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Vox Raiders, oh dear.


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We all know Vox raider rounds aren't really that great, usually because it plays out something along the lines of:

"Yaya is trade"

"So why did your crew try to steal the nuke?"

"Is trade"


Then sec takes in the vox and we all sit around doing bugger all.


I think that Vox raiders need more incentive to raid, rather than trade. Maybe even remove the trade option, other people think the round type needs to go as a whole but I reckon we can salvage the good bits. In terms of incentive to raid, I can think of two obvious options. First, remove the option of trading, simple enough. Second would be to make a Vox victory by trading minor, or even a draw where as a win from raiding would be major.




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The trade option was removed once, I believe.


Also, I have a thread up somewhere to port Bay heist, which would possibly help to remove some of this issue.


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I saw that, decided I wasn't going to weigh in seeing as I've never played on that server.

I'd argue that fighting pirates who board the station isn't valid hunting, after all, you don't exactly get people complaining when sec shoot nukies.


To be honest, Vox raiders are pretty much nukies with worse gear and harder objectives.


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The vox are not property equipped to Trade, they've virtually nothing to give that wouldn't gimp their own equipment, and they're not properly equipped to Raid. Their spear thrower weapons are decent but the needlers are of limited use. They've got nothing to stop you from just stunbatonning them and beating them to death easily. If we kept Vox, we'd need to find a way to properly equip them for one or both of the intended outcomes.

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They have weakass weapons, their only real advantage is surprise, and have barely anything worth trading anyway.

They'd work much better as a mid round event, or with some equipment buffs (ATM they don't have backpacks so can't even carry any extra ammo).


And yeah I really have to say the "kekeke voxy is kin!" BS is getting a bit much, either the vox get skrekked or they spend half an hour "negotiating" before fucking off to collect their items while the rest of us have a lovely boring round of extended +.


Just make them an event or buff them.


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