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Containers come in many shapes and styles. They range from lightweight equipables to anchored static objects. Containers are a must-have for crew members, they allow the easy storage of a large amount of items. This is necessary for performing most departmental duties as well as enabling many Antagonists to more easily conceal equipment.


Most containers are a balance of amount of usable container space as well as versatility and easiness of use. Often containers with little storage space come with the trade off of having no slowdown or being easily stowable. Whereas containers with a lot of storage space and little item limitations are bulky and cause slowdown. As a general rule of thumb, duffel bags cause speed slowdowns when worn on the back (not carried in hand or pulled) and any other containers do not have speed restrictions.

Item Size Restrictions

Bags have varying restrictions on what they can carry, how many of those items they can carry, and how large those items can be. Container's item restrictions can be described by the following:

  • Maximum Number of Items
  • Maximum Weight Class
  • Item Whitelist/Blacklist
  • Maximum Weight Sum

Number of Items

Every container has a defined number of slots. For example, every backpack can carry a maximum of 21 items and security belts can carry a max of 6 items. This is not a hard limit for every container, however. For containers that can hold boxes or waist bags, you can significantly increase the carrying capacity of a backpack. Cardboard boxes/waist bags only count as a single item in the container even if they have multiple items contained within the box itself

For example: if you wanted to carry 100 botany plants and 21 spare lightbulbs in your backpack, it would be impossible to put them individually into the backpack. However, you can fit 50 plants into a botany bag and 21 lightbulbs into a spare lightbulbs cardboard box. So by using 1 cardboard box and 2 botany bags you're essentially carrying 121 items (+ the 3 containers) and are still left with remaining space in the backpack even though the maximum number of items in a backpack is 21.

Item Types

There are very few containers that can hold any kind of item. They are usually restricted to back equipped containers or boxes with strict weight class restrictions. There is generally a whitelist of items or items types that a container can hold. For example: Security belts can only hold security equipment such as a baton, handcuffs, or flashbang; Fish bags can only hold fish; Holsters can only hold certain gun types and nothing else.

Item Weight

All items, including containers have an associated weight class. Each of those weight classes have a value associated with them. The weight classes can be defined as such:

  • 1 - Tiny - Usually items smaller than a human hand. ex: Playing Cards, Lighter, Scalpel, Coins/Money
  • 2 - Small - Larger, but, fits cleanly in a human hand. ex: Flashlight, Multitool, Grenades, GPS Device
  • 3 - Normal - Standard size stuff. ex: Fire extinguisher, Stunbaton, Gas Mask, Metal Sheets
  • 4 - Bulky - Items that can be wielded or equipped, but not stored in an inventory. ex: Defibrillator, Backpack, Space Suits
  • 5 - Huge - Usually represents objects that require two hands to operate. ex: Shotgun, Two Handed Melee Weapons
  • 6 - Gigantic - Essentially means it cannot be picked up or placed in an inventory. ex: Mech Parts, Safe

All containers have some form of restriction on Item weight. It tends to both be a hard limit on the item class as well as the weight sum. Weight sums of a container are the sum of the values of each of the weight classes of the items in a container added together. For example, if you had a backpack with two lighters, a stun baton, a fire extinguisher, and a grenade, you would calculate the sum like this:

Tiny Item + Tiny Item + Normal Item + Normal Item + Small Item = Weight Class Sum
1 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 9

Putting items into a container does not increase that container's specific weight class.

Container Shortcuts

Containers have some nifty usability features included with them:

  • If you click drag the sprite of a container you're carrying onto a table/floor, it will dump all of those items onto the floors
  • Waist-Bags, Item Bags (Fish, Botany, etc), Trash bags, and Light replacement boxes can mass pickup items by click on those items with the container in hand.
  • You can access the contents of a bag by clicking on them with an open hand while they are equipped, alt-clicking them, or dragging the container sprite onto your character.

Bluespace Packaging

In order to maximize packing efficiency, a packaging company may use patented Bluespace Packing Technology to temporarily fit more matter into a container than should be logically possible. For example, many Supply Crates, like the bureaucracy crate, have to contain entire filing cabinets; which no normal-sized crate could ever possibly contain.

Upon opening a bluespace packed crate, one must undo the packing seal - which currently holds the normal laws of physics at bay. Most sealed packages include a safety feature that prompts the user for final confirmation of their intent to open the container. This is to ensure that products are not accidentally opened, thus rendering the further transportation of them and their contents much more difficult, or even impossible. Despite these warnings, the Cargonians will most likely open them anyway.

Sometimes, items are instead crammed into boxes, belts, or bags. Be warned: Upon removal of an object, the user may find it impossible to return it to its original container. This may be because there is no longer any rational physical space for it once the bluespace packaging has been undone.

Currently, the technology is proprietary, expensive, and unavailable to the general public, which is probably for the best.



Item Description
Standard Bags
A standard storage device for all employees of Nanotrasen, for all your holding needs. Each pack is a compromise between storage and speed. Duffelbags hold many items, but require unzipping with alt+shift click to access its contents. Wearing an unzipped dufflebag will slow the wearer. Backpacks and satchels hold less, but do not cause a slowdown.
A generic brown shoulder strap satchel. Great if you want the standard backpack experience with a slight fashion upgrade.
Smugglers Satchel
Smuggler's Satchel.png
A non-contraband Syndicate satchel capable of holding normal items, whilst being a normal item itself, thus fitting in a bag. Can be hidden under floor tiles by dropping it on plating before placing the tile.
A bulky briefcase, can be used to store papers or other objects.
Secure Briefcase
Use it to store your sensitive and classified materials. It can be locked with a 5 digit code, but can also be hacked with a multitool.
A common waist-worn belt. Belts tend to be specialized to only hold certain items. For example, a tool belt can only hold tools and cable coil whereas a janitorial belt could only hold cleaning supplies. Most departments have their own specialized belt. Certain belts like the assault belt are capable of holding just about everything (that isn't too large).
Waist Bags
Waist Bags.gif
A waist-worn bag or satchel that is capable of holding a massive amount of ingredients, materials, or resources. These are must haves for professions such as Chemists and Botanists. Depending on the bag, they can often carry 50+ items of a certain type. For example, a plant bag can carry many plants and seeds. There also exists bags for fish, chemistry products, ore, and virus samples.
Used for easy storage of certain handguns
Useful for storing equipment in an easy to reach place.
Bags of Holding
Bags of Holding.gif
Can hold more and larger objects compared to regular backpacks! Also comes in the satchel(mining) and belt form.
Cardboard Box
Carboard Box.gif
Can hold seven small items and be stored inside of a backpack. Comes in a variety of different color styles depending on its purpose.
Paper Sacks.gif
A small paper bag. Excellent for making a bagged lunch.


Item Description
Crates are a container for a large amount of items. You can toggle it open and closed. Large items such as corpses, lockers, and certain robots or equipment cannot fit inside.
ID-Locked Crate
Secure Crate.png
Same as a crate. but requires a certain ID to open.
Ore Box
A Draggable box made out of wood. It can carry a massive amount of ore.
Also known as Wardrobes or Lockers, Closets. They are among the most common and useful containers on the station. Nearly anything can fit inside, barring other closets, crates, etc. Click to toggle them open/close
ID-Locked Closet
Same as closet but requires a certain ID to open or close.
Water Tank
A large blue tank containing 1000 units of water.
High-Capacity Water Tank
High Capacity Water Tank.png
A large blue tank containing 100000 units of water.
Fuel Tank
A large red tank containing 1000 units of fuel.
Oil Tank
Oil Tank.png
A large red tank containing 1000 units of Oil.


Item Description
Floor Safe
Floor Safe.png
A small combination safe recessed into the floor. This particular model can be hidden under floor tiles.
Wall Safe
Wall Safe.png
A small electronic safe that has been built into the station wall. Requires a 5-digit passcode to unlock.
A large blue floor safe. Requires a combination to open, or a stethoscope if you're opening it unlawfully.
Wall Closet
Wall Oxygen Closet.png
A blue, wall-mounted oxygen closet. Contains breath masks and emergency oxygen tanks. Alt-Click to close.
Extinguisher Closet
A small small wall-mounted fire extinguisher cabinet. Contains a fire extinguisher, hopefully. Alt-Click to close.