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Spirit of Determination


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It was Spirit's 50-somethingth trip to the Cyberiad, and she was feeling apprehensive. That station was a curse, most said. Still, she found the place enjoyable, if only for the company of the few sane ones she met. Spirit was a scientist, this shift - something she took a liking to. The shift began normally, everyone introduced themselves over the radio, but something was amiss -


That is when the first wave of fire struck. [spoiler2]But then, the fire nation attacked.[/spoiler2]


Central command sent an urgent announcement: The Cyberiad entered a cloud of superheated gas, likely due to some long-dead star's dying gasp of breath. This, of course, made Spirit somewhat unsettled. Spirit, see, is a Plasma [wo]man. Her race consists of the ever-sought-after resource of Plasma, the newest substance in a long line of materials discovered by Nanotrasen. Because of her interesting composition, she is particularly flammable.


Thankfully, Spirit found shelter; Telescience. This teleporter-laden room was well insulated, and she soon managed to ensure the teleporter could reach any distance. She grabbed a crew monitor, to try and lessen the casualties from the fire, by teleporting those in danger to her.


The fire grew in intensity.


Soon enough, she heard the sounds of the station collapsing around her. Still, telescience was safe, but she could not help but wonder for how long. Time passed, some were saved, but none could have prepared for what was next.


It was moments before the heat-shielded emergency escape shuttle arrived. Spirit was calibrating the teleporter, preparing to transport the ones she had saved to the escape shuttle, when disaster struck. Science was breached by the flaming plasma outside. She turned around just in time to see the maintenance-shaft door blow inwards, showering her in electronics and oil. Hellfire began seeping into the room. She tried, in vain, to grab a survivor of the explosion, but the air currents were too strong.


She fled.


Spirit began walking towards the escape shuttle dock, convection currents blowing her backwards down the halls. Several times, she believed she could not make it, but she tried nonetheless. After all, who was to bring news of the dead, who had to be restored? She, with great effort, arrived on the escape shuttle, alone.


When she called on the commlink, none but the AI, whom she ensured was safe from the disaster, responded. Not even her greatest companion in her travels on the Cyberiad, Leaflet. Spirit was crushed, both physically, by the searing, concussive air currents, and in (ironically,) spirit. She had barely managed to recover a medical kit from the flames, and was relieved to find the silver sulfadine reforming her aching flesh.


The shuttle departed, with Spirit as it's only passenger.



And what became of cat and hare?

Did they break free to purer air?

To guess their fate we shouldn't dare

Perhaps their tale closed well.

But for all the beasts trapped in the Nether

All life from out the loch and heather

The flock that could not work together

Are sure still trapped in Hell.

-The Metal Glen, Weaver



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