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Hey! I'm relatively new to Paradise - though I've dipped in and out every now and then, I only started being a regular until about a week ago. You might recognize me as Julia Delacruz, the (somewhat inexperienced) purple-haired medical doctor that's been around the medbay this week!


I have two other characters, Edwin Emerson and Bethany Pratt, but you probably don't know them unless you've been on Baystation, which is where I frequented before having to take a break due to college and coming back to see it regularly having < 20 players online at all times. I'm already growing to like the balance between action and RP that Paradise has, and I'm probably going to stay here for the foreseeable future!


That being said, if anyone has any tips to help flesh out my characters or make them better RP-wise, feel free to tell me! I want to make it an enjoyable experience for everyone involved, and it helps to have feedback.


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