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My first dire warning


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Came back and have been playing off and on for a few months. Fun server, with Lots of mayhem. First round station blowing up all over, power problems, the works. Got killed once, not sure why or why seemed random and still fun after all i get killed all the time by random people. Re spawn as an engineer and power off the grav generator for a quick laugh. Nobody gets hurt minor inconvenience people have fun. NOPE, get a PM asking why i did it, i was honest ant said i was just doing it to be an ass, but if it was a problem i would turn it back on, no lies or excuses, just a laugh. mind you the gravity is on , nobody has been affected yet, i have offered to turn it back on. NOPE, im informed the admin has done it and that if i do anything like it again im going to be perma-job banned and that he has noted it against my character. I check the rules, nothing about Grav gen off limits for a prank. nothing about Engineering not beng allowed to prank and i havent been overtly hostile or metagaming. My first warning is a threat to permaban me from a job class and a permanent black mark in my file. I now dont want to play my favorite class because im worried any mistake will now cost me the class i love forever. Over a ,never happened, non violent prank that would hurt nobody. I dont want action taken against anyone, i just want the mark taken out of my file so if i ever actually break a rule by accident I have a second chance.

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You`re gonna learn from your mistakes, like everyone did.

You`re not gonna get banned if you play in a calm manner, you`re always going to make a mistake,

but remember to always ahelp before doing something not normal and learn to surrender, you`re not always going to win(Es.Breaking into Brig to help someone may cause further chaos and get you banned but if you surrender before stuff happens you won`t get punished)...



Anyway its against the rules because, it`s an antag action, you may think how?

Because deactivating Gravity you slow people down and they will fall, and that may cause the death of someone.


Anyway Admins/Mods, won`t remove the note, because is the truth, you`ve made a mistake but don`t worry you`re not gonna get banned unless you cause lot of chaos. (Like RELEASING THE SINGULO, as a mistake... yup it happened to me, but Staff members will understand if you talk to them in a calm manner, being a Staff Member is really frustrating sometimes so try to collaborate when you can)


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Do not post in Admin Complaints unless you have information relevant to the situation at hand. This is not a discussion thread.


After taking a look at the situation, I do not see any wrongdoing on Kluys' part. While the Rules do not specifically tell you that you aren't allowed to pull "pranks" as an Engineer or turn off the Gravity Generator, doing so does not constitute a "prank" as much as it is Self-Antagging, which is explicitly against our Server Rules.


You admitted yourself that you were doing it to be an ass, which is not an appropriate excuse for turning off the only thing that lets people walk normally on the station. Just because other people destroy or sabotage things does not mean you are allowed to do so; the others may very well be Antagonists, and if not, they would be receiving a PM as well.


What you did with the Gravity Generator constituted an act of Self-Antagging, and a quite severe one at that considering what you did and your reasons for it. And because it was the first of its kind, you were issued a warning and a Note was added to your Ckey. This is meant to serve as your one warning to read the Server Rules carefully and never break them again.


Considering what happened, I see no reason to remove the Note, as what you did was, in fact, Noteworthy.


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