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Vulpkanin racial changes idea thread.


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The easy way would be to drop the saturation and/or contrast, but the fancier way would be to make the game look like this to simulate the real color blindness.




:D I want this so badly now


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It's just an operation on pixel data. That being said, I doubt we have anybody capable of coding this for Para.


The color blind mode would also indirectly 'nerf' neon furries - what good is it if your character can't tell the difference?


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I feel like they should have a lot of stuff similar to the tajaran: Night/low light vision, claws, more vulnerable to heat, less vulnerable to cold (insulated). To be fair, more sensitive hearing sounds like something both Tajaran and Vulpkanin should have.


As far as vulpkanin specific things...They're dogs, so the ability to sense intent would be neat. Really, the most that could happen is someone metagames, but that's a player specific problem. RP wise, they could just growl more.


Honestly though I don't feel like they need to be super different...


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  • 2 months later...


My thoughts:


Double nutrition-Balance: Meat only? I mean, they are carnivores. Maybe chocolate flat out toxic?


Nightvision-Balance: Partly Color Blind. Doesn't work in complete darkness. Similar to Eyeshine IRL.


Licking Wounds to heal-Balance: Does jack shit against burn damage.


Insulated (Cold resistance)-Balance: Susceptible to heat. Maybe make them passively start panting when the temp is above a certain point? Anyone in a few tiles maybe could hear?


Good hearing, can hear stuff through nonreinforced walls maybe?-Balance: Loud sounds deafen them easily. Maybe taking blunt damage to the ears with extreme noises.


Claws, Decent alternative to a knife. Not particularly powerful but still good in a pinch-Balance: Does jack shit against anyone or anything armored, easily outclassed by a toolbox. They're claws. At most an inch or so. If they were longer they would have a hard time holding stuff. Maybe an option to "clip" the claws of a locked up Vulp. Prolly regrow in about half an hour ingame to prevent that from being permanent. Mechanical hands disable clawing for that hand.


Don't need shoes to not be damaged by broken glass-Balance: Can't wear shoes that aren't specially modified. Those boots you just stole from security? Good luck fitting them on your paws. Maybe make a Tailor's Kit for clothing modding in general. I feel like a lot of the races would have difficulties with standard human clothing. What, you think those paws are gonna fit in a human's shoe? Maybe modded pants/hoods/hats for tailed races. Maybe energy races need special clothing, I don't see why Machinepeople even need clothes, they are robots.


Scent, maybe since the Vulps will probably be colorblind, they could have a color overlay of smells? Probably could just have the scents of different jobs be set to make it easy. Most jobs would probably have a specific smell after all.. Maybe they can memorize the scents of specific people to tell them apart? (Possibly using "spells" and a minute of sniffing at a recent scent. Could have memorized trails fade after about 10 minutes and non memorized trails fade after 5 to avoid clutter. People don't actually run around that much regardless so it shouldn't get too cluttered. Changelings would mimic professionscent but not personscent. So if a Vulp memorized personscent, they could tell the difference-Balance: Anything that smells rather bad (Fecal matter, rotting corpses, decay, fungus, anything nasty) could blind the Vulp scentwise. So throwing a rotting arm at a Vulp securityguard trying to chase you would be a very valid distraction tactic. As would making a foul smelling chemical concoction and using it as a scentbomb.


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