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Medbay checkpoint.


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As a Medborg mainer, I would love to see the Sec checkpoint in Medbay; anything that increases the odds of annoying clowns and other vandals trying to break Medbay Reception windows getting their shit kicked in is great in my book.


While we're at it, can we also add a borg charger to Medbay Reception, or _somewhere_ in the Medbay? Every major department should have at least one in an easily accessible location.


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I remember that checkpoint, I suggested it initially. As far as real world is concerned, it makes perfect sense, but in the meta, it could be dangerous. I had originally intended the checkpoint to be a way for sec to do their jobs, as medbay has a ton of activity.

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Having a spot for a security guard trumps a disused, overly large, storage closet.


Seeing as the security checkpoint was used almost every round for rearming, resupplying, and RP.


So, we're talking about converting a room that is currently used for medical storage and medical RP into a room that will be used for security storage and apparently security RP? Does anyone in sec use the checkpoint at arrivals? It really feels like this should just be a different suggestion for a brand new tiny storage room tucked away somewhere else without taking away from potential medical rp.


In my personal experience, back when it was a security checkpoint it seemed to mostly result in random people breaking in and officers showing up for a few seconds before promptly leaving or parading around medbay and getting in the way. I cant say I ever saw it used for RP, but maybe it was. I can say that I have (recently) been taken to that exam room and treated. I've also recently observed other people having RP sessions in there. It's really the only quiet place to have any sort of medical RP without being the therapist. Everywhere else in medbay is pretty open and easily accessible by anyone who gets through the front doors.


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If/when my current mapping PR gets merged in, I"ll make a separate PR to add an advanced medical scanner to it.



Consider me biased, but I really enjoy the little room; it has a clinic/doctor's room feel to more so than any other part of medbay, and I've personally enjoyed an extended roleplay session with players, utilizing that room.


The advanced scanner would not only help give legitimacy to a mechanical use, but could also help enhance its roleplay usage as well.



(only thing I'd like it to have, aesthetically is an eyechart).


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Exam room has recently been updated to feature an advanced scanner and more medicines in the pharmaceutical closet; it also features an exam-room unique medical locker.


All in all should actually be an effective place to do some quick initial scanning without yanking people all the way back to surgery.


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I've tried to use the exam room on non-critical/stable patients before and generally got screamed at by everyone for not just applying medicine/throwing them in the sleepers or cryotubes and letting them go. We're too much of a low rp server to have amenities like this, people walk into medbay and want to be healed and walk out within 30 seconds, taking the time to RP with doctors usually isn't something they want.


Checkpoint or a general storage of other items would get more us, I'm kinda surprised the EMT's office hasn't been moved there with a Cyborg Recharger and Mech Charger also in there.


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Yes, again, Cyborg Chargers in/near the Medbay Reception and Paramedic Bay please.


Also, the exam room could work for its intended purpose on this server given its focus on speed/expediency if it has a sleeper for quick fixes in addition to the scanner.


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Exam room has recently been updated to feature an advanced scanner and more medicines in the pharmaceutical closet; it also features an exam-room unique medical locker.


All in all should actually be an effective place to do some quick initial scanning without yanking people all the way back to surgery.

Fox, the number of people i this thread that want the security checkpoint back greatly outnumber the people saying to keep the clinic. Part of being a mapper is understanding that what the community wants is not always what /you/ personally want. Instead of trying to justify a useless room, bring back the checkpoint for a month and see if its usage goes up. If there is no noticeable increase in use, revert it.


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