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Securty borg idea/add borg recharger to security


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I had the idea after todays crazy traitor round that what if When the HoS or captain, or maybe even warden used their ID on a sec borg it would give them a lethal ranged weapon like when they get emmaged ,and using your ID again again would take it away? Also Please add a cyborg recharger to security for convenience it's annoying having to go to the robotics lab to recharge all the time.

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Kind of on the fence on this one...

I'd be great with adding rechargers to the brig, though.


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The nearest recharger is would actually be in the dormitory toilets, not robotics. Adding a cyborg recharger to each department may not be a bad idea.


Edit: Apparently I chose to ignore the lethal weapon suggestion. I don't think that's a good idea, as most lawsets would prevent them killing crewmembers anyway.


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Lethal weapons on borgs? Heck no, this is just asking for trouble, and it also completely nullifies what little advantage an emag'ed borg gets over it's loyal comrades if it needs to defend it's new master.


Additional Borg Charger in the brig (and Medical), yes please. There is currently 5 Chargers on the station, 1 in Engineering, 1 in Dorms, 2 in Robotics, 1 in Engineering Power Maintenance (Maint Labyrinth) Literally every default charger is east of the bridge, with the sole exception of a sixth charger hidden on the AI Sat, and they aren't spread out that well for effective use. A Charger in Brig Lobby (south of Warden's office) would nice, as would a charge stuck into medical somewhere (Lobby desk, Break room, by surgery, lots of good locations for one)


Science can make parts to build new chargers, I typically build them where I know borgs are active and have gotten Bartenders/Doctors to move a charger from Robotics to somewhere more useful as a borg before, seems funny we don't have a charger in the Bar even though thats where service borgs should hang out.


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