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Remove bruises from Cult members' rune-making


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I think that cults have it really hard considering they're always all cut up, which in a way can lead to people subconciously thinking they're a cultist. Perhaps we should consider removing the visual injury messages from the examine screen

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I dunno about you, but the last time I cut my finger it caused real damage.


Also, I have literally never even remotely heard of someone attempting to meta cult by "you have bruises" since there's hundreds of things that could cause that.


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Well maybe be able to target which limb you slice open? Because seeing a wall of red text consisting of bruises is kind of concerning. Or maybe being able to hide them under clothes or something? I just think there should be a way around all of the bruises. Because they can raise IC concern for medical reasons, or lead to subconcious metagaming

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I was wondering about the bruising and such recently actually. It would be nice if there could be some way to remove bruising/burn marks that last long after you've been treated. I can walk by a cigarette machine, have it launch a pack of smokes at my forehead, and through the rest of the shift I'll just have a stupid bruise on my head that I can't get rid of.

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I was wondering about the bruising and such recently actually. It would be nice if there could be some way to remove bruising/burn marks that last long after you've been treated. I can walk by a cigarette machine, have it launch a pack of smokes at my forehead, and through the rest of the shift I'll just have a stupid bruise on my head that I can't get rid of.


Use an advanced trauma kit.


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Actually I think wearing gloves and clothing hides the bruises. I've never been valid hunted cause of random bruises on my hands and arms (though it is very unusual that you can get lots of bruises on your legs and head from cult runes.)


Need to test a bit further but examining other cult members i've seen write runes did not half the ton of bruises exposed, but when you examine yourself you seem to bypass most clothing.


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