Guide to Drinks

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Note for editors: This page makes heavy use of templates in order to have mouseover dropdowns on food ingredients. If you wish to edit this page, please check out its Discussion Page to read a guide on how to use these templates to modify and add recipes.

Service Department


The Booze-O-Mat is a vending machine that dispenses alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in cans, bottles, or jugs. The Bar comes with one, while the old bar in maintenance comes with an unpowered one that you will need to fix to dispense. These machines can be built with the correct board printed from Research and the restocking part ordered from Cargo.

The contents of the Booze-O-Mat are as follows:

Image Item Reagent Description
Ginbottle.png Griffeater Gin Gin A bottle of high-quality gin, produced in the New London Space Station.
Whiskeybottle.png Uncle Git's Special Reserve Whiskey A premium single-malt whiskey, gently matured inside the tunnels of a nuclear shelter. TUNNEL WHISKEY RULES.
Tequilabottle.png Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequila Tequila Made from premium petroleum distillates, pure thalidomide and other fine quality ingredients!
Vodkabottle.png Tunguska Triple Distilled Vodka Aah, vodka. Prime choice of drink AND fuel by Russians worldwide.
Vermouthbottle.png Goldeneye Vermouth Vermouth Sweet, sweet dryness~
Rumbottle.png Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum Rum This isn't just rum, oh no. It's practically GRIFF in a bottle.
Winebottle.png Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine Wine A faint aura of unease and asspainery surrounds the bottle.
Cognacbottle.png Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac Cognac A sweet and strongly alcoholic drink, made after numerous distillations and years of maturing. You might as well not scream 'SHITCURITY' this time.
Kahluabottle.png Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur Kahlua A widely known, Mexican coffee-flavoured liqueur. In production since 1936, HONK.
Beer.png Space Beer Beer Contains only water, malt and hops.
Alebottle.png Magm-Ale Ale A true Dorf's drink of choice.
Synthanolcan.png Beep's Classic Synthanol Synthanol A can of IPC booze, however that works. (Note: This is the alcoholic equivalent for IPCs. It is toxic to organic species.)
Orangejuice.png Orange Juice Orange Juice Full of vitamins and deliciousness!
Tomatojuice.png Tomato Juice Tomato Juice Well, at least it LOOKS like tomato juice. You can't tell with all that redness.
Limejuice.png Lime Juice Lime Juice Sweet-sour goodness.
Cream.png Milk Cream Cream It's cream. Made from milk. What else did you think you'd find in there?
Tonic.png T-Borg's Tonic Water Tonic Water Quinine tastes funny, but at least it'll keep that Space Malaria away.
Cola.png Space Cola Cola Cola. In space.
Sodawater.png Soda Water Soda Water A can of soda water. Still water's more refreshing cousin.
Glass2.png Glass N/A A glass to use to pour drinks in. It holds up to 50 units. It will change sprites if you make a drink recipe until the drink has been finished. It will then revert to this state.
Shotglass.png Shot Glass N/A A shot glass that can hold up to 15 units. All the contents in the glass will be taken as a shot in one go. This sprite won't change when you make a drink recipe.
BluespaceShotglass.gif Bluespace Shot Glass N/A A shot glass that can hold up to 50 units. All the contents in the glass will be taken as a shot in one go. This sprite won't change when you make a drink recipe. Can acquired from Science.
Icecup.png Ice Cup Ice Careful, cold ice, do not chew.
Fernet.png Fernet N/A Can be acquired from hacking the Booze-O-Mat.

Note: There are two other dispensers available in the bar, the booze dispenser and the soda fountain. They contain the above reagents, and more, to be used in the drink recipes. They can be toggled to reveal more reagents for use by using a multitool on them.

Booze Portal 9001

This is also known as the booze dispenser. At shift start it is found inside the bar, behind the bartender's counter as it is manned by the Bartender. These are the following things that the machine dispensers:

Normal Drinks
Ale Beer Cider Cognac Cream Gin Lager Ice Kahlua Mead Rum Stout Synthanol Tequila Vermouth Vodka Whiskey Wine
Hacked Drinks
Absinthe Ethanol Goldschlager Nothing Patron Sake
  • You can obtain the hacked drinks by applying a multitool to the drink dispenser.

The Bottler

A bottler is a machine you can order from cargo via the Brewing Buddy Bottler Unit crate for 35 cargo points. This machine allows you to put in three ingredients into the machine in the listed order, and create a drink that gets stored in either a bottle, glass, or can. You will require the assistance of botany, mining, and other departments to make these drinks. These drinks have additional effects that normal drinks don't have, but you will have to experiment with them yourself to find out what each one does.

The order of the ingredients is important.

Bottler Recipes

Name Recipe Description
Apple-pocalypse Apple, Apple, Apple If doomsday came in fruit form, it'd probably be apples.
Berry Banned Berries, Berries, Berries Reason for ban: excessive flavour.
Berry Banned Poison Berries, Poison Berries, Poison Berries Reason for ban: excessive flavour.
Blackeye Brew Cola, Sugar Cane, Ice Cream Creamy, smooth flavour, just like the bald heads of the masses. Supposedly aged for 30 years.
Grape Granade Grape Juice, Grapes, Flash Exploding with grape flavour and a favourite among ERT members system-wide.
Meteor Malt Unrefined Ore, Wheat, Unrefined Ore Soft drinks have been detected on a collision course with your tastebuds.
Paradise Punch Grapes, Banana, Cherries Tastes just how you'd think Paradise would if you could bottle it.

Alcoholic Beverages

Image Ingredients Secondary Goal Difficulty
Aciddreams.gif Acid Dreams Normal (300u)
Gargle Blaster
1 part Gin
1 part Vodka
1 part Whiskey
1 part Cognac
1 part Lime Juice
, 1u
Sulphuric Acid
Obtain from the chemist.
1 part Sulfur
1 part Oxygen
1 part Hydrogen
, 1u Sugar
Has a unique effect on Greys
Acid Spit.gif Acid Spit Normal (300u)
5u Wine, 1u
Sulphuric Acid
Obtain from the chemist.
1 part Sulfur
1 part Oxygen
1 part Hydrogen
Admin Freeze.gif Adminfreeze Hard (50u)
Obtain from the Chemist.
1 part
Sulphuric Acid
1 part Sulfur
1 part Oxygen
1 part Hydrogen

1 part Ethanol
1 part Oxygen
, 1u
Gargle Blaster
1 part Gin
1 part Vodka
1 part Whiskey
1 part Cognac
1 part Lime Juice
, 1u
Toxins Special
2u Rum, 1u Vermouth, 2u Plasma
, 1u
Found in Hacked Booze-O-Mats
, 1u
Combine 10u
Blend any Food
, 5u
Universal Enzyme
Combine equal amounts of
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
and Vomit OR Green Vomit, heat it to 754 K
(makes 10u, returns catalyst)
, 1u
None: Can be either ordered from Cargo, grown from Botany or found in a NanoMed Plus
, Heat to 374 K
AhdomaiEclipse.gif Ahdomai Eclipse Normal (300u)
2u Vodka, 1u Cream, 1u Ice
, 5u Ice. Cool to below 273 degrees K.
Has a unique effect on Tajaran
AlliesCocktail.png Allies Cocktail Easy (600u)
Classic Martini
2 part Gin
1 part Vermouth
, 1u Vodka
Aloe.png Aloe Easy (600u)
1u Watermelon Juice, 1u Cream, 1u Whiskey (makes 2u)
Amasec.png Amasec Normal (300u)
5u Wine, 5u Vodka, 1u Iron. (makes 10u)
Andalusia.png Andalusia Easy (600u)
1u Rum, 1u Whiskey, 1u Lemon Juice
AntiFreeze.gif Anti-Freeze Easy (600u)
2u Vodka, 1u Cream, 1u Ice
Cognac.png Applejack Normal (300u)
2u Cider cooled to 270 K (makes 1u)
Atomicbombglass.gif Atomic Bomb Hard (50u)
Irish Cream
2 parts Whiskey
1 part Cream
, 1u Kahlua, 1u Cognac
, 1u Uranium (makes 10u)
B-52.png B-52 Easy (600u)
Irish Cream
2 parts Whiskey
1 part Cream
, 1u Kahlua, 1u Cognac
Bahamamamaglass.png Bahama Mama Easy (600u)
2u Rum, 2u Orange Juice, 1u Lime Juice, 1u Ice
Barefoot.png Barefoot Easy (600u)
1u Cream, 1u Vermouth, 1u Berry Juice
BeepskySmash.gif Beepsky Smash Normal (300u)
2u Lime Juice, 2u Whiskey, 1u Iron (makes 4u)
Bilk.png Bilk Easy (600u)
1u Beer, 1u Milk
Bilkshake.png Bilkshake Easy (600u)
1u Cream, 2u
1u Beer, 1u Milk
, 2u Ice
BlackRussian.png Black Russian Easy (600u)
3u Vodka, 2u Kahlua
BloodyMary.png Bloody Mary Easy (600u)
1u Vodka, 2u Tomato Juice, 1u Lime Juice
Boogerglass.png Booger Easy (600u)
1u Cream, 1u Banana Juice, 1u Rum, 1u Watermelon Juice
BraveBull.png Brave Bull Trivial (N/A)
2u Tequila, 1u Kahlua
Changelingsting.gif Changeling Sting Easy (600u)
1u Lime Juice, 1u Lemon Juice, 1u
2 part Vodka
1 part Orange Juice
(makes 5u)
Order matters. Despite the same ingredients, Triple Citrus plus Vodka does not make a Changeling Sting.
ClassicMartini.png Classic Martini Easy (600u)
2u Gin, 1u Vermouth
CubaLibre.png Cuba Libre Easy (600u)
2u Rum, 2u Cola, 1u Lime Juice
Daiquiri.png Daiquiri Easy (600u)
1u Lime Juice, 1u Sugar, 2u Rum, 1u ice
Demonsbloodglass.gif Demons Blood Easy (600u)
1u Space Mountain Wind, 1u Rum, 1u Blood, 1u Dr. Gibb
DevilsKiss.png Devil's Kiss Easy (600u)
1u Blood, 1u Rum, 1u Kahlua
DieSeife.gif Die Seife Normal (300u)
Obtain from the chemist.
1 part Sodium
1 part Hydrogen
1 part Oxygen
, 1u Whiskey, 1u
Iced Beer
5u Beer, 1u Ice (makes 6u)
10u Beer, 1u
Frost Oil
Obtain from the Xenobiologist.
(makes 10u)

Has a unique effect on Drask
DionaSmash.gif Diona Smash Normal (300u)
Blend any Food
, 1u Sugar, 1u Gin
Has a unique effect on Kidan
Driest Martini.png Driest Martini Easy (600u)
1u Nothing, 1u Gin
Drunkenblumpkin.png Drunken Blumpkin Normal (300u)
Blumpkin Juice
Obtain Blumpkins from Botany.
Juice the relevant fruit or vegetable in the blender
, 1u
Irish Cream
2 parts Whiskey
1 part Cream
, 1u Ice
Eggnog.png Eggnog Hard (50u)
5u Cream, 5u
Obtain from the Chef.
Some is found in the fridge at round start, more can laid by fed chickens (click on them with Wheat in hand). Also grinds for the Egg reagent.
, 5u Rum
ErikaSurprise.png Erika Surprise Easy (600u)
1u Ale, 1u Lime Juice, 1u Whiskey, 1u Banana Juice, 1u Ice
BeachFeast.gif Feast by the Beach Normal (300u)
1u Vodka, 1u Lime Juice, 1u Grape Juice, 1u Silicon. Heat to above 373 degrees K
Has a unique effect on Unathi
Fernet Cola.png Fernet Cola Easy (600u)
Found in Hacked Booze-O-Mats
, 2u Cola
Flamingmoe.gif Flaming Moe Normal (300u)
1u Cognac, 1u Gin, 1u
Saline-Glucose Solution
Obtain from the Chemist.
1 part
Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine
1 part Water

1 part Water
1 part Sugar
, 1u Tequila, 1u Vodka, Temperature 374k
Gimlet.png Gimlet Easy (600u)
1u Gin, 1u Lime Juice, 1u Sugar
GinFizz.png Gin Fizz Easy (600u)
2u Gin, 1u Soda Water, 1u Lime Juice
GinSonic.gif Gin and Sonic Hard (50u)
Gin and Tonic
2 Parts Gin
1 Part Tonic
, 1u
Obtain from the Chemist.
1 part
1 part
1 part
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Ethanol
Temperature 374 K

1 part Sugar
1 part
1 part
Welding Fuel
Found in welding fuel tanks.

1 part Carbon
1 part Hydrogen

1 part Hydrogen

1 part Iodine
1 part Phosphorus
1 part Hydrogen
Temperature 374 k
GinTonic.png Gin and Tonic Easy (600u)
2u Gin, 1u Tonic
Ginvodkaglass.png Goldschlager Trivial (N/A)
10u Vodka, 1u Gold (makes 10u)
Grog.png Grog Easy (600u)
1u Rum, 1u Water
Image Ingredients Secondary Goal Difficulty
HippiesDelight.png Hippie's Delight Hard (50u)
Obtain from the Botanist.
, 1u
Gargle Blaster
1 part Gin
1 part Vodka
1 part Whiskey
1 part Cognac
1 part Lime Juice
Howler.gif Howler Easy (600u)
1u Lime Juice, 1u Lemon Lime, 1u Orange Juice, 2u Tequila
Has a unique effect on Vulpkanin
IcedBeer.png Iced Beer Trivial (N/A)
5u Beer, 1u Ice (makes 6u)
10u Beer, 1u
Frost Oil
Obtain from the Xenobiologist.
(makes 10u)
IslayWhiskey.gif Islay Whiskey Normal (300u)
Obtain from botany.
, 1u Whiskey, 1u
Blend any Food

Has a unique effect on Dionae
Irish Car Bomb.png Dublin Drop Easy (600u)
Irish Cream
2 parts Whiskey
1 part Cream
, 1u Ale
IrishCoffee.png Irish Coffee Easy (600u)
Irish Cream
2 parts Whiskey
1 part Cream
, 2u Coffee
IrishCream.png Irish Cream Trivial (N/A)
2u Whiskey, 1u Cream
Patronglass.png Jackrose Normal (300u)
2u Cider cooled to 270 K (makes 1u)
, 1u Lemon Juice
JungleVox.gif Jungle Vox Normal (300u)
1u Rum, 1u Lime Juice, 1u Sugar, 1u Kahlua, 1u Nitrogen
Has a unique effect on Vox
LongIslandIcedTea.png Long Island Iced Tea Easy (600u)
1u Vodka, 1u Gin, 1u
Cuba Libre
2 parts Rum
2 parts Cola
1 part Lime Juice
, 1u Tequila
Manhattan.png Manhattan Trivial (N/A)
2u Whiskey, 1u Vermouth
Manhattanprojglass.gif Manhattan Project Hard (50u)
2 parts Whiskey
1 part Vermouth
, 1u Uranium (makes 10u)
Margarita.png Margarita Easy (600u)
2u Tequila, 1u Lime Juice
MintJulep.png Mint Julep Easy (600u)
1u Whiskey, 1u Ice, 1u Sugar, 1u Mint
Mojito.png Mojito Easy (600u)
1u Rum, 1u Lime Juice, 1u Sugar, 1u Soda Water, 1u Mint
NeuroToxin.gif Neuro-toxin Normal (300u)
Obtain from the Chemist.
1 part
Sulphuric Acid
1 part Sulfur
1 part Oxygen
1 part Hydrogen

1 part Ethanol
1 part Oxygen
, 1u
Gargle Blaster
1 part Gin
1 part Vodka
1 part Whiskey
1 part Cognac
1 part Lime Juice
GargleBlaster.gif Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster Easy (600u)
1u Gin, 1u Vodka, 1u Whiskey, 1u Cognac, 1u Lime Juice
Patronglass.png Patron Trivial (N/A)
10u Tequila, 1u Silver (makes 10u)
PinaColada.png Pina Colada Easy (600u)
3u Rum, 2u Pineapple Juice, 1u Cream
RedMead.png Red Mead Hard (50u)
1u Mead, 1u Blood
Sbiten.png Sbiten Normal (300u)
10u Vodka, 1u
Obtain from the Xenobiologist.
(makes 10u)
Screwdriver.png Screwdriver Easy (600u)
2u Vodka, 1u Orange Juice
Sidecar.png Sidecar Easy (600u)
1u Cognac, 1u Lemon Juice, 1u Orange Juice
Singuloglass.gif Singulo Normal (300u)
5u Vodka, 5u Wine, 1u Radium. (makes 10u)
SlimeMold.gif Slime Mold Hard (50u)
1u Cream, 1u Banana Juice, 1u Rum, 1u Watermelon Juice
, 2u
Slime Jelly
Grind Slime Extracts, or collect "blood" from Slime People
, 1u
Some is found in the fridge at round start, more can laid by fed chickens (click on them with Wheat in hand). Also grinds for the Egg reagent.

Has a unique effect on Slime People
Sontse.gif Sontse Hard (50u)
Tequila Sunrise
2u Tequila, 1u Orange Juice
, 1u
Flaming Moe
1u Cognac, 1u Gin, 1u
Saline-Glucose Solution
Obtain from the Chemist.
1 part
Sodium Chloride
1 part Sodium
1 part Chlorine
1 part Water

1 part Water
1 part Sugar
, 1u Tequila, 1u Vodka, Temperature 374k

Has a unique effect on Nian
SnowWhite.png Snow White Easy (600u)
1u Beer, 1u Lemon Lime
Suicider.png Suicider Normal (300u)
1u Cider, 1u Vodka, 1u Welding Fuel, 1u
Obtain from the Chemist.
1 part
1 part Water
1 part Chlorine
1 part
1 part
Welding Fuel
Found in welding fuel tanks.

1 part Carbon
1 part Hydrogen

1 part
1 part
1 part
Welding Fuel
Found in welding fuel tanks.

1 part Carbon
1 part Hydrogen

1 part
Welding Fuel
Found in welding fuel tanks.

1 part Oxygen

1 part
1 part
3 parts Hydrogen
1 part Nitrogen

1 part Ethanol
Temperature 374 K

1 part Oxygen
1 part Chlorine
1 part Hydrogen
SyndicateBomb.png Syndicate Bomb Easy (600u)
Whiskey Cola
2 parts Whiskey
1 part Cola
, 1u Beer
TequillaSunrise.png Tequila Sunrise Easy (600u)
2u Tequila, 1u Orange Juice
ManlyDorf.png The Manly Dorf Easy (600u)
1u Beer, 2u Ale
Three Mile.gif Three Mile Island Iced Tea Hard (50u)
Long Island Iced Tea
1u Vodka
1u Gin
Cuba Libre
2 parts Rum
2 parts Cola
1 part Lime Juice

1u Tequila
, 1u Uranium (makes 10u)
ToxinsSpecial.gif Toxins Special Normal (300u)
2u Rum, 1u Vermouth, 2u Plasma
Ultramatter.gif Ultramatter Hard (50u)
5u Vodka, 5u Wine, 1u Radium. (makes 10u)
, 1u
Plasma Dust
Grind Plasma Sheets

Has a unique effect on Plasmamen
ClassicMartini.png Vodka Martini Easy (600u)
2u Vodka, 1u Vermouth
VodkaTonic.png Vodka and Tonic Easy (600u)
2u Vodka, 1u Tonic
WhiskeyCola.png Whiskey Cola Easy (600u)
2u Whiskey, 1u Cola
WhiskeySoda.png Whiskey Soda Easy (600u)
2u Whiskey, 1u Soda Water
WhiskeySour.png Whiskey Sour Hard (50u)
1u Whiskey, 1u Lemon Juice, 1u Sugar, 1u Egg
WhiteRussian.png White Russian Easy (600u)
Black Russian
3u Vodka
2u Kahlua
, 2u Cream

Synthanol-Based Beverages

Image Ingredients Secondary Goal Difficulty
Robot Tears.png Robot Tears Trivial (N/A)
1u Synthanol, 1u Soda Water, 1u Oil
Servo drink.png Servo Easy (600u)
2u Synthanol, 1u Hot Chocolate, 1u Cream
Synthignion drink.png Synthignon Trivial (N/A)
1u Synthanol, 1u Wine
Image Ingredients Secondary Goal Difficulty
Synth n Soda drink.png Synth 'n soda Easy (600u)
1u Synthanol, 1u Cola
Trinary drink.png Trinary Easy (600u)
1u Synthanol, 1u Orange Juice, 1u Lime Juice
Uplink drink.png Uplink Easy (600u)
1u Synthanol, 1u Rum, 1u Vodka, 1u Tequilla, 1u Whiskey

Non-alcoholic Beverages

Image Ingredients
ArnoldPalmer.png Arnold Palmer
1u Iced Tea, 1u Lemonade
BananaHonk.png Banana Honk
1u Banana Juice, 1u Cream, 1u Sugar
Bluecherryshake.png Blue Cherry Shake
1u Blue Cherry Jelly, 1u Cream, 1u Ice
Brownstar.png Brown Star
2u Orange juice, 1u Cola (makes 2u)
Cafelatte.png Cafe Latte
1u Coffee, 1u Milk
Cafelatte.png Cafe Mocha
1u Cafe Latte, 1u Chocolate
Cherryshake.png Cherry Shake
1u Cherry Jelly, 1u Cream, 1u Ice
Chocolate.png Chocolate Milk
1u Milk, 1u Chocolate
Chocolatepudding.png Chocolate Pudding
5u Cocoa, 5u Egg, 5u Milk (makes 20u)
Gibbfloats.png Gibb Floats
5u Cream, 5u Dr. Gibb, 5u Ice
Grapesoda.png Grape Soda
1u Grape Juice, 1u Soda Water
Cocoglass.png Iced Coco
Hot Coco
Combine 5u Water, 1u Cocoa (makes 5u)
, 1u Ice
Icecoffeeglass.png Iced Coffee
3u Coffee, 1u Ice
Icetea.png Iced Tea
3u Tea, 1u Ice
Image Ingredients
Kiraspecial.gif Kira Special
1u Orange Juice, 1u Lime Juice, 1u Soda Water (makes 2u)
Lean.png Lean
Space Drugs
Obtain from the chemist.
1 part Lithium
1 part Mercury
1 part Sugar
, 1u Soda Water, 1u Grape Juice
Lemonade.png Lemonade
1u Lemon Juice, 1u Sugar, 1u Water
Milkshake.png Milkshake
1u Cream, 2u Space Milk, 2u Ice
Nukacolaglass.gif Nuka Cola
6u Cola, 1u Uranium (makes 6u)
Pumpkinlatte.png Pumpkin Space Latte
5u Coffee, 5u Cream, 5u Pumpkin Juice
Rewriter.png Rewriter
1u Space Moutain Wind Soda, 1u Coffee
Silencer.png Silencer
1u Nothing, 1u Cream, 1u Sugar
SoyLatte.png Soy Latte
1u Coffee, 1u Soy Milk
FyrsskarTears.gif Tears of Fyrsskar
1u Plasma, 1u Oxygen, 1u
Triple Citrus
1 part Orange Juice
1 part Lime Juice
1 part Lemon Juice

Has a unique effect on Skrell
DoctorDelight.gif The Doctor's Delight
1u Lime Juice, 1u Tomato Juice, 1u Orange Juice, 1u Cream (makes 5u)
Triplecitrus.png Triple Citrus
1u Lemon Juice, 1u Lime Juice, 1u Orange Juice
Vanillapudding.png Vanilla Pudding
5u Egg, 5u Milk, 5u Vanilla Powder (makes 20u)

Beverage Components

Image Ingredients
Beer.png Beer
Combine 10u
Corn Oil
Grind Corn
, 5u
Universal Enzyme
Combine equal amounts of
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
and Vomit OR Green Vomit, heat it to 754 K
. (makes 10u, returns catalyst)
Icecoffeeglass.png Coffee
Combine 5u Water, 1u Coffee Powder. (makes 5u)
Cocoglass.png Hot Coco
Combine 5u Water, 1u Cocoa (makes 5u)
Kahluaglass.png Kahlua
Combine 5u Coffee, 5u
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
, 5u Vodka or Rum, 5u
Universal Enzyme
Combine equal amounts of
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
and Vomit OR Green Vomit, heat it to 754 K
(makes 5u, returns catalyst)
Mead.png Mead
1u Sugar, 1u Water, 5u
Universal Enzyme
Obtain from the Cook.
Combine equal amounts of
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
and Vomit OR Green Vomit, heat it to 754 K
(makes 2u, returns catalyst)
Ginvodkaglass.png Moonshine
Combine 10u
Blend any Food
, 5u
Universal Enzyme
Combine equal amounts of
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
and Vomit OR Green Vomit, heat it to 754 K
(makes 10u, returns catalyst)
Image Ingredients
Sake.png Sake
Combine 10u
Grind Rice Stalks in the food processor
, 5u Water, 5u
Universal Enzyme
Combine equal amounts of
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
and Vomit OR Green Vomit, heat it to 754 K
(makes 15u, returns catalyst)
Synthanolcan.png Synthanol
Combine 1u lube, 1u plasma, 1u fuel. (makes 3u)
Icecoffeeglass.png Tea
Combine 5u Water, 1 Ground Tea Leaves (makes 5u)
Ginvodkaglass.png Vodka
Combine 10u
Potato Juice
Juice the relevant fruit or vegetable in the blender
, 5u
Universal Enzyme
Combine equal amounts of
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
and Vomit OR Green Vomit, heat it to 754 K
(makes 10u, returns catalyst)
Wineglass.png Wine
Combine 10u
Grape Juice
Juice the relevant fruit or vegetable in the blender
, 5u
Universal Enzyme
Combine equal amounts of
Grind White Beets or Sugar Cane in the food processor
and Vomit OR Green Vomit, heat it to 754 K
(makes 10u, returns catalyst)