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Permanent Ban for Giving Trial Admin "Attitude?"

John Station

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Admin Key: LightFire53


Your Discord name (if applicable): John Station


Complaint: I was initially contacted by the administrator in question regarding a minor offense that I discussed with him/her in great detail, so as to make sure that the whole situation was clear. While I maintain my innocence regarding this offense, I was ready to accept the warning anyway so that I would be able to return to the game. This was not what happened. After I followed up on the issue to find out what the admin's decision was, I was accused of giving him/her an "attitude," and my warning was turned into a permanent ban. I can provide screencaps of this whole exchange if need be, but I'm sure that the staff has some sort of logs that they can refer to instead.


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Digging through them now.


Banreason: "After using excessive force, giving me attitude after an attempt to give them a warning is landing them a ban. Read the rules, and read rule one. Appeal as you feel required"


From what I see, the ban was legitimate - you had broken the rules and engaged in excessive violence, killing someone. It's up to the admins discretion as to whether a warning, ban, or something else, is appropriate. I see no abuse here of said discretion, and thus no grounds for any action to be taken against LightFire.


Here it seems what tipped Lightfire from one to the other was your rather rapid reply of Tinny Uptown, indicating you knew the rules already, and your overly verbose vernacular not coming across as at all cordial but instead, mockery. Pardon my Australian, but the first reaction I had upon reading your conversation was along the lines of, "Is he taking the piss?". This is better suited to be cleared up in an appeal explaining yourself, rather than an admin complaint against lightfire.


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