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pAI abilities


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I love playing pAI, but I miss being able to go into a hologram form. One thing I really want to see is the ability to go into a mobile form as well as a hologram form, with the hologram being limited to a small space around the pAI, possibly even being able to go into mobile form, move somewhere that way, then go hologram from your mobile form. The reason I find this is better is because the mobile form is incredibly limited, and has little to no use, as your carrier is moving around 90% of the time, thus having to keep you on him, and having pAIs not able to interact with anything makes it near impossible to go anywhere as mobile form besides walk to a table and rest on it. I loved being able to go into hologram form like the AI's hologram, and being able to phase through walls that way, helping my carrier know what's around the corner, or able to project into a the halls to talk to someone while my carrier is working on something. It also helps RP to have a humanoid thing to project from inside a pocket or on the belt slot, as then you're no longer a disembodied voice from nowhere, and you can't go into mobile from as it risks you being yoink'd by some passerby and wiped for their use, or your carrier is running around the halls or his workplace and doesn't want to leave you behind.


One other idea that crossed my mind on a calmer pAI round was the ability to scan your ID across the pAI and transfer select access levels from your ID to the pAI to be able to open those level doors like you can with a Mech, thus allowing the pAI mobile form to take on a more department assistant/secretary role, letting the Heads of Staff use their pAI units to get more knowledge from their department, pass orders and messages around, or be able to send the more disposable pAI into an area first to get intel before rushing in themselves to get killed by a fire or some such thing, as the RD is quite prone to have a chance of doing, or maybe even have a warden pAI be a watchdog of sorts, with the access to walk around the brig area, but not open the cells themselves to talk to prisoners, watch for bulb beating nuts, or other general things the warden is far to often to flooded with processing or retarded officers to be able to do themselves.


Both of these just gives the pAIs more to do in a round, rather than being that audible voice in your head role just giving advice or only being able to sit back and watch, as their only freedom comes from the mobile form, but the only time you ca really make use of that is inside a enclosed workplace where it traps you to a tiny area, and makes the carrier have to go pick you up if they want to leave, or the bar.


EDIT: One other idea I got as I was writing this that combines the previous two, though it's probably a MASSIVE long shot, is give the pAI a program to act as a Star Wars-esque walking holopad, able to drop an item for the carrier to use, like they do with the data cable, and then walk off somewhere, and project a hologram of the person holding the item the pAI dropped, linked with a two way radio between the pAI's mobile body and the dropped item, allowing for the same sort of situation I mentioned with the access level thing, but allowing the carrier to deal with whatever it is you need them for, but not have to leave what they're doing themselves. So the warden can talk with an unruly prisoner while dealing with some other random thing an officer tossed on his plate with out having to ignore one or the other. Maybe make the dropped item act as a camera monitor linked to the pAI, again with the star wars link, where there's the one person on the walking holopad, but the person talking through the holopad from a big room can see all the people around the mobile pad. Then the Warden or other person can see the situation the pAI sees, and the people on the pAI side see the hologram of the person with the handheld thing the pAI dropped.


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Sorry if it's a bit confusing the way I wrote it. I'm not good at explaining things without questions to go off of -.-


So if it's at all interesting, please ask about it and I'll try and explain whatever was confusing.


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Sounds pretty nice, would make pAIs more usefull and more fun to play, without changing too much.

And regarding the last suggestion with the holopad :


, just imagine doing this during nuke ops.

All my yes.


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I'd love to see pAI's get the abilities you discussed, it'd make them a lot more enjoyable to play, and more useful to their owners, which is really needed since a lot of people don't even bother with them.

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Well, it makes sense to not bother playing them. At the moment it's really a fate worse than death in the game, as now you get as much interaction with the world as you did when you were dead, less actually, as you can spin chairs when you're dead -.-, you only get to see what's around you, and even then can't examine things to actually know what they are, or what people are wearing, and your owner only rarely talks to you, usually forgetting you exist and stuffing you in the box in his bag for the round until you wake up from your nap and say hello..


I put up with it all for the shear fact that I personally love helping people in the off chance that they need it, So I often just sit back with several tabs open to various wiki pages ready to spit out whatever information my holder requests.


Ah! One other thing that's DESPERATELY needed: A SEARCH BAR for pAI records modules. When there are 70 people in a round, and the detective asks his pAI for DNA or Fingerprints, you have to manually go through ever single file to find the exact match. I've literally sat searching through every record twice for over 15-20 min. trying to find one perfect DNA/Fingerprint Hash in the records. I do it, as I was asked to, but it is the single most annoying request you can ever ask a pAI to do.


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Well, it makes sense to not bother playing them. At the moment it's really a fate worse than death in the game, as now you get as much interaction with the world as you did when you were dead, less actually, as you can spin chairs when you're dead -.-, you only get to see what's around you, and even then can't examine things to actually know what they are, or what people are wearing, and your owner only rarely talks to you, usually forgetting you exist and stuffing you in the box in his bag for the round until you wake up from your nap and say hello..


I put up with it all for the shear fact that I personally love helping people in the off chance that they need it, So I often just sit back with several tabs open to various wiki pages ready to spit out whatever information my holder requests.


Ah! One other thing that's DESPERATELY needed: A SEARCH BAR for pAI records modules. When there are 70 people in a round, and the detective asks his pAI for DNA or Fingerprints, you have to manually go through ever single file to find the exact match. I've literally sat searching through every record twice for over 15-20 min. trying to find one perfect DNA Fingerprint Hash in the records. I do it, as I was asked to, but it is the single most annoying request you can ever ask a pAI to do.



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That works for finding names, but not for finding something from inside the records. You have to still go through and click each name to see the record, then match the DNA/Fingerprint string manually. Though Ctrl-f would help by either giving no match, or saying it is a match once inside the records. I just mean a search bar like the computer versions of the records have. If you type a fingerprint into the sec records computer, it pulls up the matching staff record that had the fingerprint in it, rather than searching through each person's record individually.

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