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Unfair treatment and wanton accusations

Excavator Nicholas

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Admin Key: Elysian_Prince




Dear admins,


I had joined the server with the name 'Digger Nick' in hopes of being of the mining profession. But I found I was forced into the position of mime. And so, unable to speak with the inhabitants of the space station, I decided to entertain them with invisible walls and invisible bottle smashing. This did not make them laugh, though their lack of humor is not the reason I am lodging my formal complaint against this one 'Elysian_prince', who has so slandered my name.


You see I take digging very seriously, so when he insinuated my name was actually some form of vitriolic abandonment of class... I was validly outraged. I mean, what harm could be in being named Nick? Is it not a common name any such layman would have? Nay reason is not this admins' strong suit, he insisted that I should read the rules and know that I was breaking them. I glanced at them before, looking at the general outline. I did not see the rule for being named 'digger nick', only truly offensive names or famous people. But still he insinuated that I had not, and told me to forge a formal complaint upon this very wiki.


When I asked him of the url, he banned me without even bothering to personally tell me. This does not promote a 'welcoming or friendly' atmosphere, nor does it make me wish to actually have my account reinstated so that I might play once more. No, instead I sit here typing my grievances on this keyboard. Hoping to get through to the people that play on this 'friendly server' that your moderators are nothing short of buffoons who care not about the people.


With love, Excavator Nicholas


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Your name is obviously meant to refer to the words "nigger" and "dick".

Digger isn't a normal first name and Nick is not a very common surname either, the coincidental combination of both is nearly impossible in my opinion withouth knowing beforehand what you were doing.

So your complaint here is on getting banned for obviously breaking the rules.

And not explicitly stating the forum url which is mentioned all over the server including the message you get after being banned.


Unless you have logs or reasons to believe that the conversation itself was hostile, (Insults, messages in allcaps, etc.)

I deem this complaint invalid.


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As I was here for the entirety of this adminhelp, it was very very clear from an early start that the player in question was trolling and being downright rude to Elysian---if I recall correctly, he even delved into open hostility towards him, at one point.


Given this behavior, and this continued trolling here, I'm throwing in my two cents for this being 100% baseless and completely invalid.


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