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Pod Sprite Requests


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So I've started tackling the space pod changes that I had suggested because the main code team is working on the big stuff most of the time and this is a side project at best in the grand scheme of things. That being said, I want to make space pods and the Mechanic a more integral and fun part of the station. I've started with a lock system that I will sprite the key for as there's not really a good placeholder before submitting a PR to get it added.


The problem is that a couple of pod systems have placeholder sprites in place and thus need to be redone. Particularly the Ore cargo system and the two lock systems I'll be adding, one of which is a key and tumbler and the other is a card reader. As I produce more systems (they are remarkably simple to add) I'll post others.


The last thing, is pod sprites themselves. Right now, there are only a handful of them. I'd like to have a couple of special paint jobs done and some grey-scale patterns that could be tinted to the color that the user picks. These sprites will take some time to actually see the light of day though, as I still have to write the painting tool into the code and that is secondary to certain core systems that need to be added if pods are gonna get in the hands of the public.


So to summarize, I'd like to have someone sprite the following things:


  • Ore Cargo System

    Tumbler Lock System

    Card Lock System

    Differentiation of Combat Systems


    Pod Paint Jobs

    Pod Armor Variants



Thanks in advance for anyone that decides to assist me with this.


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