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Removing rev from rotation

Mrs Dobbins

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Rev rounds are just not fun.

They are always over in an hour or less, or one side goes into hiding and draws the damn thing out for hours.

If command wins (which they do 95% of the time), then the station goes back to normal but with shitcuirty.

if the revs win, then the situation degenerates into lord of flies except where both tribes are equally dicks and anything goes as order just breaks down.

Sure, occasionally I like a round where greytide is the rule and I can just sit in my high castle and wait it out (I rather enjoyed a rev round today where the revs won and I struck out on my own) , but that should be rare and be largely adminbuse.

Rev rounds are just validhunting and encouraging everyone to be an extra big comdom or validhunter. Action packed rounds that over quickly should exist, which is why we have blob and nuclear emergency.

I like the idea of rounds where order collapses, but in rev any competent sec team can quash the revs.

Gang mode does seem like a massively superior version of rev because sec is not allowed to get involved until the gangs start being dangerous, and even then the fight is between the gangs, so command can stay out of it until order starts breaking down.


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