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Pranks and prank items


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Hello everyone,



As you may have noticed, (or not) I recently have found a love for (harmless) pranks. I had some harmful pranks which I didn't know weren't allowed or were against a rule in one way or another, which I ceased to execute immediately after, so that was all good. Some other things, such as low dosages of space drugs in food, toilet water in food, or a small dose of Lithium (that's non-lethal and all it does is cause short drooling/not walking straight, etc) are all good. And think of a lube bomb with beakers (though that is a pain in the ass if the creator hasn't got galoshes because you'll fuck yourself over with that) or some colorful reagent, or some space drugs smoke cloud, etc, you name it.


What I want to suggest, or would like to know, is, how would people look against some new harmless prank items? Fartonium is ridiculously hard to make for example, and it would be nice if you had some harmless things which would cause mild inconveniences. Other than that I miss the fart sound and I recently said in OOC once that  we should perhaps have poop in the server, but that apparently was immediately assosciated with fetishism. (ew). We do have green vomit, however.


Question: Is there a liquid which we can use to knock someone out for like, 2 seconds as a prank? 


Any other prank ideas?
General opinions?



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