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Merry Christmas!

Tauka Usanake

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Is the station doing anything special for Christmas besides playing as Santa for a few rounds? Can I suggest some !fun! that could be tried out if not done already?


I'll come right out and say I want Christmas nuke ops. Just a crew that comes in dressed in red and handing out gifts to everyone which may or may not result in their own destruction. I mean what would they hand out besides weapons and bombs (and maybe the nuke if it can be wrapped)?

Sure it'll be super griefy as everyone would have the means of life and death in their hands but the goal of nuke ops was to kill everyone anyways. This way they're at least doing it in the spirit of Christmas! fuck that sounds so bad

I'd like to push this to other special antags but it all depends on what they could do. And it'll be for one or two days because Christmas Eve and Day. Something new for the holiday. This will also have to be admin lead or assisted. But just think of the fun!

inb4 everyone hates this idea :(


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