, <span title="Works the same way as saline glucose solution but doesn't replenish blood">8% Vitrium Froth</span>, <span title="Makes you feel relaxed">4% nicotine</span>
|Fire Resistance, Fungal Vitality
|Lavaland Plant
Line 607: Line 549:
|MegaSeed Servitor, mutate [[#Orange|Orange]]
|MegaSeed Servitor, mutate [[#Orange|Orange]]
!{{anchor|Long mushroom}}Long mushroom
|6% sugar, <span title="Gets you drunk">4% ethanol</span>, <span title="Can stabilize some reactions, preventing them from going off until some conditions are met">6% stabilizing agent</span>, 2% mint toxin
|Fire Resistance, Fungal Vitality
|Lavaland Plant
Line 648: Line 597:
|Mutate [[#Sunflower|Sunflower]]
|Mutate [[#Sunflower|Sunflower]]
!{{anchor|Numerous mushroom}}Numerous mushroom
|<span title="Makes you glow">4% Tinea Luxor</span>, <span title="Take them">2% vitamin</span>, <span title="Gets you high, also messes up your walking a little">2% space drugs</span>
|Fire Resistance, Fungal Vitality, Bioluminescence
|Lavaland Plant
Line 655: Line 611:
|Mutate [[#Wheat|Wheat]]
|Mutate [[#Wheat|Wheat]]
|20% plant-matter, <span title="Take them">2% vitamin</span>, 20% salt
|Perennial Growth
|MegaSeed Servitor
Line 792: Line 755:
!{{anchor|Space tobacco}}Space tobacco
!{{anchor|Space tobacco}}Space tobacco
|3% plant-matter, <span title="Slightly reduces stuns">8% nicotine</span>, <span title="Heals oxygen damage">5% salbutamol</span>
|3% plant-matter, <span title="Makes you feel relaxed">8% nicotine</span>, <span title="Heals oxygen damage">5% salbutamol</span>
|Mutate [[#Tobacco|Tobacco]]
|Mutate [[#Tobacco|Tobacco]]
Line 830: Line 793:
|Mutate [[#Potato|Potato]]
|Mutate [[#Potato|Potato]]
!{{anchor|Tall mushroom}}Tall mushroom
|<span title="Makes you hallucinate">4% lysergic acid diethylamide</span>, <span title="Deals random damage each Cycle">8% Entropyc Polypnium</span>, <span title="Makes you jitter, stutter and dizzy">4% Psilocybin</span>
|Fire Resistance, Fungal Vitality
|Lavaland Plant
Line 848: Line 818:
|<span title="Slightly reduces stuns">3% nicotine</span>, 3% plant-matter
|<span title="Makes you feel relaxed">3% nicotine</span>, 3% plant-matter
|MegaSeed Servitor
|MegaSeed Servitor
Line 905: Line 875:

== Chemicals ==
=== Chemicals ===

Certain chemicals can affect your plants in various ways; from healing your plants, changing its stats, or just killing it outright. Unless you can get your own [[Guide_to_Advanced_Construction|Chem Dispenser 5000]], you'll likely need to ask [[Chemist|Chemistry]] for help in obtaining some of these chemicals.
Certain chemicals can affect your plants in various ways; from healing your plants, changing its stats, or just killing it outright. Unless you can get your own [[Guide_to_Advanced_Construction|Chem Dispenser 5000]], you'll likely need to ask [[Chemist|Chemistry]] for help in obtaining some of these chemicals.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:70%">
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:70%">
Chemical Chart; '''Effects are per unit'''. Hover over the names of chemicals to find where they are obtained.
Chemical Chart; Effects are per unit. Hover over the names of chemicals to find where they are obtained.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:center" border="1" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
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== Advanced Botany ==
=== Modifying Your Plants ===
Maybe you want to grow something more impressive than the tiny potatoes your plants probably produced. Or perhaps you got unlucky and harvested only one of each. A plant's stats determine all this and more, and true botanists are unafraid to PLAY GOD and change them!
Maybe you want to grow something more impressive than the tiny potatoes your plants probably produced. Or perhaps you got unlucky and harvested only one of each. A plant's stats determine all this and more, and true botanists are unafraid to PLAY GOD and change them!

=== Stats ===
==== Stats ====
Use your '''plant analyzer''' on a growing plant. You should get something like this:
* '''Plant Age''':  5
* '''Plant Endurance''':  15
* '''Plant Lifespan''':  25
* '''Plant Yield''':  4
* '''Plant Production''':  1
* '''Plant Potency''':  5
* '''Weed level''':  2/10
* '''Pest level''':  3/10
* '''Toxicity level''':  0/100
* '''Water level''':  86/100
* '''Nutrition level''':  7/10
You can also scan the growns:
* '''Plant type''': Normal plant
* '''Potency''': 5
* '''Yield''': 4
* '''Maturation speed''': 6
* '''Production speed''': 1
* '''Endurance''': 15
* '''Nutritional value''': 1
* '''Other substances''': 0
And seeds (you can also see these stats from inside the seed extractor storage):
* '''Plant Endurance''':  15
* '''Plant Lifespan''':  25
* '''Species Discovery Value''':  0
* '''Plant Yield''':  4
* '''Plant Production''':  1
* '''Plant Potency''':  5
These names may be confusing at first. Here is what they all mean:

* '''Age''': Age of the plant. Only relevant in terms of the lifespan stat.
* '''Age''': Age of the plant, measured in cycles. Can be used to determine how a close a plant is to maturation or the next harvest. If it exceeds the plant's lifespan the plant starts taking damage each cycle
* '''Endurance''': Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often.
* '''Endurance''': Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often. Only truely relevant for Killer Tomatos
* '''Lifespan''': When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Not important at all in plants that can only be harvested once, unless they die before harvest. Barely useful for the other ones, because you can always plant it again.
* '''Lifespan''': When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Not important at all in plants that can only be harvested once, unless they die before harvest. Barely useful for the other ones, because you can always plant it again.
* '''Yield''': How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 10. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything.
* '''Yield''': How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 5. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything.
* '''Maturation Speed''': Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed).
* '''Maturation Speed''': Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed).
* '''Production Speed''': How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10—the '''lower''' the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest.  
* '''Production Speed''': How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10—the '''lower''' the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest.  
* '''Potency''': The most important stat. Between 0 and 100. Basically, this determines plant power. Mostly affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency.
* '''Potency''': The most important stat. Between 0 and 100. Basically, this determines plant power. Mostly affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency.

==== Traits ====
==== Traits ====
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Some plants have special traits, that can be tranferred through the Plant DNA Manipulator.
Some plants have special traits, that can be tranferred through the Plant DNA Manipulator.

* '''Bioluminescence''': Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 10% of potency.
*{{anchor|Bioluminescence}} '''Bioluminescence''': Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 10% of potency.
* '''Bluespace Activity''': Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin.
*{{anchor|Bluespace Activity}} '''Bluespace Activity''': Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin.
* '''Capacitive Cell Production''': Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge.
*{{anchor|Capacitive Cell Production}} '''Capacitive Cell Production''': Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge.
* '''Densified Chemicals''': Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant.
*{{anchor|Densified Chemicals}} '''Densified Chemicals''': Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant.
* '''Electrical Activity''': Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries when used; it will also electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents.
*{{anchor|Electrical Activity}} '''Electrical Activity''': Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries when used; it will also electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents.
* '''Fungal Vitality''': The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, making it not need light or water.
*{{anchor|Fungal Vitality}} '''Fungal Vitality''': The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, making it not need light or water.
* '''Gaseous Decomposition''': Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful.
*{{anchor|Gaseous Decomposition}} '''Gaseous Decomposition''': Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful.
* '''Hypodermic Prickles''': Plants with this trait will sting when thrown, transferring a portion of their chemicals to the target.
*{{anchor|Hypodermic Prickles}} '''Hypodermic Prickles''': Plants with this trait will sting when thrown, transferring a portion of their chemicals to the target.
* '''Liquid Contents''': Causes the plant to squash when thrown, applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant.
*{{anchor|Liquid Contents}} '''Liquid Contents''': Causes the plant to squash when thrown, applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant.
* '''Perennial Growth''': Plants with this trait can be harvested more than once.
*{{anchor|Perennial Growth}} '''Perennial Growth''': Plants with this trait can be harvested more than once.
* '''Shadow Emission''': Causes the plant to emit slightly purple shadows.
*{{anchor|Shadow Emission}} '''Shadow Emission''': Causes the plant to emit slightly purple shadows.
* '''Slippery Skin''': Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The stun time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum stun is 7 seconds.
*{{anchor|Slippery Skin}} '''Slippery Skin''': Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The stun time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum stun is 7 seconds.
* '''Strong Bioluminescence''': Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 20% of potency.
*{{anchor|Strong Bioluminescence}} '''Strong Bioluminescence''': Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 20% of potency.
* '''Weed Adaptation''': The plant acquires weed-like properties, making it not need nutrients and immune to weeds in the tray.
*{{anchor|Weed Adaptation}} '''Weed Adaptation''': The plant acquires weed-like properties, making it not need nutrients and immune to weeds in the tray.

=== Mutations ===
==== Mutations ====

To change the stats, you need to mutate your plant. Keep in mind that mutations are ''completely random'', but you can do a more efficient job depending on how much you're willing to cooperate with other departments.
Plants will mutate each harvest cycle. In addition, each time a [[#Unstable Mutagen|mutagen]] is added the plant will mutate.  

* Of your starting fertilizers, '''E-Z Nutriment''' makes the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. '''Left 4 Zed''' makes it mutate twice, but you'll have to replace the nutriment to actually harvest something! Finally, regular '''nutriment''' has a very small chance to mutate the plant into a different species.
* Of your starting fertilizers, '''E-Z Nutriment''' makes the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. '''Left 4 Zed''' makes it mutate twice, but you'll have to replace the nutriment to actually harvest something! Finally, regular '''nutriment''' has a very small chance to mutate the plant into a different species. This makes for slow, uncontrolled mutations, and therefore only useful until you can get your hands on [[#Unstable Mutagen|<span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>]].

* You can speed up the process by asking the [[chemist]] for some '''unstable mutagen'''. The effects of mutagen depend on how much you use. Best applied after transferring it to an empty fertiliser bottle, for greater control over amount used (Right-click > Set transfer amount). Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for...
* The faster more controllable alternative is using [[#Unstable Mutagen|<span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>]]. The effects depend on how much you use. Best applied after transferring it to an empty fertiliser bottle, for greater control over amount used (Alt-click > Set transfer amount). Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for...

** 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this
** 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this
Line 1,280: Line 1,214:
** 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, three spiderlings are spawned. Shout for help and try to explain to security why you didn't use pest spray.
** 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, three spiderlings are spawned. Shout for help and try to explain to security why you didn't use pest spray.

Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds, but you need a dropper for this.
Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a '''3% chance of a new trait appearing''', or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds. This can be done with a jug, dropper or syringe. Note that pouring 5u at a time can still make a new trait appear, but if a species mutation occurs it will be deleted.
* You can use a crude radioactive, such as [[#Radium|Radium]] or [[#Uranium|Uranium]], instead of [[#Unstable Mutagen|<span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>]], using twice as much each time as you would [[#Unstable Mutagen|<span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>]](10u for species mutation, 5u for only stat and trait mutation). However, those will quickly kill your plants and contaminate the tray, and if you can get radium, you can usually get [[#Unstable Mutagen|<span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>]]. This method is mostly useful as a way to quickly get blumpkins if you have access to [[#Glowshroom|Glowshrooms]] or [[#Glow-berry|Glowberries]] and a grinder.
* R&D can also make a thing called a [[Research_Items#Protolathe|Floral Somatoray]]. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's  useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation. This is mostly useful if you can't get a chem dispenser. That said you can produce both [[#Unstable Mutagen|<span title="1u radium + 1u plasma + 1u chlorine = 3u Unstable Mutagen">Unstable Mutagen</span>]]
==== Increasing Stats ====
=====Stat increasing Chemicals=====

* You can use '''radium''' and '''uranium''', but they cause ill effects, and if you can get radium, you can get mutagen.
Potency and Production:
*[[#Saltpetre|<span title="1u potassium + 1u nitrogen + 3u oxygen = 1u Saltpetre">'''Saltpetre'''</span>]]: Increases potency by 1 point per 2u used on the plant. Also has a chance to reduce production speed with each addition.

* R&D can also make a wonderful thing called a '''Floral Somatoray'''. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's very useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation.
*[[#Diethylamine|<span title= "Available directly from hacked Nutrimax vendor or an upgraded chem dispenser. In addition: 1u ammonia + 1u ethanol heated to 374K(100C) = 2u Diethylamine. Heat the beaker, jug or bucket with an igniter, welding tool, or bonfire until you hear the reaction">'''Diethylamine'''</span>]]: Increases Yield by 1 for every 50 units added. This is counted '''per addition''', so adding less than 50u at a time does nothing. '''Always add in multiples of 50u'''
*[[#Ammonia|<span title= "Produced by blumpkins, also available directly from hacked Nutrimax vendor or an upgraded chem dispenser. In addition: 1u nitrogen + 3u hydrogen = 3u Ammonia">'''Ammonia'''</span>]]: Increases yield by 1 for every 100 units added. '''Needs to be added in multiples of 100u'''

=== Replica Pod Cloning ===
===== Bees =====
Bees will passively increase the yield and potency of plants and they polinate them. They will also boost the amount harvested from the plants up to 10 (with Robust Harvest).

Replica pod is a very special plant. It can be used to grow dead people back to life, in the case that genetics is destroyed. To clone someone, follow these simple steps:
===== Disks =====
Any stat can be stored on a disk which can be used in the [[#DNA Extractor|DNA Extractor]] to replace the same stat on any seed.

* Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe.
== Advanced Hydroponics ==
* Inject it into the bag of seeds.
=== Plant Chemistry === 
* Plant the seeds.
* Let the plant grow and harvest it.
Plants have a normal capacity of 50u, independent of potency, which goes up to 100u with the densified chemicals trait.
<br/>The order of operations when determining which chemicals will end up in the plant, and in what amount, is:

A cloned person will become a fully grown [[diona]].
* Add the reagent from the current gene in an amount that is potency multiplied by the amount specified in the gene, bound from above by the amount of space remaining for reagents.
* Perform all reactions between reagents in the plant as they would happen in any other container.
* Look at the next gene. 

If you grow a replica pod without any blood, there's a chance that it will produce more than one seed, and this chance depends on both luck and the plant's yield. Cabbage can be mutated into a replica pod.
These two effects mean the plant will only have the reagents it has space for, with any excess being deleted.
For an example a plant with the reagent genes:

== Beekeeping ==
*35% charcoal
*20% ammonia
Will contain at 100 potency:
*35u charcoal
*15u of ammonia
And at 80 potency:
*28u of charcoal
*16u ammonia
An another example is a plant with 100 potency and the following reagent genes:
*20% corn oil
*25% sulphuric acid
*20% ammonia
It will contain:
*6u of glycerol
*2u of corn oil
*19u of sulphuric acid
*20u of ammonia
However, with the same genes in a different order: 
*20% corn oil
*20% ammonia
*25% sulphuric acid
The plant would contain:
*6u glycerol
*2u corn oil
*20u ammonia
*4u sulphuric acid
Note that the total amount of reagents is changed because now the reaction happens after the last reagent was added to the plant, rather than before.
=== Trait Interactions ===
For the most part traits are quite straight forward, but some have interactions either with each other or plants with unique features that are worth noting:
*[[#Strong Bioluminescence|Strong Bioluminescence]] makes a plant produce a green light, but it changes to white light on wearable plants or on placeble plants(eg: glowcaps, glowshrooms, shadowshrooms) once they are placed.
*If a plant has both the [[#Bluespace Activity|Bluespace Activity]] and [[#Liquid Contents|Liquid Contents]] traits and is squished in hand, or by being thrown at another creature, it will teleport before being squished, meaning any reagents will apply to the tile teleported to and any gas cloud that would be formed by [[#Gaseous Decomposition|Gaseous Decomposition]] would also be placed there.
*[[#Gaseous Decomposition|Gaseous Decomposition]] both applies reagents to the skin and makes them breathable, so they act both inside and out. In addition, the effects of the cloud all apply at the moment a mob enters it, so all reagents are applied to the skin and breathed in immediately.
== Additional Features ==
=== Beekeeping ===
So, you want to keep those little flying demons and extract their sweet honey? First you need to request a Beekeeping starting kit from your local cargo bay. The starter kit will contain the items that you will need to create a happy bee colony from scratch. We'll get through all of them later. Before we begin, keep in mind that when a starter kit is ordered from cargo you are expected to have complete responsibility for the bees in your future colony, so don't fuck up!
So, you want to keep those little flying demons and extract their sweet honey? First you need to request a Beekeeping starting kit from your local cargo bay. The starter kit will contain the items that you will need to create a happy bee colony from scratch. We'll get through all of them later. Before we begin, keep in mind that when a starter kit is ordered from cargo you are expected to have complete responsibility for the bees in your future colony, so don't fuck up!

=== Preparing Your  New Colony ===
==== Preparing Your  New Colony ====
Now that your crate has arrived it's time to get your hands dirty! Take your crate and head to the desired place where your colony will reside and open it there. Of course, as a botanist, the obvious place will be at hydroponics. Lets set up the apiary. [[File:Apiary.png]]
Now that your crate has arrived it's time to get your hands dirty! Take your crate and head to the desired place where your colony will reside and open it there. Of course, as a botanist, the obvious place will be at hydroponics. Lets set up the apiary. [[File:Apiary.png]]

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Aaand... Your first colony is ready!
Aaand... Your first colony is ready!

=== Apiary Management ===
==== Apiary Management ====
If you right-click and examine your apiary, it'll show some stats. The resource supply represents the amount of honey contained in the apiary. You need to have plants around your apiary so the bees can produce resources. While the bees fly around the plants the resource supply will rise, simple as that. When you check the apiary, it'll show the amount of resources needed to create a new honeycomb or a new bee in the moment that you checked it. A new bee costs 50 resources, while a new honeycomb costs 100 resources. [[File:Honey.png|32px]] These honeycombs can be ground up into honey, a sweet substance that has minor healing properties, and can be used to make certain foods and drinks.
If you right-click and examine your apiary, it'll show some stats. The resource supply represents the amount of honey contained in the apiary. You need to have plants around your apiary so the bees can produce resources. While the bees fly around the plants the resource supply will rise, simple as that. When you check the apiary, it'll show the amount of resources needed to create a new honeycomb or a new bee in the moment that you checked it. A new bee costs 50 resources, while a new honeycomb costs 100 resources. [[File:Honey.png|32px]] These honeycombs can be ground up into honey, a sweet substance that has minor healing properties, and can be used to make certain foods and drinks.

=== Genetic Manipulation ===
==== Genetic Manipulation ====
The queen bee can also be injected with chemicals to cause the resulting bees to have special properties. To do so, simply use a syringe with the chemical of your choice on the queen bee before putting it in the apiary. You can change the queen's chemical as many times as you want. When a bee is created from an altered queen, it'll carry the same chemical that the queen was injected with.
The queen bee can also be injected with chemicals to cause the resulting bees to have special properties. To do so, simply use a syringe with the chemical of your choice on the queen bee before putting it in the apiary. You can change the queen's chemical as many times as you want. When a bee is created from an altered queen, it'll carry the same chemical that the queen was injected with.

When a honeycomb is created by an altered bee, half of its chemical content will be the same as the chemical injected in the bee, with the other half being honey. This creates an easy method of 'farming' chemicals that may be hard to get. The last effect that the chemical will have is the bee sting. When stung, a small amount of chemical will be delivered in the sting. Although not an ideal method, this can be used to inject people with healing chemicals, or possibly harmful chemicals for those traitors looking to cause chaos.
When a honeycomb is created by an altered bee, half of its chemical content will be the same as the chemical injected in the bee, with the other half being honey. This creates an easy method of 'farming' chemicals that may be hard to get. The last effect that the chemical will have is the bee sting. When stung, a small amount of chemical will be delivered in the sting. Although not an ideal method, this can be used to inject people with healing chemicals, or possibly harmful chemicals for those traitors looking to cause chaos.

=== Keep'em Tame ===
==== Keep'em Tame ====
Better protect your apiary, a single greytide can disrupt the bees and throw them in a rampage. That said, desrupting a colony can be done by attacking the apiary or attacking the bees directly. Keep the bees in their assigned space and don't let them roam around the station, they'll 100% cause trouble if that happens. Although, with the overpopulation problem there is no way you will be able to control ALL the bees. Expect the crew to see the insects at least one time flying around outside Hydroponics. '''Equip the beekeeper suit and hat in case they get angry!'''
Better protect your apiary, a single greytide can disrupt the bees and throw them in a rampage. That said, desrupting a colony can be done by attacking the apiary or attacking the bees directly. Keep the bees in their assigned space and don't let them roam around the station, they'll 100% cause trouble if that happens. Although, with the overpopulation problem there is no way you will be able to control ALL the bees. Expect the crew to see the insects at least one time flying around outside Hydroponics. '''Equip the beekeeper suit and hat in case they get angry!'''

== Other Notes ==
=== Dealing with Kudzu ===
=== Kudzu ===

Kudzu is a special plant that can appear as a [[Random events#Level 7 Bio-hazard Outbreak - Vines|random event]] or you can grow it by adding [[Guide to Chemistry#Unstable Mutagen|Unstable Mutagen]] to a tray filled with weeds. (That might result in other weed-type plants, too.) It is a type of space vine that grows and mutates on its own.
Kudzu is a special plant that can appear as a [[Random events#Level 7 Bio-hazard Outbreak - Vines|random event]] or you can grow it by adding [[Guide to Chemistry#Unstable Mutagen|Unstable Mutagen]] to a tray filled with weeds. (That might result in other weed-type plants, too.) It is a type of space vine that grows and mutates on its own.
Line 1,375: Line 1,376:
| style="background-color: #442200;" |
| style="background-color: #442200;" |
| Wooden
| Wooden
| Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a wood sheet upon destroying it.
| Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a wood plank upon destroying it.
Line 1,429: Line 1,430:
| style="background-color: #666666;" |
| style="background-color: #666666;" |
| Thorny
| Thorny
| Makes the kudzu deal brute damage to whoever passing its tiles or dealing damage to it.
| Makes the kudzu deal brute damage to whoever passes its tiles, or is deals damage to it.
| style="background-color: #ff00ff;" |
| style="background-color: #ff00ff;" |
| Toxic
| Toxic
| Makes the kudzu deal toxic damage to whoever passing its tiles or eating it.
| Makes the kudzu deal toxic damage to whoever passes its tiles, or eats it.
Line 1,460: Line 1,461:
* Aliens do not slash vines upon attacking them but eat them.
* Aliens do not slash vines upon attacking them but eat them.

=== Decoration ===
=== Expanding Your Growing Space ===
If you pick up the grass and use it (click on it in your hand, or press z while holding it), you will prepare astroturf. Get a crowbar and remove some floor tiles, then place astroturf in their place, You can also mutate grass into carpet grass which makes carpet tiles instead.
In addition to all that you can insert the blood production trait and liquid content traits from blood tomatos onto fungus to make a plant that creates a carpet tile when thrown. Add gaseous decomposition and you got yourself a carpet bomb.

=== Sandstone and Soil ===
Whether you wish to grow plants in other places, or simply need more space, you can easily do so by construciting soil plots from either sandstone or soil clumps. Soil clumps can be made in the [[#Biogenerators|biogenenerator]] or in the [[#Compost Bin|compost bin]], while sandstone can be made by using either sand or volcanic ash in hand(same way as with grass). By using three sandstone bricks or soil clumps you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. Sandstone can also be used to make other structures.
By using either sand or volcanic ash in hand(same way as with grass) you can make a sandstone brick. Using three bricks, you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. You can also build a sandstone door with 10 bricks.
<br/>Additionally, science can [[Guide to Advanced Construction#Hydroponics Tray|build]] hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray.

Science can [[Guide to Advanced Construction#Hydroponics Tray|build]] hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray.
=== Wooden Products ===
Wood and wood-based accessories can be made with the Towercap mushroom. Use the hatchet (or other sharp object) on Towercap logs to chop some planks. These have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on.  

Ambrosia Gaia leaves can be added to soil plots to make them self sustaining, the same way you can make hydroponics trays self sustaining.
*{{anchor|Drying Rack}}[[File:Dryingrack.png]]A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. You can dry ''any'' plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them.

=== Wood and Drying Racks ===
*{{anchor|Fermenting Barrel}}[[File:Barrel.png]]You can use planks to also build fermenting barrels. Shove some plants in and they become fermented alcohols with their various reagents over time.
First you need to get some tower-caps, grow them and harvest them. You can then use hatchet (and some other things, but it's not important) on the logs to chop some planks. They have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on. A unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done.

Note: you can dry ''any'' plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them.
*{{anchor|Compost Bin}}[[File:Compost Bin.png]]Using 10 planks you can make a compost bin. It converts plants to biomass at the same rate as an unupgraded [[#Biogenerators|biogenenerator]] and converts 20% of the stored biomass into compost every 10 seconds(minimum 10 converted). Soil clumps can be made from the compost at the cost of 25 compost per clump.  
=== Helping other departments ===
Apart from cooking, plants are also useful for Research & Development, selling rare plants at Cargo, providing Medical department and chemists with ready-to-use reagents (especially omnizine). Also, sometimes plants are needed for the DNA Vault station goal, in which case many different plants should be grown to be scanned.
Scientists at R&D can use plants in the Destructive Analyzer to get tech levels. Notable plants that help in that are:
* Tomato (biotech=5)
* Bluespace Tomato (bluespace=5)
* Killer-Tomato (combat=5)
* Bluespace Banana (bluespace=5)
* Glowcap (powerstorage=6, plasmatech=4)
* Glowshroom (plasmatech=6)
* Shadowshroom (plasmatech=4, magnets=4)
* Walking Mushrooms (programming=5)
* Glow-Berry Bush (plasmatech=6)
* Gatfruit Tree (combat=6)
* Death Nettle (combat=5)
* Ghost Chili (magnets=5)
* Golden Apple (materials=5)
* Ambrosia Gaia (biotech=6, materials=5)
Cargo Bay department can sell a number of rare plants for supply points. Most of the mutated species of plants are considered rare. Plant analyzer tells you if a plant is rare and it rarity score
when used on a growing plant or its product (if the plant is not rare, there is no corresponding line). Only one sample of a plant is needed to gain point, more is unnecessary. Points are awarded for two
different things: discovering a rare plant and getting better potency for the rare plant. The more potency obtained, the better reward. This means that to sell plant samples for the most price, you should
first ship the new plant with the poorest potency possible (first shipment does not reward for potency). Then you should sell the same plant but with as much potency as you can get since the
subsequent shipment rewards scale based on the difference between the biggest potency shipped before.
=== Unique things to do with plants ===
* Add some cable to a plant with Capacitive Cell Production to make a plant battery, add the electrical activity gene for an even better battery.
* Glowberries and glowshrooms, as the name suggests, glow.
* You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light.
* You can carve a corn cob (eaten ear of corn) with a hatchet to make a corn cob pipe.
* Wheat can be used to feed chickens in the Hydroponics near the kitchen (just give them wheat directly) for them to lay eggs.
* You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things.
* Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head.
* Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch.
* Dried ambrosia, tobacco or any mutations of those are able to be smoked from wrapping paper, found in smoking vending machines.
* Make different wines by fermenting plants in a barrel.
* Novaflowers ignite people you hit them with and deal burn damage depending on potency.
* Ambrosia Gaia will make trays self sustaining, removing the need for water or nutriment.
* Comfrey and Aloe can be crushed to make healing poultices for brute and burn damage respectively.
* Combustible lemons are basically grown IEDs, be responsible with them.


Revision as of 11:48, 19 February 2024

Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without Botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death. Hydroponic plants are also useful for RnD, Cargo, and the crew aside from food. Grinding plants to create biomass can be very useful for someone needing a snappy toolbelt or boots.

Service Department

Basics of Botany

Your Area

Hydroponics is your place of work and cultivation. Trays are available where you grow plants and two vending machines, one with seeds and the other with miscellaneous items such as nutriments and tools for your job. The bio-generator can be used to grind plants and produce things for the station. In tandem is the seed dispenser used to reproduce your product. The northern area is where you can grab most of the equipment needed to work in botany.

Plants require nutriment and water to grow. They are also bothered by pests and weeds. Trays come equipped with alerts that flash specific colors to tell you what's happening with your plant.

From left to right -

  • Green: Ready to harvest.
  • Red: Low health.
  • Red: Weeds/pests/toxins.
  • Yellow: Low nutriment.
  • Blue: Low water.

Tools that are of use in botany -

  • Wrench: Used to move your trays around.
  • Wirecutters: Used to set up the irrigation system. If 30u or more of water is put into trays while the irrigation is set up, water will be shared across trays. This will also distribute things like mutagen and plant killer.
  • Hatchet: Chops tower-caps into planks, chops other things. This is also a very robust tool that can be hidden in backpacks.
  • Spade: Used to remove unwanted or dead plants from your trays.
  • Cultivator: Kills Weeds.
  • Plant Bag: Collects up to 50 items or 100 seeds from your harvest.
  • Portable Seed Extractor: Found in the lockers of the back room, this can harvest and pick up plants and turn up to 100 plants into seeds. Can be alt-clicked to turn the contained plants into seed.

Seed Extractor Plants 101

Take some seeds from the vendor and put them into the trays. Make sure to keep them weeded with a cultivator and watered. Some plants have a varied growth times, such as wheat growing faster while watermelons or apple trees take a little longer before you can harvest from them. Sometimes these and other stats of a plant are affected if you ignore them after the light warns you of their status. You have a choice of 5 nutriments, depending on if you hacked your machine or not. Once your tray flashes green, you're set to harvest. If you want to replicate the plant to continue growing more, just insert it into the seed extractor.

Bio-generator Biogenerators

The bio-generator makes items out of the nutriment in plants, such as watermelons and pumpkins which have a 20% nutriment boost trait. To get biomass, grab a spare bucket and equip the machine with it then put your growns inside. Open its interface and process the plants. If you somehow run out of nutriment in the vendors, remember you can print the three standard nutriments here. You can recycle any plant, though if they don't have nutriment like bananas, the efficiency is very low.

Plant DNA manipulator.gifDNA Extractor

This allows you to extract genes and stats from seeds. This is a very useful machine for mass producing plants, easily saving lots of time.

How to use: 1. Go to the locker in the back and take out the box of plant data disks. 2. Load a disk into the machine along with any seed of choice. 3. Extract seeds to the disk (seed will be destroyed) or extract a gene. 4. Put in another seed. 5. You can now modify the seed's stats and genes based on what's in the plant data disk.

Useful seeds for maxing production:

  • On some maps, there's wheat on the table, this wheat has 50 potency and 1 production speed.
  • Treecaps have naturally high endurance and resistance, as well as 50 potency.
  • The tobacco in the seed vendor has 5 yield.
  • The wheat in the seed vendor has 1 production speed.
  • At the start the DNA modifier can only store 50 potency on a disk, pester science to upgrade it as soon as you can so you can use 95 potency on a disk.

Don't forget that you can rename seed packs with a pen to keep track of your modified seeds!

Bananatree.png Plants

There are three types of plants. The biggest category is "normal plants". The much smaller ones are mushrooms and weeds. They are a little different from the normal plants:

  • Mushrooms need less light, and suffer less from lack of it.
  • Mushrooms don't need water to grow. They still use it, though.
  • Weeds don't suffer from high weed level.
  • Mushrooms and weeds can't be overtaken by weeds in a tray.
  • Mushrooms' yield can't drop to 0. It will always be at least 1.

In addition to those types, some individual plants have their own unique features that aren't bound to a trait:

  • You can carve a pumpkin with a hatchet. Carved pumpkins can be worn and you can toggle them to emit a weak light.
  • You can carve a corn cob (eaten ear of corn) with a hatchet to make a corn cob pipe.
  • Wheat can be used to feed chickens in the Hydroponics near the kitchen (just give them wheat directly) for them to lay eggs.
  • You can carve a carrot with a hatchet to make a shiv. It's not very strong but it's good at slicing things.
  • Flowers and ambrosia can be worn on your head. Works nicely with Strong Bioluminescense.
  • Add dried ambrosia, wheat, tea aspera tips or tobacco leaves to a tower cap log to make a torch.
  • Novaflowers ignite people you hit them with and deal burn damage depending on potency.
  • Death-Nettles will sting when picked up without protective gloves, stunning and dealing burn damage. They will also deal burn damage on hit, which gets lower with each hit.
  • Comfrey and Aloe can be crushed to make healing poultices that apply the plant's reagents to the skin.
  • Combustible lemons can be armed and thrown like grenades and create a fiery explosion after a 5 second delay, be responsible with them.
  • Killer Tomatos will wake up and start attacking anything in sight after being used in hand. If the liquid contents trait wasn't removed they will squish when you throw them and will not wake up, so you would need to drop them instead.
  • Grass and Carpet Grass can be used in hand to make Grass or Carpet tiles.
  • Replica pod can be used to grow dead people back to life. To clone someone, follow these simple steps:
    • Take a blood sample from the body using a syringe.
    • Inject it into the bag of seeds.
    • Plant the seeds.
    • Let the plant grow and harvest it. The person will come back as a Diona.

Trays, whether empty or occupied by plants, can be occasionally overtaken by a weed if their level is 5 or more. In that case the old plant is destroyed, and a new one will sprout in its place. Possible plants include:

  • 1/6 chance for Reishi.
  • 1/9 chance for Nettle.
  • 1/9 chance for Harebell.
  • 1/9 chance for Amanita.
  • 1/9 chance for Chanterelle.
  • 1/9 chance for Tower Cap.
  • 1/9 chance for Plump Helmets.
  • 1/6 chance for Starthistle.

Here's a chart for reference on what you can grow.

Plant Chart (mouse over the reagents to have a brief effect description)

Name Type Seed Potting Product Reagent Production Traits Available from Mutates into
Aloe Normal Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png Ambrosiavulgaris.png 10% silver sulfadiazine Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor
Ambrosia cruciatus Normal Ambrosia gaia seed.png Ambrosia gaia stage harvest.gif Ambrosiavulgaris.png 5% plant-matter, 15% tetrahydrocannabinol, 10% bicaridine, 15% kelotane, 20% bath salts, 5% plant-matter Perennial Growth Traitor uplink only
Ambrosia deus Normal Ambrosia deus seed.png Ambrosia deus stage harvest.gif Ambrosia deus.png 5% plant-matter, 15% diluted omnizine, 15% synaptizine, 10% space drugs, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Ambrosia vulgaris Ambrosia gaia
Ambrosia gaia Normal Ambrosia gaia seed.png Ambrosia gaia stage harvest.gif Ambrosia gaia.png 6% nutriment, 5% earthsblood, 5% vitamin Mutate Ambrosia deus
Ambrosia vulgaris Normal Ambrosiavulgarisseed.png Ambrosiavulgarisplant.png Ambrosiavulgaris.png 5% plant-matter, 10% bicaridine, 10% kelotane, 15% space drugs, 10% toxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ambrosia deus
Apple Normal Appleseed.png Appletree.png Apple.png 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Pineapple Gold apple
Banana Normal Bananaseed.png Bananatree.png Banana.png 10% banana juice, 10% potassium, 4% vitamin, 2% plant-matter Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate Mimana, Bluespace banana
Berry Normal Berryseed.png BerryTree.png Berry.png 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Glow-berry, Poison-berry
Blood Tomato Normal Bloodtomatoseed.png Bloodtomatoplant.png Bloodtomato.png 10% plant-matter, 20% blood, 4% vitamin Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Killer tomato
Bluespace Banana Normal Bluespacebananaseed.png Bluespacebananaplant.png Bluespace Banana.gif 20% singulo, 10% banana juice, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana
Bluespace tomato Normal Bluespacetomatoseed.png Bluespacetomatoplant.gif Bluespacetomato.gif 10% plant-matter, 20% singulo, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Blue tomato
Blue cherry Normal Bluecherryseed.png Bluecherrytree.png Bluecherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth Mutate Cherry
Blue tomato Normal Bluetomatoseed.png Bluetomatoplant.png Bluetomato.png 10% plant-matter, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Bluespace tomato
Blumpkin Normal Blumpkinseed.png Blumpkinplant.png Blumpkin.png 20% ammonia, 10% chlorine, 20% plant-matter, 10% plasma Perennial Growth mutate Pumpkin
Cabbage Normal Cabbageseed.png Cabbageplant.png Cabbage.png 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Replica pod
Cannabis Normal Cannabisseed.png Cannabisplant.png Cannabis.png 15% tetrahydrocannabinol Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Rainbow weed, Lifeweed,
Carpet Normal Carpetseed.png Growncarpet.png Carpet.png 2% plant-matter, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth Mutate Grass
Carrot Normal Carrotseed.png Carrotplant.png Carrot.png 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin, 25% oculine MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Parsnip
Chanterelle Mushroom Chanterelleseed.png Chanterelleplant.png Chanterelle.png 10% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray
Cherry Normal Cherryseed.png Cherrytree.png Cherry.png 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blue cherry
Cherry Bomb Normal Cherrybombseed.png Cherrybombtree.png Cherrybomb.png 10% plant-matter, 10% sugar, 70% blackpowder Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology
Chili Normal Chiliseed.png ChiliTree.png Chili.png 4% plant-matter, 25% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ghost chili, Chilly Pepper
Cocoa Normal Cocoapodseed.png Cocoapodtree.png Cocoapod.png 10% plant-matter, 25% cocoa powder Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Vanilla
Comfrey Normal Cabbageseed.png Cabbageplant.png Tea astra leaves.png 10% styptic powder Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor
Coffee arabica Normal Coffeearabicaseed.png CoffeearabicaTree.png Coffeearabica.png 10% coffee grounds, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Coffee robusta
Coffee robusta Normal Coffeerobustaseed.png CoffeerobustaTree.png Coffeerobusta.png 10% coffee grounds, 4% vitamin, 10% ephedrine Perennial Growth Mutate Coffee arabica
Combustible Lemon Normal Firelemonseed.png Firelemontree.png Firelemon.png 5% plant-matter Perennial Growth Mutate Lemon
Corn Normal Cornseed.png CornPlant.png Corn.png 10% plant-matter, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Snapcorn
Durathread Normal Durathreadseed.png Durathreadplant.png Durathread.png Mutate Cotton
Death berry Normal Deathberryseed.png Deathberrytree.png Deathberrypile.png 10% plant-matter, 8% coniine,10% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Poison-berry
Death nettle Weed Deathnettleseed.png Deathnettleplant.png Deathnettle.png 25% fluorosulphuric acid, 25% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation, Hypodermic Prickles Mutate Nettle, weed mutation
Deathweed Normal Deathweedseed.png Deathweedplant.png Deathweed.png 35% cyanide, 15% tetrahydrocannabinol Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis
Destroying angel Mushroom Angleseeds.png Angleplant.png Angle.png 4% nutriment, 4% Psilocybin, 20% amanitin Fungal Vitality Mutate Fly amanita
Cotton Normal Cottonseed.png CottonPlant.png Cotton.png MegaSeed Servitor
Eggplant Normal Eggplantseed.png Eggplantplant.png Eggplant.png 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Egg-plant
Egg-plant Normal Eggyseed.png Eggyplant.png Egg.png 10% nutriment Perennial Growth Mutate Eggplant, Exotic Seeds Crate
Fly amanita Mushroom Amanitaseeds.png Amanitaplant.png Amanita.png 35% amanitin, 4% Psilocybin, 10% growth serum, 4% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Destroying angel
Fruiting cactus Normal Cactusseeds.png Cactus.png CactusFruit.png 8% Vitrium Froth, 4% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fire Resistance Lavaland Plant
Fungus Mushroom Towercapseed.png Moldplant.png Mold.png 35% space fungus Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray
Garlic Normal Garlicseed.png Garlicplant.png Garlic.png 15% garlic juice, 10% plant matter MegaSeed Servitor
Gatfruit Normal Gatfruitseed.png Gatfruittree.png Gatfruit.png 10% sulphur, 10% carbon, 7% nitrogen, 5% potassium Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology
Geranium Normal Geraniumseed.png Geraniumplant.png Geranium.png 5% plant-matter, 20% bicaridine Mutate Poppy
Glow-berry Normal Glowberryseed.png Glowberrytree.png Glowberrypile.png 10% plant-matter, 25% uranium, 20% iodine, 4% vitamin. Strong Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth Mutate Berry
Ghost chili Normal Chillighostseed.png Chillighosttree.png Chillyghost.png 4% plant-matter, 55% capsaicin, 30% condensed capsaicin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili
Glowshroom Mushroom Glowshroommycelium.png Glowshroomplant.png Glowshroom.png 10% radium, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment. Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor Glowcap Shadowshroom
Shadowshroom Mushroom Mycelium-shadowshroom.png Shadowshroomplant.png Shadowshroom.png 20% radium, 4% nutriment. Shadow Emission, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom

Glowcap Mushroom Glowcapseed.png Glowcapplant.gif Glowcap.png 10% teslium. Restores up to 100% battery charge. Electrical Activity, Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom
Gold apple Normal Goldappleseed.png Goldappletree.gif File:Goldapple.gif 10% plant-matter, 20% gold, 4% vitamin Mutate Apple
Grapes Normal Grapesseed.png Grapeplant.png Grapes.png 10% plant-matter, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Green grapes
Grass Normal Grassseed.png Growngrass.png Grass.png 2% plant-matter, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Carpet
Green grapes Normal Greengrapesseed.png Greengrapeplant.png Greengrapes.png 10% plant-matter, 20% kelotane, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin Mutate Grapes
Harebell Weed Harebellseed.png Harebellplant.png Harebell.png 4% plant-matter Weed Adaptation Can overtake a a tray
Holymelon Normal Holymelonseed.png Holymelonplant.png File:Holymelon.png 20% holy water, 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment Perennial Growth Mutate Watermelon
Chilly Pepper Normal Icepepperseed.png Icepepperplant.png Icepepper.png 2% plant-matter, 25% frost oil, 2% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili
Killer tomato Normal Killertomatoseed.png Killertomatoplant.png Killertomato.png 10% protein, 4% vitamin Liquid Contents Mutate Blood Tomato
Koibean Normal Koibeanseed.png Koibeanplant.png Koibeans.png 5% plant-matter, 10% carpotoxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Soybean
Kudzu Weed Kudzuseed.png Kudzuplant.png Kudzu.png 2% nutriment, 4% charcoal Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation Weed mutation Special, see this.
Leafy mushroom Normal PorciniMycelium.png Smushroom.png MushroomLeaf.png 6% nutriment, 8% Vitrium Froth, 4% nicotine Fire Resistance, Fungal Vitality Lavaland Plant
Lemon Normal Lemonseed.png Lemontree.png Lemon.png 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Combustible Lemon
Liberty-cap Mushroom Libertycapseed.png Libertycapplant.png Libertycap.png 2% nutriment, 4% Psilocybin Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, weed mutation
Lifeweed Normal Lifeweedseed.png Lifeweedplant.png Lifeweed.png 35% omnizine, 15% tetrahydrocannabinol Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Deathweed,Omega weed
Lily Normal Lilyseed.png Lilyplant.png Lily.png 5% plant-matter, 20% bicaridine Perennial Growth Mutate Poppy
Lime Normal Limeseed.png Limetree.png Lime.png 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Orange Orange
Long mushroom Normal PolyporeMycelium.png Lmushroom.png MushroomShavings.png 6% sugar, 4% ethanol, 6% stabilizing agent, 2% mint toxin Fire Resistance, Fungal Vitality Lavaland Plant
Meatwheat Normal Meatwheatseeds.png Meatwheatplant.png Meatwheat.png 4% protein Mutate Wheat
Mimana Normal Mimanaseed.png Mimanatree.png Mimana.png 10% nothing, 10% capulettium plus, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana Mimana, Bluespace banana
Mint Normal Mintseed.png Mintplant.png Mintleaves.png 3% mint, 3% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor
Moonflower Normal Moonflowerseed.png Moonflower.png Moonflower.png 2% plant-matter, 2% vitamin, 20% moonshine Mutate Sunflower
Nettle Weed Nettleseed.png Nettleplant.png Nettle.png 15% wasabi Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Death nettle
Novaflower Normal Novaflowerseed.png Novaflower.png Novaflower.png 25% condensed capsaicin, 30% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Mutate Sunflower
Numerous mushroom Normal EmberMycelium.png Nmushrooms.png MushroomStem.png 4% Tinea Luxor, 2% vitamin, 2% space drugs Fire Resistance, Fungal Vitality, Bioluminescence Lavaland Plant
Oat Normal Oatseed.png Oatplant.png Oat.png 4% plant-matter Mutate Wheat
Olive Normal OliveSeed.png OliveTree.png Olive.png 20% plant-matter, 2% vitamin, 20% salt Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor
Omega weed Normal Omegaweedseed.png Omegaweedplant.gif Omegaweed.gif 5% space drugs, 5% lysergic acid diethylamide, 5% mercury, 5% lithium, 5% haloperidol, 5% methamphetamine, 5% Suicider, 5% hairgrowinium, 5% bath salts, 5% itching powder, 5% crank, 5% krokodil, 5% histamine, 5% psilocybin, 5% ectoplasm Perennial Growth Lifeweed,Rainbow Weed
Onion Normal Onionseed.png Onionplant.png Onion.png 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor
Orange Normal Orangeseed.png Orangetree.png Orange.png 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Lime Lime
Parsnip Normal Parsnipseed.png Parsnipplant.png Parsnip.png 5% vitamin, 5% plant-matter Mutate Carrot
Peanuts Normal Peanutseed.png Peanutplant.png Peanut.png 10% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor
Pineapple Normal Pineappleseed.png Pineappleplant.png Pineapple.png 20% plant-matter, 2% vitamin, 4% water Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Apple
Plump helmet Mushroom Plumphelmetseed.png Plumphelmetplant.png Plumphelmet.png 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Walking mushroom
Poison-berry Normal Poisonberryseed.png Poisonberrytree.png Poisonberries.png 10% plant-matter, 15% cyanide, 20% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Death berry
Poppy Normal Poppyseed.png Poppyplant.png Poppy.png 5% plant-matter, 20% bicaridine MegaSeed Servitor Geranium, Lily
Potato Normal Potatoseed.png Potatoplant.png Potato.png 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Sweet Potato
Pumpkin Normal Pumpkinseed.png Pumpkinplant.png Pumpkin.png 20% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blumpkin
Rainbow weed Normal Rainbowweedseed.png Rainbowweedplant.gif Rainbowweed.gif 15% lysergic acid diethylamide, 15% tetrahydrocannabinol, 15% happiness Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Omega weed,Deathweed,
Redbeet Normal Redbeetseed.png Redbeetplant.png Redbeet.png 5% plant-matter, 5% vitamin Densified Chemicals Mutate Whitebeet
Red Onion Normal Redonionseed.png RedOnionplant.png RedOnion.png 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin, 5% onion juice Mutate Onion
Rice Normal Riceseed.png Riceplant.png Ricestalk.png 4% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor
Reishi Mushroom Reishiseeds.png Reishiplant.png Reishi.png 35% charcoal, 35% morphine, 4% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray
Replica pod Normal Replicapodseed.png Replicapodplant.png MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Cabbage
Snapcorn Normal Snapcornseed.png SnapcornPlant.png Snapcorn.png 10% plant-matter, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin Mutate Corn
Soybean Normal Soybeanseeds.png Soybeansplant.png Soybeans.png 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Koibean
Space tobacco Normal Spacetobaccoseed.png SpacetobaccoTree.png Spacetobacco.png 3% plant-matter, 8% nicotine, 5% salbutamol Mutate Tobacco
Starthistle Weed Starthistleseed.png Starthistleplant.png Starthistleseed.png Weed Adaptation Can overtake a tray
Steelcap Mushroom Towercapseed.png Steelcapplant.png Steelcap.png Fungal Vitality Mutate Towercap
Sugarcane Normal Sugarcaneseed.png Sugarcaneplant.png Sugarcane.png 25% sugar Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate
Sunflower Normal Sunflowerseed.png Sunflowerplant.png Sunflower.png 8% corn oil, 4% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Moonflower, Novaflower
Sweet Potato Normal Sweetpotatoseed.png Sweetpotatoplant.png Sweetpotato.png 10% plant-matter, 10% sugar, 10% vitamin Mutate Potato
Tall mushroom Normal InocybeMycelium.png Rmushrooms.png MushroomCap.png 4% lysergic acid diethylamide, 8% Entropyc Polypnium, 4% Psilocybin Fire Resistance, Fungal Vitality Lavaland Plant
Tea aspera Normal Teaasperaseed.png TeaasperaTree.png Teaaspera.png 10% ground tea leaves, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Tea astra
Tea astra Normal Teaastraseed.png TeaastraTree.png Teaastra.png 10% ground tea leaves, 10% synaptizine, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Tea aspera
Tobacco Normal Tobaccoseed.png TobaccoTree.png Tobacco.png 3% nicotine, 3% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor Space tobacco
Tomato Normal Tomatoseeds.png Tomatoplant.png Tomato.png 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Liquid Content, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Blood Tomato, Blue Tomato
Towercap Mushroom Towercapseed.png Towercapplant.png Towercap.png Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, can overtake a tray Steelcap
Vanilla Normal Vanillaseed.png Vanillaplant.png Vanilla.png 25% vanilla, 10% plant-matter Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa
Walking mushroom Mushroom Walkingmushroomseed.png Walkingmushroomplant.png Walkingmushroom.png 15% nutriment, 5% vitamin Fungal Vitality Mutate Plump helmet
Watermelon Normal Watermelonseed.png Watermelonplant.png Watermelon.png 20% plant-matter, 20% water, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Holymelon
Wheat Normal Seedwheat.png Wheatplant.png Wheat.png 4% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Oat, Meatwheat
Whitebeet Normal Whitebeetseed.png Whitebeetplant.png Whitebeet.png 5% plant-matter, 20% sugar, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor Redbeet


Certain chemicals can affect your plants in various ways; from healing your plants, changing its stats, or just killing it outright. Unless you can get your own Chem Dispenser 5000, you'll likely need to ask Chemistry for help in obtaining some of these chemicals.

Chemical Chart; Effects are per unit. Hover over the names of chemicals to find where they are obtained.

Name Purpose Nutrients Water Health Toxin Bonus Effects
E-Z Nutriment Fertilizer 1 0 0 0 Causes small, but random stat mutations in plants after harvesting.
Left 4 Zed Stats 1 0 0 0 Causes multiple stat mutations on harvest, but plants bear no fruit. Can mutate species.
Robust Harvest Fertilizer 1 0 0 0 Won't mutate plants. Increases yield by 30%.
Unstable Mutagen Mutations/Stats 0 0 0 0 Mutates plants based on amount used.
Uranium Mutations/Stats 0 0 -1 2 Chance to Mutate Plants with 10 units.
Radium Mutations/Stats 0 0 -1 3 Chance to Mutate Plants with 10 units.
Ammonia Fertilizer 1 0 0.5 0 Increases Yield by 1 for every 100 units added. This is counted per addition, so adding less than 100u at a time does nothing. Always add in multiples of 100.
Diethylamine Stats/Fertilizer 2 0 1 0 Kills Pests. Increases Yield by 1 for every 50 units added. This is counted per addition, so adding less than 50u at a time does nothing. Always add in multiples of 50
Saltpetre Stats 0 0 0.25 0 Adds 1 Potency per 2 units. Using 100 units speeds up Production time.
Atrazine Weed Killer 0 0 0 0.5 Kills Weeds. Commonly known as Weed Killer.
Pest Killer Pest Killer 0 0 0 0.5 Kills Pests.
Water Water 0 1 0 0
Holy Water Water 0 1 0.1 0
Soda Water Water 0.1 1 0.1 0
Fish Water Water/Fertilizer 0.75 1 0 0
Milk Water 0.1 0.9 0 0
Beer Water 0.25 0.7 -0.05 0
Nutriment Fertilizer 1 0 0.5 0
Plant-matter Fertilizer 1 0 0.5 0
Ash Fertilizer 0.5 0 0.25 0 Kills Weeds
Charcoal Healing 0 0 0 -2
Cryoxadone Healing 0 0 3 -3
Sugar Plant Killer 0.1 0 0 0 Creates weeds and pests.
Blood Fertilizer 1 0 0 0 Creates pests.
Virus Food Fertilizer 0.5 0 -0.5 0
Phosphorus Plant Killer 0.1 -0.5 -0.75 0 Kills weeds (along with your plant).
Toxin Plant Killer 0 0 0 2
Sulphuric Acid Plant Killer 0 0 -1 1.5 Kills Weeds (along with your plant).
Chlorine Plant Killer 0 -0.5 -1 1.5 Kills weeds (along with your plant).
Fluorine Plant Killer 0 -0.5 -2 2.5 Kills weeds (along with your plant).
Fluorosulphuric Acid Plant Killer 0 0 -2 3 Kills Weeds (along with your plant).
Glyphosate Plant Killer 0 0 -5 6 Efficient against Kudzu.
Napalm Plant Killer 0 0 -6 7 Kills Weeds (along with your plant).
Lazarus Reagent Evil 0 0 0 0 Creates hostile plant-life.

Modifying Your Plants

Maybe you want to grow something more impressive than the tiny potatoes your plants probably produced. Or perhaps you got unlucky and harvested only one of each. A plant's stats determine all this and more, and true botanists are unafraid to PLAY GOD and change them!


  • Age: Age of the plant, measured in cycles. Can be used to determine how a close a plant is to maturation or the next harvest. If it exceeds the plant's lifespan the plant starts taking damage each cycle
  • Endurance: Max health. Between 10 and 100. Not very useful, unless you leave your garden often. Only truely relevant for Killer Tomatos
  • Lifespan: When the age is above lifespan, the plant starts losing health. Between 10 and 100. Not important at all in plants that can only be harvested once, unless they die before harvest. Barely useful for the other ones, because you can always plant it again.
  • Yield: How much product you get each harvest. Between 0 and 5. Pay attention to this, because if it drops to 0, you won't harvest anything.
  • Maturation Speed: Age cycles before the plant can start production. The first harvest will be (Maturation Speed + Production Speed).
  • Production Speed: How fast your plant reaches harvest. Between 1 and 10—the lower the faster. The plant has to wait (Production Speed) age cycles before each harvest.
  • Potency: The most important stat. Between 0 and 100. Basically, this determines plant power. Mostly affects the amount of chemicals in the plant, though some have additional effects, such as stun length for bananas. To get the amount of a given chemical in a plant, multiply the reagent in the chart by the potency: for example, 10% nutriment will be 5 nutriment at 50 potency.


Some plants have special traits, that can be tranferred through the Plant DNA Manipulator.

  • Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 10% of potency.
  • Bluespace Activity: Gives the plant bluespace properties, making it teleport people hit if the plant has Liquid Contents, and on slip if it has Slippery Skin.
  • Capacitive Cell Production: Plants with this trait can be made into batteries with the addition of wire. Electrical Activity increases the cell's maximum charge.
  • Densified Chemicals: Doubles the reagent capacity of the plant.
  • Electrical Activity: Gives the plant electrical charge, making it recharge batteries when used; it will also electrocute on slip if it also has Slippery Skin and on hit if it has Liquid Contents.
  • Fungal Vitality: The plant acquires mushroom-like properties, making it not need light or water.
  • Gaseous Decomposition: Plants with this trait emit a smoke cloud when squashed, spewing reagents everywhere. Requires Liquid Contents to be useful.
  • Hypodermic Prickles: Plants with this trait will sting when thrown, transferring a portion of their chemicals to the target.
  • Liquid Contents: Causes the plant to squash when thrown, applying the reagents inside on the target and destroying the plant.
  • Perennial Growth: Plants with this trait can be harvested more than once.
  • Shadow Emission: Causes the plant to emit slightly purple shadows.
  • Slippery Skin: Causes the plant, or any products of the plant, to become slippery. The stun time is (Potency * 0.08), divided by 3 unless the plant has lube or is a banana. Maximum stun is 7 seconds.
  • Strong Bioluminescence: Causes the plant to glow, emitting light equal to 20% of potency.
  • Weed Adaptation: The plant acquires weed-like properties, making it not need nutrients and immune to weeds in the tray.


Plants will mutate each harvest cycle. In addition, each time a mutagen is added the plant will mutate.

  • Of your starting fertilizers, E-Z Nutriment makes the plant mutate once every time it's ready to harvest. Left 4 Zed makes it mutate twice, but you'll have to replace the nutriment to actually harvest something! Finally, regular nutriment has a very small chance to mutate the plant into a different species. This makes for slow, uncontrolled mutations, and therefore only useful until you can get your hands on Unstable Mutagen.
  • The faster more controllable alternative is using Unstable Mutagen. The effects depend on how much you use. Best applied after transferring it to an empty fertiliser bottle, for greater control over amount used (Alt-click > Set transfer amount). Pour 5 units on your plant and prepare for...
    • 10% chance of the plant losing lots of health instantly. The plant can die because of this
    • 10% chance of mutation into a related species. This destroys the old plant and plants a new one. See the plants table for the information on these mutations.
    • 15% chance of heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing.
    • 15% chance of normal stat mutation.
    • 20% chance of nothing. You get a message when this happens.
    • 10% chance of weeds mutating. If weed level is less than 5, nothing happens, otherwise you get a random mutated weed.
    • 10% chance of pests mutating. Again, if pest level is less than 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, three spiderlings are spawned. Shout for help and try to explain to security why you didn't use pest spray.

Or, if you don't want to bother with species mutation, pour 2 units for a guaranteed heavy stat mutation with a 3% chance of a new trait appearing, or even 1 for a guaranteed normal stat mutation. This method is safe even if you don't have backup seeds. This can be done with a jug, dropper or syringe. Note that pouring 5u at a time can still make a new trait appear, but if a species mutation occurs it will be deleted.

  • You can use a crude radioactive, such as Radium or Uranium, instead of Unstable Mutagen, using twice as much each time as you would Unstable Mutagen(10u for species mutation, 5u for only stat and trait mutation). However, those will quickly kill your plants and contaminate the tray, and if you can get radium, you can usually get Unstable Mutagen. This method is mostly useful as a way to quickly get blumpkins if you have access to Glowshrooms or Glowberries and a grinder.
  • R&D can also make a thing called a Floral Somatoray. It has two options: increase yield and mutate the plant. In yield more mode, every time you fire it at the plant, there is a chance the yield will increase. The chance becomes very small when you reach high levels, but it's useful for low-yield plants. It can even raise yield from zero! In mutation mode, it will always induce a normal stat mutation. This is mostly useful if you can't get a chem dispenser. That said you can produce both Unstable Mutagen

Increasing Stats

Stat increasing Chemicals

Potency and Production:

  • Saltpetre: Increases potency by 1 point per 2u used on the plant. Also has a chance to reduce production speed with each addition.


  • Diethylamine: Increases Yield by 1 for every 50 units added. This is counted per addition, so adding less than 50u at a time does nothing. Always add in multiples of 50u
  • Ammonia: Increases yield by 1 for every 100 units added. Needs to be added in multiples of 100u

Bees will passively increase the yield and potency of plants and they polinate them. They will also boost the amount harvested from the plants up to 10 (with Robust Harvest).


Any stat can be stored on a disk which can be used in the DNA Extractor to replace the same stat on any seed.

Advanced Hydroponics

Plant Chemistry

Plants have a normal capacity of 50u, independent of potency, which goes up to 100u with the densified chemicals trait.
The order of operations when determining which chemicals will end up in the plant, and in what amount, is:

  • Add the reagent from the current gene in an amount that is potency multiplied by the amount specified in the gene, bound from above by the amount of space remaining for reagents.
  • Perform all reactions between reagents in the plant as they would happen in any other container.
  • Look at the next gene.

These two effects mean the plant will only have the reagents it has space for, with any excess being deleted.

For an example a plant with the reagent genes:

  • 35% charcoal
  • 20% ammonia

Will contain at 100 potency:

  • 35u charcoal
  • 15u of ammonia

And at 80 potency:

  • 28u of charcoal
  • 16u ammonia

An another example is a plant with 100 potency and the following reagent genes:

  • 20% corn oil
  • 25% sulphuric acid
  • 20% ammonia

It will contain:

  • 6u of glycerol
  • 2u of corn oil
  • 19u of sulphuric acid
  • 20u of ammonia

However, with the same genes in a different order:

  • 20% corn oil
  • 20% ammonia
  • 25% sulphuric acid

The plant would contain:

  • 6u glycerol
  • 2u corn oil
  • 20u ammonia
  • 4u sulphuric acid

Note that the total amount of reagents is changed because now the reaction happens after the last reagent was added to the plant, rather than before.

Trait Interactions

For the most part traits are quite straight forward, but some have interactions either with each other or plants with unique features that are worth noting:

  • Strong Bioluminescence makes a plant produce a green light, but it changes to white light on wearable plants or on placeble plants(eg: glowcaps, glowshrooms, shadowshrooms) once they are placed.
  • If a plant has both the Bluespace Activity and Liquid Contents traits and is squished in hand, or by being thrown at another creature, it will teleport before being squished, meaning any reagents will apply to the tile teleported to and any gas cloud that would be formed by Gaseous Decomposition would also be placed there.
  • Gaseous Decomposition both applies reagents to the skin and makes them breathable, so they act both inside and out. In addition, the effects of the cloud all apply at the moment a mob enters it, so all reagents are applied to the skin and breathed in immediately.

Additional Features


So, you want to keep those little flying demons and extract their sweet honey? First you need to request a Beekeeping starting kit from your local cargo bay. The starter kit will contain the items that you will need to create a happy bee colony from scratch. We'll get through all of them later. Before we begin, keep in mind that when a starter kit is ordered from cargo you are expected to have complete responsibility for the bees in your future colony, so don't fuck up!

Preparing Your New Colony

Now that your crate has arrived it's time to get your hands dirty! Take your crate and head to the desired place where your colony will reside and open it there. Of course, as a botanist, the obvious place will be at hydroponics. Lets set up the apiary. Apiary.png

  • Put the beekeeper suit and hat on. (Optional for now, it's more useful for bigger colonies.) Beekeepersuit.png Beekeeperhat.png
  • Pick up the queen bee and place it comfortably in the apiary. Queenbee.gif
  • Place the honey frames in the apiary respectively. Honeyframe.png

Aaand... Your first colony is ready!

Apiary Management

If you right-click and examine your apiary, it'll show some stats. The resource supply represents the amount of honey contained in the apiary. You need to have plants around your apiary so the bees can produce resources. While the bees fly around the plants the resource supply will rise, simple as that. When you check the apiary, it'll show the amount of resources needed to create a new honeycomb or a new bee in the moment that you checked it. A new bee costs 50 resources, while a new honeycomb costs 100 resources. Honey.png These honeycombs can be ground up into honey, a sweet substance that has minor healing properties, and can be used to make certain foods and drinks.

Genetic Manipulation

The queen bee can also be injected with chemicals to cause the resulting bees to have special properties. To do so, simply use a syringe with the chemical of your choice on the queen bee before putting it in the apiary. You can change the queen's chemical as many times as you want. When a bee is created from an altered queen, it'll carry the same chemical that the queen was injected with.

When a honeycomb is created by an altered bee, half of its chemical content will be the same as the chemical injected in the bee, with the other half being honey. This creates an easy method of 'farming' chemicals that may be hard to get. The last effect that the chemical will have is the bee sting. When stung, a small amount of chemical will be delivered in the sting. Although not an ideal method, this can be used to inject people with healing chemicals, or possibly harmful chemicals for those traitors looking to cause chaos.

Keep'em Tame

Better protect your apiary, a single greytide can disrupt the bees and throw them in a rampage. That said, desrupting a colony can be done by attacking the apiary or attacking the bees directly. Keep the bees in their assigned space and don't let them roam around the station, they'll 100% cause trouble if that happens. Although, with the overpopulation problem there is no way you will be able to control ALL the bees. Expect the crew to see the insects at least one time flying around outside Hydroponics. Equip the beekeeper suit and hat in case they get angry!

Dealing with Kudzu

Kudzu is a special plant that can appear as a random event or you can grow it by adding Unstable Mutagen to a tray filled with weeds. (That might result in other weed-type plants, too.) It is a type of space vine that grows and mutates on its own.

Usual plant stats affect active kudzu in the specific way:

  • Potency: The higher the potency, the more the kudzu will mutate on spread. The chance to mutate on each new piece is [potency / 10].
  • Production Speed: It determines how fast the kudzu spreads. By default, it spreads at a rate of 20% of the amount of pieces per tick but no more than 30. Production Speed changes the cap by [30 * production / 50] and the percent of processed pieces per tick by [20 * (production / 50)].

Killing the last piece of kudzu will create a kudzu seed on its place with all the mutations of the piece saved in the seed, so if you reactivate it, the new first piece will have all the same mutations the seed has and will spread it to all the progenitors. Kudzu can gain mutations on spread or by adding special chemicals to it while the seed is growing (see below).



Color Name Description
Glassy Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a glass sheet upon destroying it.
Glimmering Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a diamond, gold, or silver sheet upon destroying it.
Light Makes the kudzu emit light.
Metallic Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a metal sheet upon destroying it.
Plasticine Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a plastic sheet upon destroying it.
Space Protective Makes the kudzu grow in space.
Transparency Makes the kudzu transparent.
Wooden Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a wood plank upon destroying it.

Minor Negative

Color Name Description
Bluespace Makes the kudzu grow through walls and objects.
Fireproof Makes the kudzu resistant to every kind of fire (including plasma fire).
Vine-Eating Makes the kudzu eat every non-vine-eating kudzu tiles.
Virulently Spreading Makes the kudzu spread thicker.


Color Name Description
Aggressive Spreading Makes the kudzu deal a small explosion upon spreading, destroying windows and other weak objects. It cannot get through reinforced walls.
Explosive Makes the kudzu explode upon death. It induces a chain reaction.
Flowering Makes the kudzu occasionally spawn aggressive flower buds. Every tile can snare passersby.
Hardened Makes the kudzu resistant to sharp objects (halves their damage). Every hardened tile has doubled health.
Thorny Makes the kudzu deal brute damage to whoever passes its tiles, or is deals damage to it.
Toxic Makes the kudzu deal toxic damage to whoever passes its tiles, or eats it.

Mutating Kudzu

Adding special chemicals to the tray when the seeds are growing will affect the specific kudzu mutations:

  • Adding 5u of welding fuel will remove random positive mutation with a 20% probability
  • Adding 5u of phenol will remove a random minor negative mutation with a 20% probability
  • Adding 5u of sterilizine will remove a random negative mutation with a 20% probability
  • Adding 15u of blood will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15
  • Adding 5u of amatoxin will change the production value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5
  • Adding 5u of plasma will change the potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -15 to +5
  • Adding 10u of holy water will change a potency value of the seeds by a random number in the range from -5 to +15


  • Scythes, sharp objects, and fire deals four times more damage to kudzu.
  • Crossing kudzu can snare the crosser, but it doesn't deal damage. Unless it has the Thorny or Toxic mutations.
  • Only destroying every vine tile stops the kudzu from spreading.
  • The Chef's goat can destroy vines rapidly.
  • Vines cannot spread diagonally.
  • One tile can only capture one person.
  • Glyphosate can wither kudzu with a 50% chance. You can find it in Plant-B-Gone bottles or make it with a Chem Dispenser.
  • Aliens do not slash vines upon attacking them but eat them.

Expanding Your Growing Space

Whether you wish to grow plants in other places, or simply need more space, you can easily do so by construciting soil plots from either sandstone or soil clumps. Soil clumps can be made in the biogenenerator or in the compost bin, while sandstone can be made by using either sand or volcanic ash in hand(same way as with grass). By using three sandstone bricks or soil clumps you can make a soil plot, which is like a tray, except you can walk over it and there are no lights. Sandstone can also be used to make other structures.
Additionally, science can build hydroponics trays. They can also upgrade them by replacing the matter bins, and this increases the water and nutrient capacity of the tray.

Wooden Products

Wood and wood-based accessories can be made with the Towercap mushroom. Use the hatchet (or other sharp object) on Towercap logs to chop some planks. These have many uses: you can make chairs, tables, wooden floors and so on.

  • Dryingrack.pngA unique thing here is a drying rack. You can use it to dry a plant, and then smoke it. First, build a rack with 10 planks. Then, grab a plant you want to dry and put it in the rack. Click on the rack and toggle drying so that the red arrows light up. Give it a few seconds and it's done. You can dry any plant, and smoking it will give you all chemicals that were in it. You can smoke dried apples if you want, and get nutriment from them.
  • Barrel.pngYou can use planks to also build fermenting barrels. Shove some plants in and they become fermented alcohols with their various reagents over time.
  • Compost Bin.pngUsing 10 planks you can make a compost bin. It converts plants to biomass at the same rate as an unupgraded biogenenerator and converts 20% of the stored biomass into compost every 10 seconds(minimum 10 converted). Soil clumps can be made from the compost at the cost of 25 compost per clump.