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Space Law Trial Changes


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Starting Friday, we will be adding and editting 3 laws from now until this time February as a trial run of them, to see how they pan out and the communities reaction to them And how fast they abuse them.


These laws will be:


Situation: Refusal to Cooperate


Description: When already detained inside the Brig, either in Processing or Temporary Detainment and pending a sentence, refusing to cooperate with Security and instead attempting to break free from their cuffs and/or buckling in such a way that the attending Officers must spend more time preventing their escape than they do actually processing the prisoner.


Modification: +25% to original sentence. Can bring sentences up to Permanent Imprisonment if the 60 minute threshold is crossed because of it.


Crime Name: Enemy of Nanotrasen


Crime Severity: Capital


Punishment: Permabrig/Execution/Borgification


Description: To be legally proven to either be working for a known hostile corporation (ie: Syndicate), or to be working to undermine Nanotrasen's operations. In order to apply for this crime, enough forensic/legal evidence must be provided that the criminal has actually committed a Medium/Major/Capital Crime. Should the suspect be found to have been contracted by an Enemy of Nanotrasen, but to not actually have done anything, they are to be stripped of their rank, have all items confiscated, and be given a tracking implant. Executions done under this law without proper legal/forensic justification are to be considered murder.



Addendum: Antagonists that reveal themselves to Security without having committed any crimes are to be kept in Protective Custody (read: kept in Security) until the Crew Transfer, where they are to be brought to Central Command. Antagonists that escape from custody or act hostile in any way are to be apprehended and executed.


Situation: Repeat Offender


Description: To be repeatedly brigged for the same offense multiple times in a single shift (minimum of three times. Applies on the third brigging). Much like crime stacking, these offenses cannot occur during the same incident. Does not apply to Resisting Arrest.


Modification: For each successive Repeated Incidence, an extra five minutes is added to the sentence. If the added time exceeds the original sentence, the crime should be considered one Level above (ie, Medium Crimes become Major Crimes), and the sentence adjusted. Major Crimes with 15 extra minutes added via this modifier should be considered Capital Crimes, but not punishable by Execution or forced Cyborgization.


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