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Rogue drones


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Nerf them

Currently with they have a few things that make them VERY hard to kill compared too other things

-Tiny sprite

-Plasma cutter

-Disconnected from drone console ( I thought the only reason they were connected too it is so we could shut them down when they did go rogue, and I dont even see the purpose of a resynch button if it doesnt do anything)

-Can hide under things like any other drone

-Can disposals travel like any other drone


I would suggest at the very least connecting them too the drone console forcing them to be a little more stealthy with what they do because right now a drone can just disposal travel, cause chaos and disposal travel away.


I would also suggest maybe making the lights on their sprite red or something to indicate that they are rogue but that might be a bit much.

As it stands now however I have had two cases where I have seen drones become rogue one case being when I was the drone myself and its a bit too powerfull for my taste, especially since its very easy to make them rogue with a single swipe from an emag.


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I can't really say that's unfair... once a traitor with the hijack objective emagged me. I decapitated an IPC in three hits, and almost completed the objective for the traitor... if not Fox who hid in the shuttle command area and i failed to notice him.


But agreed, hiding under chairs + a robust weapon like the plasma cutter makes it very difficult to defeat a smart-ish drone if you don't have a ranged weapon.


Keeping them connected to the central drone console would be probably a good idea, it would force drones to be more stealthy, and the console would have a real purpose at last (currently it is mainly used to grief other drones, or kill griefer drones). Emagged borgs can be blown up and locked down just like normal borgs, if i recall correctly, so why not drones?


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Keeping them connected to the central drone console would be probably a good idea, it would force drones to be more stealthy, and the console would have a real purpose at last (currently it is mainly used to grief other drones, or kill griefer drones). Emagged borgs can be blown up and locked down just like normal borgs, if i recall correctly, so why not drones?

Pretty sure Emagged borgs actually doesn't appear on the Cyborg Console.


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Keeping them connected to the central drone console would be probably a good idea, it would force drones to be more stealthy, and the console would have a real purpose at last (currently it is mainly used to grief other drones, or kill griefer drones). Emagged borgs can be blown up and locked down just like normal borgs, if i recall correctly, so why not drones?

Pretty sure Emagged borgs actually doesn't appear on the Cyborg Console.

They don't, they only show up if the traitor is using the AI to indirectly control the borgs I believe.


As for Drone balance, I would honestly just prefer them losing the Plasma Cutter, even Engiborgs don't get something that powerful. Drones have their own problems when it comes to subverting them, the fact that you can only order them around when your with them is a big one and it's actually hard to find the guys when your not an Engineer. Every round I'm a traitor I buy an emag because I want an army of adorable little machines and I bearly can find them since they are usually repairing the station in areas you can't get to.


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