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Shazbot's sprite dump


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I like to prototype a lot of code and in doing so find myself making a lot of sprites. Here are some of them with descriptions of what they are.



Here is a posible replacement for the scarab guardian. I felt like the original wasn't quite in line with the other guardians, so I made this one. Based of the antlions from half life, I tried to mix that with the look of the holo-parasite.



A lot of recolors of the foam force weapons and a few new ones made into the foam force style. I also made an atempt at a G-11 style rifle.



Most of the sprites made for the flare gun. There are a couple more as you can have any combo of barrel and receiver, but I thought this would be more then enough to show.



A combat rig I made that I made.



Some new guns that are energy guns with removable mags.


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