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Security Dog


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Well this was recently made. Adds krav naga as a roundstart martial art ability for security forces.




So I was wondering: What if there were a roundstart job of a german shepard or something, fit in a kevlar rig with a tracking collar and a headset for security?


Security dog. Somehow give them access to the help/harm/disarm/grab track and a single hand slot for their mouth. Have them able to use a takedown dog martial art that focuses around taking targets down and keeping them down for officers to assist?


Could also give them some sort of scent abilities for finding bombs/chems and people but I'm not sure how that'd work properly.


Maybe they'd have dog versions of synth laws. Like, "This is your training, follow it." laws/guidelines on how 2 dog.


Idk maybe it's a dumb idea.


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From what I saw krav is for traitors, not sec.


In theory I'd love to see a doggie helping sec.


In practice, the code would be a nightmare to do properly, as would the rules around it. It'd have to be an expensive karma thing at the least.


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From what I saw krav is for traitors, not sec.


In theory I'd love to see a doggie helping sec.


In practice, the code would be a nightmare to do properly, as would the rules around it. It'd have to be an expensive karma thing at the least.


Krav Maga is a fighting style good for 1 on 1 combat. It's obtainable from the traitor uplink in the form of gloves for 10tc, and Round-Start Security staff know it innately.


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Fuck yes Inspector Rex. I must make a Vupla sec officer called that.



As for the Dog - it'd be annoying to code for the following reasons:

Ignoring race selection and a host of other things.

Being snowflakey as hell with regards to simple_animal code - attack types, inventory, etc

Reagents - atm I don't believe they process reagents at all.


Then it comes to behaviour - people not acting dog like enough...or too much like a dog (I've seen too much Ian ERP). People acting too smart, metawise, etc.


So were it to be coded (which i doubt, but i'd love) it'd need some quite snowflake code that makes Ian's corgi UI look basic.


Behaviour wise - I'd want to see it be 50kp minimum, just to keep away the shit players, and to make people act better for fear of being job banned.



But man, I would love to see it done well, both by the coders and the people playing as one.


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I agree on the 50+ kp thing, getting people to properly play this might be a pain.


Any reason you couldn't just make this a child of normal carbons, then remove the stuff it doesn't need in the germanshepard.dm defines or whatever?


I mean, it's not like an admin's going to spawn 50 of these without ghosts. Right..?


Edit: I mean heck, if the intention is to only ever have one in a round, maybe three max, you could even let them have organs and surgery. Define dog kidneys. Prosthetic dog leg. They'd need their own wound overlays and stuff but, whatev right?


I figure unless a crazy amount of sprites/overlays for customizations were added though, it'd probably work like cyborg where your player setup doesn't matter that much appearance-wise.


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I'd want to see it be 50kp minimum,





I think monkeys were converted to have organs and work with reagents for experimentation, perhaps the same could be done with security dogs/pets?


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