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New SoP for Head of Personnal


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So an Admiral (an admin) came on board and didn't like the fact that people were getting different names on there ID which isn't a breach in SoP... If that's the case then we should make it an SoP that the names staff are given must be appropriate in a sense. Right?


edit: Like honestly, there are things that doesn't make sense at all which makes me not want to play SS13 no more. The double standards and interpretations. I just want to have fun and play the game. Things like this upsets me. How can I play when I'm upset?


edit2: An admin doesn't like the way things are going and so they have to use there power to change it.


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Admins all have different levels and opinions on what is acceptable in both rules, policy and general fun of the round. For some admins, they will intentionally and purposely throw a wrench into a stable and steady round to add some chaos, player drama and give reason for people to turn on each other so long as they keep it within the rules.


Other admins will literally call in a death squad to eliminate a Captain or HoP who thought it would be fun to open up a few clown slots and have them serve as bridge crew in a role comparable to the Blueshield or NT Rep.


Admins just need to sit down together and hash out what is acceptable fun and what is not, as there are very few, if any, rules or public guidelines in place preventing admins from derailing or crashing down on player generated fun and events, despite the players themselves following SoP and the rules.


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That wasn't the case this round. This seemed like personal agenda on the admins part. I do not want to mention the admin's name out of respect. This was definitely made to 'ruin' the enjoyment of the round. It wasn't funny at all, it was a very serious situation. I don't care if admins have different opinions, but I rather not have those opinions shoved down my throat. They should keep it to themselves and do things to make the round enjoyable and not using your power to change something they personally don't like.

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I was the actual HoP in the referred to round, and I can only respond with one thing.







What was being done by the stand-in HoP was more than a little excessive. You can give *some* silly titles, but they'd taken it just a little far.


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Just going to put in a direct quote from the rules for this one, which justifies the actions of the admin who did this.


Choosing a Head of Staff role (such as Chief Medical Officer) means you will be expected to play to a higher standard of roleplay, seriousness and competence. You may be Jobbaned from Command if you fail to meet these standards, or if you ignore your duties;


Also you left out pretty much all the things that caused this in the first place, the job titles were definitely way over the top and in clear violation of the exact quote from the rules I posted above.


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