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Grey changes


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Here are some things I'd like changed (and fixed) to the race known as the Greys.

First, I would like the Grey's telepathy to be nerfed. While going "boo" to some guy all the way on the other side of the station is fun and all, it simply has overpowered uses. What I mean by this is that antags that have abilities/items to stun/prevent characters from talking can end up being screwed by this. And I DID screw over a Cultist using telepathy, once; he used a talisman on me and I called for help to a completely random person, and that one person just HAPPENED to be the Head of Security. You can probably tell what happens next.

So what I was thinking was that the Grey's telepathy was nerfed so that you could only use it on people that are within your vicinity. Like a fireball for a Wizard, or neurotoxin for Xenomorphs. That way you could freak people the hell out without being game-ruining.

Second, I noticed that the wiki says that Greys are supposed to be immune to sulphuric acid. Well, I tested that by going Chemist one round, and splashing acid on myself, and it did damage me. So I would like this to be fixed.


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Second thing about the tp part: It would change the geneticist earning the power as well. It would basically be useless to geneticists at that point, and they earned it.

But I was thinking that it would ONLY change the Grey's telepathy, and not the one earned by Genetics research.

Anyway, after some thinking, I've retracted the telepathy change. But the fix for sulphuric acid damage is still needed.


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