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Grenade Printer for Security


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Making grenades as a Scientist is a lot of fun, but often for me, the grenades never get to see some real use. Even if a Scientist were to make an amazing kill grenade or stun grenade, the coolest grenades require the most chems and thus can't be replicated too easily. I propose adding a machine to Security, maybe even the HoS's office, that allows grenades to be scanned, named, then printed. If Sec likes a grenade, it's not too hard to make just one more to be scanned in the printer, which can then provide enough for every officer. There would have to be some limit as to how many grenades could be made, or perhaps they could be made in cases containing five that would need to be opened by the HoS.


I understand if this idea is too extreme or dumb, but maybe it'll actually be liked. Leave suggestions or modifications to the idea in the comments.


P.S. The machine can't be buildable, so Science can't have their own. It could borrow some code from fax machines or other permanent, unique objects.


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It sounds cool but it would be incredibly unbalanced. Cue it being vampire or cult and chemistry makes a holy water grenade, and then sec puts it in their magic printer and rapes all the antags.


It is also somewhat exploitable, as you can just mass produce chemicals this way. The only way I can see this being feasible is it requiring bluespace technology, and uses telecrystals or something to print grenades, so as to limit how many they can make.


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This would be overpowered as hell. Giving security access to additional grenades is fine, but being able to mass produce hellmixes from one grenade? Yeesh.


At best, I could see Security having a grenade replicator to make flash or smoke grenades. Making it machine like the Autolathe that you put metal and glass into. By default, the grenades it puts out should be basic/sub-par versions of the ones they get by default, I'm not sure exactly how the flashbang reaction works with fewer materials but making weaker ones would be acceptable.


Science could upgrade the machine, unlocking additional grenades, such as CS/Tear Gas grenades or maybe even supression grenades that spread a sleep toxin like Ether? The machine could be loaded with chemicals to create preset grenade schematics and print them out. Would give Security a reason to interact with Cargo, Science and Chemistry a bit more.


But, I'd be pretty neutral on this machine since it'd just be giving Security more cheese and power, and I predict more than a few Security players outright demanding other departments stock and upgrade the machine before they do anything else, or just making false arrests and searches to confiscate the materials they'd need to upgrade it themselves.


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Perhaps to balance it, have it act like a combo of autolathe and chem synth, but with much smaller capacity?

So, it takes metal and glass to produce the cases, and uses energy to synthesise the chems. Just have the capacity for chem synth energy set quite low, to limit what can be produced at once.


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