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Remove Labor Camp


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It's useless, it's shit, it's only used by Shitcurity Wardens.



Hi, my names DryProfit. I tend to play on Paradise as my main server, I am mainly the Warden and sometimes the Hos or other Brig-Related Occupations.




We have this thing called the Labor Camp (nicknamed Gulag) in the Brig, for you new players or non-security players.


It's "purpose" is to let Prisoners serve their sentences via labor, earning "points" via mining.


I will logically list reasons why it's stupid.




1: It's only used in Life-Sentence. TG wiki has a point per crime system, but in PARADISE space law, there's nothing said on the Gulag. So Wardens can only use it in life sentence.


And when some poor new player gets a life sentence in the Gulag, they NEVER WORK. Instead, they plan to robust the next officer who arrives.



2: You may only Gulag one prisoner. Anymore risks robustness and death to Officers.


There's no "Airlock" like the permabrig has. So the moment you deport a prisoner into the Camp, you're automatically risking yourself if any other Gulaged prisoners are waiting.


Only instead of the Perma-Brigs similar trouble in this, they have a deadly weapon called a Picaxe which is a pretty damn robust weapon to give prisoners.



3: Nobody really uses it.


Problems 1 and 2 never really arise due to the fact that MAYBE once a round, a life-sentence guy will be sent to the LaborCamp (where he does nothing)





So In short, Labor Camp is an extra big Permabrig that gives prisoners robust melee weapons. Sweet







Removing that shitty thing will leave room for some new things. Possibilities...



Group Therapy Room: Prisoners and a Counselor/Chaplain/Therapist/BrigPhys/Physciatrist can have group therapies to lighten up their prison experience a little bit.


Counseling Office: Physciatrist doesn't always need to take prisoners to medbay, they may directly treat them in the brig


Recreation Room: Instead of people just leaving when they get a sentence over 10 minutes, they may... Uh do some shit.


Canteen: Cook can provide food to prisoners : )


COURT: some people think this is useless, most Wardens don't hold trials. But I think this would be a little more productive than the useless ass gulag


Solitary Cells: Often I find more than one disruptive / self harming prisoner, and need more solitary cells and straight jackets





Alright thanks for reading. Remember I'm on my iPad ATM disregard shit grammar and spelling please


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I personally like the Gulag. The only time I ever see it used is when the prisoner requests it and the warden gives in, though.

I say we keep it, but add in a few things to make it seem more usable.


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If you do get sent to the gulag, most prisoners just mine into space, which, due to no hardsuit, causes them to die. Additionally if they mine straight up they will run into an abandoned alien station with a red space suit and a space pod, basically a free ticket to freedom..

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If you do get sent to the gulag, most prisoners just mine into space, which, due to no hardsuit, causes them to die. Additionally if they mine straight up they will run into an abandoned alien station with a red space suit and a space pod, basically a free ticket to freedom..


This is an additional problem then too. Freedom should be POSSIBLE but not just a couple minutes away.


Liberty Station does pretty good to make their Gulag escapable but only with luck and 10+ minutes of digging towards Mining outposts.


Plus they have monsters which WILL kill you in many different fun ways


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I personally like the Gulag. The only time I ever see it used is when the prisoner requests it and the warden gives in, though.

I say we keep it, but add in a few things to make it seem more usable.


Things it will need to become usable.



- Paradise Station Spacelaw Reference (When to LaborCamp someone, and how many points to give)


- Prisoner Filter. So that you may banish people into the camp without being Picaxe robusted.


- Harder to earn freedom.


- New job possibly, "Labor Camp Officer" to make sure LaborCampers arnt killing eachother or waiting to robust arriving officers. Also to get actual results from the work, and transport the ore to R&D / Cargo


- Easy way for Mining to get the ores prisoners mine. Either some security access (main hallway and gulag) or a shuttle of their own to the camp


- Less robust pics. NT could "dull" the pic axes for laborcamp use to be less deadly.


- NO LIFE SENTENCES. Anyone with a life sentence, WILL NOT WORK. There is no point if you can't earn your freedom via points.


Instead, just give them a ridiculous points goal that they probably won't complete that round (just so they'll work and see progress)


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