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Put implants in lockboxes


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I played as Robotics and was expected to build and install implants. Wasn't hard, not with the surgery instructions. But yeah, Scientists shouldn't be doing this unless ghetto surgery or they make their own Medbay. Robotics I think are qualified. Medbay would be the next case however but kind of a waste of their time I think

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No. This isn't even medical's domain.


This is robotics domain; they're the ones that deal with mechanical changes to a person (and/or IPC repair). Yes, sometimes roboticists don't know/don't want to, so medical gets stuck with it, but there's a very specific reason why roboticists have a full surgery table and almost full surgery tools.


Genetic powers aren't locked behind a lockbox, and those are objectively more powerful than the implants (which have some pretty nasty downsides if you get EMP'd). Which is stronger--a genetic power that makes you literally immune to all stuns or one that just reduces it?


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Which is stronger--a genetic power that makes you literally immune to all stuns or one that just reduces it?


That's an absolutely horrible comparison, hulks are green and blindly obvious, but that's not why it's so bad


Hulks can't fire weapons, so they're easily countered by not staying within reach of them.


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I thought of this too, but for a different reason. Security. There is an implant, if I'm not mistaken, that is basically an arm-mounted laser. This plus the implants that are being considered for implant SoP restrictions should come in a lockbox. It just makes sense.


Not all of the implants, mind you, just the ones that objectively could give sec a headache. Maybe implantable SecHUDs as well.


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Alright, I actually don't care about implants, but people are accusing scientists of abusing implants. Take them out of the protolathe then and leave them only in the exosuit fabricator.


Here's Dave the Headcrab, a mentor, expressing concern about implants (he is the non-quoted text):




Here's TheDZD, an admin, expressing concern about implants:




Here's me expressing concern about implants:




Genetics powers can be solved in two seconds by a syringe gun and some mutadone. Genetics SOP dictates they can't abuse or hand out powers (and if you want to dis SOP don't even dare talk to me - that's Tully's project).


I made this trying to appease to the people who have concern with implants, but I frankly don't give a single fuck. Just don't say I didn't try when people whine about "science 2 stronk" and "science abusing toys." I did try.


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In sheer terms of "Ease of Access" V "Usability" V "Ease of Removal", Cybernetic Implants are hilariously broken.


Assuming Science does its job (and it always does), it's trivially easy for them to just make a miniature surgery room and all be running about with Anti-Drop, Stun Reduction and the ability to sic Beepsky on people.


Unlike Genemods, Cybernetic Implants either require Surgery to remove (which implies detaining and/or subduing the person and keeping them under control for the duration of the surgery, and is itself dependent on the quality and skill of the Surgeon) or an EMP/Ion weapon, which can very well kill people if they have certain Implants.


This is NOT helped by the fact that Robotics can easily crap out tons of the goddamn things, AND has the tools required to do the surgery, AND is mostly unregulated and left to its own devices. And unlike Medbay, who tends to have a couple good CMOs who like to keep tabs, Robotics is literally right next to the corridor, anyone can be let in, and most Research Directors won't bother actually regulating the damned things.


And the best part?


You'll never know.


The entirety of Science can be running around with Anti-Drop, Stun Reduction and Sec HUDs and you will have absolutely no idea. Then you pull out the stunbaton and "Oh shit, what the hell". The fact that these things can be mass produced (unlike Genemods) quite cheaply, and can only be removed via Surgery or EMP (which, again, high chance of damage to the person) puts them in a VERY dangerous place as is.


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Whenever I play as Robotics I tend to fucking hate the rest of Science. For... reasons I'll say. That being said, it might be best for some implants to be in a lockbox but then who will have access to open them? Ideally, Robotics for most of the normal ones but for the security-in-mind implants it would have to be security to unlock them. If abuse is an issue then might as well treat them as anything else that comes from the Science department, even though it does have a bad sound to it.

As for not knowing about the implants, wouldn't it make sense to have some HUD show that they are installed? Maybe give the Roboticist's HUD the ability to see implants and robotic organs? If that is their domain then they should be able to know. Make it a small icon even detecting what robotics someone has installed or show up in the Examine prompt. A bit of work deciding how to display and even more if HUD code, but would be better


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No. This isn't even medical's domain.


This is robotics domain; they're the ones that deal with mechanical changes to a person.



Well according to Tully's SoP surgeons should be doing it. Robotics are just back ups according to his pos policies.


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I believe Ponies has a vision for a new job specifically for dealing with implants and the like - biosurgeon or biomechanic or something along those lines. Roboticists don't have a particularly sterile environment suited for surgeries like these, they just have what they need to borg people - from bodies or heads. Using robotics for surgery other than borging would be unsanitary and without anesthetic, hence the direction to proper surgeons in Tully's SoP. If we end up getting a biomechanic department, it'd likely be split between robotics and medbay, I'd assume, and have a similar role as genetics, being split between the RD and CMO.

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pos policies.


Would like to point out that, at least if infections are working as intended, getting Organ Surgery in an unsanitary environment (IE, Robotics) WILL give you internal organ infections which, if left unchecked, will horribly kill you.


That and, surprise fuckin' surprise, letting Robotics do Implant Surgery unsupervised is a piss-poor idea for a multitude of reasons.


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If we end up getting a biomechanic department, it'd likely be split between robotics and medbay, I'd assume, and have a similar role as genetics, being split between the RD and CMO.


If we do have a biomechanic department that's split between science and medbay, I have an idea as to where it could be implemented on the map. It would be in the EXPERIMENTOR room, which is already incredibly close to medical, as seen in the screenshot.


The little reinforced wall by the psychiatrist office could be replaced with medical access doors, and the door from science leading into that room could be made robotics access only, if the room were to be joint robotics-medical.

The EXPERIMENTOR could be moved to Xenobiology, in the top-right-most containment cell. After all, nobody needs that huge room for the machine.


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Thread Topic:


  • At least until things are more balanced or these augmentations produce serious drawbacks when interacting with organs that have infections/viruses ( whatever flavor text reasons) I'll cast my vote towards medical lockboxes, accessible to any doctor and captain with medical and security HUDs to their respective Heads and captain only.



robotics doesn't even have any sort of anesthesia

I don't think enough people are Heavy RP minded to bother with pain when they are going to get augmented.


*amalgamation of the topic*

Entirely pointless. Both surgeons and roboticists would be fighting over the area or there would be just one person that wont be doing anything else.

This is something that has to be done with surgery. We have people whose specific jobs is just that and we have rooms already created, stocked, and used by said people. To make a "biomechanic" job/department would be nothing more than an additional surgical room with two separate departments fighting over for it and two Heads fighting each other over SoP, control, or whatever.


No. This isn't even medical's domain.

This is robotics domain; they're the ones that deal with mechanical changes to a person.


For RP and IC reasons this is strictly in the surgeon practice since this involves connecting the stuff to all sorts of nerves, bones, neural connections and whatnot. It'd be metagaming for it to not be.

Say the same thing about Roboticists? Arguable. In terms of cyborg parts, those are all 100% mechanical. The most "surgical" they do ( without borging) is make the stump usable and shove the cyborg part into the 'port' or whatever the IC fluff is and hooking the brain to an MMI ( I don't know if the fluff has it a fully automated thing or not). Regardless though, as someone pointed out, organ infections are highly likely to happen and will further cause issues or manslaughter due to malpractice.


Robotics are just back ups according to his pos policies.

I do hope you meant to say SoP.


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