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Bone Refactoring (Food For Thought)


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More of a fun, food for thought type of suggestion than anything.


What if bones had their own distinct damage type (Like a cheesed version of organ damage!)?


The threshold for bones breaking is around 30 brute damage (and I believe it's random).


If bones were a damage type, you could have particular weapons suited to breaking bones (Opens up some bigger possibilities for traitors with maim objectives) or you could have weapons that would never cause bone damage at all (Saps, anyone?). I don't think tracking every distinct bone would be needed (it'd be redundant), rather this would be more of an extra damage type (like sharp) that could be tagged on a weapon's damage type.


The only drawbacks I can come up with would be that..


Bone breaking would be rather predictable if the damage amount applied wasn't RNG'd.


All weapons would need a refactor.


Whereas potential positives would be...


Greater weapon variety.


Potential to have certain races have more resilient/weaker skeletons.


The ability to beat cultists senseless with the null rod to deconvert them, without having to send them to surgery.




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