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Gamemode ideas to counter metagaming and to keep things new.


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I had a idea, after a while the same x amount of gamemodes gets boring.


So what if for any round type that isn't already a combination like Traitor + Changeling there's a chance it will roll say, Blob with nothing else or Blob + Random and randomly picks another antag in decreased numbers in comparison to their standard round type to go along with it like changelings or traitors, so if the blob gets dunked the round isn't just over or extended and as soon as you hear 'level 5 bio-hazard' you still will have to look over your shoulder because there could be traitors.


Or in a wizard round it could have a chance to instead of rolling Wizard, roll Wizard + Random and add a couple changelings and or traitors so if the wizard gets dunked in the first ten minutes there are still antags and people don't go full "I know who i can trust now because i know the antag type".


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I'd like to and have been meaning to have changling, traitor, and vampire all mixed up together.


The main problem with wiz/malf/blob is that the round ends when they die - which some have argued against, but atm would be very disappointing for the other antags, and has balance issues with it as well - these antags may be easily taken out by the powers of other ones.


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My two cents:


Merging the five traitor gamemodes into one would be a good start, as nec said.


Removing the blob and heist gamemodes entirely and leaving them as events would also cut down the metagaming levels (and get rid of two shitty gamemodes that are much better suited as events).


Wiz, cult, sling and nuke are all fine as they are in my opinion. They're already engaging and push the crew/sec to its limit. Cult getting stomped and leaving an extended round is an issue that might need to be addressed, but the other three have mechanics to bring the round to a natural end.


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I'd like to and have been meaning to have changling, traitor, and vampire all mixed up together.


The main problem with wiz/malf/blob is that the round ends when they die - which some have argued against, but atm would be very disappointing for the other antags, and has balance issues with it as well - these antags may be easily taken out by the powers of other ones.

I'm not sure about the implications or fun of having the antags fight each other, but - as far as wiz/malf/blob goes - shouldn't it be possible to make it so that once all of them die, the round ends? Instead of having the game check the death of one antag, it would just check all three. Or maybe it doesn't work how I expect.


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I'd like to and have been meaning to have changling, traitor, and vampire all mixed up together.


The main problem with wiz/malf/blob is that the round ends when they die - which some have argued against, but atm would be very disappointing for the other antags, and has balance issues with it as well - these antags may be easily taken out by the powers of other ones.

I'm not sure about the implications or fun of having the antags fight each other, but - as far as wiz/malf/blob goes - shouldn't it be possible to make it so that once all of them die, the round ends? Instead of having the game check the death of one antag, it would just check all three. Or maybe it doesn't work how I expect.

We have been trying to do that with the Ragin Mages game mode and we been having some issues with it of late.


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