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Change log September 15th, '15


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  • 'MURICA Guns


  • Renames all guns so they use less generic names

Adds the Mini-UZI submachine gun

Adds the ARG Nanotrasen assault rifle

Adds the Liberation Station vending machine and truly patriotic gear.

- Vendor can be found on the admin station.

Refactors some guns code so it allows for burst fire, and adds action UI's to automatic guns to switch between firemodes.

Adds the tactical reload feature: if you attack an automatic gun with a magazine, it'll replace the magazine currently inside of it.







Instead of backpacks being limited by the amount of slots they have, they'll be limited by the total weight class of the items contained within the backpack.


This means that 7 coins won't fill up your backpack anymore; you'd be able to place up to 21 of them in your backpack.


This doesn't mean you'll be able to cram in a ton more guns into your backpack; the weight class limit of regular backpacks is still 3, and with a max weight class of 21, that still means you're only going to get 7 moderate sized items in your inventory


Head of Security


Sergent Araneus has taken up residence in the Head of Security's office.




Slightly lowers the speed of the Oddy

Slightly lowers the speed of the HONKER

Mining RIPLEY starts off with a mining scanner and ore box--has a chance to start off with a plasma cutter.

- This is the RIPLEY that's a prize for miners in some artifact rooms.

Increases the amount of tool slots for the RIPLEY and firefighter RIPLEY

Updates the armor values for the RIPLEY and firefighter RIPLEY

- Generally an increase, though the regular RIPLEY's initial bomb armor is lower.

Increases the health, armor, and temperature resist of the Death RIPLEY.




Adds a system (fully client-toggled) to allow unathi and tajaran to "auto-hiss".


There are three modes, off, basic, full.

- Off, is obviously, off. It does nothing. This is the default setting.

- Basic, for unathi, enables the S extensions, and for tajaran, enables the "R" extending.

- Full, for unathi, enables the S extensions, alongside replacing "X" with "Ks". It does not currently do anything extra for Tajaran.




Selectable tail system is in, currently only for Vulpakanin's.


Disposals piping has been fixed and the Cargo transport system should work now.


Protolathe can reclaim materials other then metal and glass, minor fixes to assure the system cannot be gamed.


Add's a progress bar to the Lightning Bolt spell.


You can now kick racks to destroy them.


Tech shells no longer use Silver to make.


Mining Outpost has been remapped.




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