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G'day folks, I'm Keroman.


You've probably seen me around as Maxwell Edison (majoring in not medicine.) I used another name for the first day or two but I retired that character because I admittedly made a pretty big mistake that nearly got me banned. I won't go into details myself but I don't mind if an Admin feels it's necessary to post about it. Suffice it to say I'm going to be staying away from any security roles for a long (long long long) time.


I've mostly been working in Botany, Cargo, Mining, and recently in Robotics and Xenobiology. Occasionally I'll be the Chaplain spouting off about the Deep Ones and their eternal hunger. I haven't played any antags yet - I have the setting turned off, actually - until I get a better feel for how the game works.


So far my favorite role has been Quartermaster, although it gets boring at times. I feel like I do a pretty decent job of running the show in Cargo and I've had several players tell me so. If you see me as QM don't be afraid to ask for anything, just be prepared to seek out the appropriate department head for a stamp if it's something potentially dangerous.


Roles I'd like to try in the future are R&D, Chef (as long as the Botanist is active and helpful), something in Medbay, Genetics, and farther down the line possibly HoP. I'm not particularly interested in playing HoS, Captain, or AI but who knows how that will change in the future?


See you folks aboard!


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