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hello, fellow weird people ;)


i've been on this server for about a week now, and find it much more suitable than other servers i've tried.


i'm still a newb to the game, tho, so forgive me for any shortcomings.

i'm still learning and eager to learn!


my character is Nikolas Lombardi and i usually play in a medical profession.


i live in Illinois and usually work second shifts so i'm not usually on until midnight CST.


i find the atmosphere relaxing and enjoyable after my hellish work-life, and i knock back a few brews while i watch and (try to) participate.


i have the Discord app installed on my EyePhone but have not figured out really how to use it. any help would be most appreciated!


not sure what the average user age is but i'm in my 30's. is that old here? juuuust curious....


anyway, just thought i'd say hello and upgrade myself from forum lurker status.




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Welcome to the game and to the server! Finally someone who's older than me (30) so I won't be the old fart on the server anymore.


Don't be afraid to ask questions in-game if you need help. Lots of people are willing to guide newbies in-character (although some people can be jerks, it's part of the game) and Mentorhelp is always an option. Also if you think someone is breaking a server rules use the Adminhelp function so we can look into it!


It sounds like you'll mostly be playing during the "night shift" so you probably won't see many of the crazy rounds with 100+ players.


Good luck to you!


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Hey man, great to hear you are enjoying our server :) !

When you learn basic messaging on discord, and join the Paradise discord server, shoot me a private message if you need any help in regards to learning this very unique game. My name on discord is just scrubmcnoob


Also, don't be shy to use mentor help for any questions you might have.


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