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New Punishment Method (because Slavery is fun)


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Basically give the prisoner a special colar that can't be removed by anyone but by someone with clearance.

The colar can be set to a certain department in which the prisoner will work by force. Would make a better alternative to long/perma sentences.


The colar will prevent the prisoner from leaving the certain department and will shock him if he tries to exit the area or he does any harm.


Maybe sec can give him shocks if he doesn't do his/her job.


Just something I tought up.


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We already have this, but they go on the backpack slot. They're electropacks.

Perhaps, though... a collar would be decent. Though maybe for sentences over ten minutes.


A criminal starts breaking the window, the collar auto activates and shocks the prisoner. Prisoner starts hurting themself? Same thing. The collar could deactivate when the sentence is up, and drop to the floor. If someone without a security ID tries to pick it up, it makes a loud beeping sound until placed down.

Because, seriously, the greytide that constantly breaks down the window (Or themselves) is irritating to deal with, and even worse when you have 3+ prisoners doing the same thing.

For permabrig, however, this wouldn't be necessary. It would feel more like overkill, honestly.


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We already have this, but they go on the backpack slot. They're electropacks.

Perhaps, though... a collar would be decent. Though maybe for sentences over ten minutes.


A criminal starts breaking the window, the collar auto activates and shocks the prisoner. Prisoner starts hurting themself? Same thing. The collar could deactivate when the sentence is up, and drop to the floor. If someone without a security ID tries to pick it up, it makes a loud beeping sound until placed down.

Because, seriously, the greytide that constantly breaks down the window (Or themselves) is irritating to deal with, and even worse when you have 3+ prisoners doing the same thing.

For permabrig, however, this wouldn't be necessary. It would feel more like overkill, honestly.


Great, now shitcurity can be 100% sure you never escape the permabrig.


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What's the point of that in the cells?


If they try to break out you have a reason to add another 10-15 minutes to the timer for escaping and if they are really dumb you get to add some time for assaulting, insulting and stuff like that. If they try again you just put them in solitary.


If they kill themselfs? Even better! You don't have to deal with that shit anymore. I am way beyond the point of careing if a prisoner kills himself. You just call a doctor via pda to pick him up, which they never do and at this point your are golden, he won't even be cloned, great!


If you don't have the luxury of him doing something really stupid like trying to break out but he is still a major pain in the ass and screams how innocent he is, you bust out the full RP! Take him into an office cuff him to a chair and go get a recorder, paper and a pen! Then you take 5 minutes to explain to the recorder what happend and then start quetioning that poor guy. You make him explain everything in detail and follow up with even more questions! You continue this until he stops beeing a dick and begs you to just put him into a cell where he can sitently wait for his timer. This is what i call real justice!


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