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Guide to being e Renevant - How to be an Asshat


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To start with, let's answer the five w's.


Who made this?

The event, was made somewhere upstream, i made this guide

What happened?

People did not play Revenant at all, it was sad.

When did it take place?

This round that is still going on, it's horrible.

Where did it take place?

On the station.

Why did that happen?

Cause random event.


So what is a Revenant? Now according to folklore it is a zombie that does stuff, only better, google it if you want details.

Now the lore says they are spooky wizard ghosts, and dis is essentially true, they are essentially wizard ghosts, only not as powerfull.


So you will spawn in one of the cesspools of evils on the station, in this case the captains toilet, and you have to collect energy and kill the Chaplain, cause fuck him. His Nullrod will murderkill you.


SO what do ya do? Well you eat peoples life force, you will start with a free spell, kinda, with a 10 second cooldown, this is your bread and butter, ya need dis to eat, and you need to carefully collect enough lifeforce to get the best spell, Overload Light, and man that spell can hurt like a bitch.


BUT WAAAAIT, there is more! When you nom on peoples soul, you are visible, and when you are visible, people can kill you, or bless the area, or make a salt line, like in supernatural, spooky trap. But lucky for you, your fourth spell Defile will help you there.


Oh and you need to unlock the spells too...


ANYWAY, i said defile was the fourth spell, what is the last one? The last one is TRANSMIT, so you can be spooky, or a metafriending twat that is gonna get banned for metagaming, cause your spirit has no former memories, NONE.


So what do ya do? You absorb essence, then you use overload light, in rooms with loads of people, now what does this do...

It makes you visible for a bit, but if there is a active light in reach, it will shoot fucking bolts of lightnings and hurt like a bitch, it will knock em down pretty gud, so you can drain a single guy fairly easy.


But what do you do?`


Well, you have your tools, to start with, kill the Chaplain, he is the only threat to you, then go nuts, trick tons of people into a room, and shock em down, each bolt electrocutes them, AND deals 25 damage, EACH.


So go, be free, be spooky!


But seriously, don't be a dick, people will hate you. Essentially, be spooky as fuck, annoy people, electrocute the captain, hop, ntrep, and hos, and kill the Chaplain ofc.


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