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Heads for Karma


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In light of the influx of new players and the subsequent rise in incompetent heads...

I feel that the head positions should require Karma to unlock, either unlocking automatically at a certain karma level, or being purchased at 1 Karma from the store. This ensures that at least players will have to play a round or several to unlock them, and ideally only after they've proven themselves capable of RPing well.

I don't care if my heads are idiots, so long as they roleplay the position of incompetent head well.


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No, just no, and yes, this is mostly because I'm karma banned, yes I admit it. We don't have whitelists for a reason, we don't need this, I agree that the heads are getting more incompetent, but it's winter break, there will be less people after it, yes the server is really populated now, I know. We just have to deal with it.

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Disagree, this would punish potentially good heads of staff who are new to the server, but not SS13, some people I notice really only just play as a head of staff and do a great job. I'd recommend just temp job-banning heads for incompetence. And as with the above, it's winter break so there's a decent chance they'll stop playing after

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I really don't see it being punishment. Sure, you can't play a head the first time you log into Paradise, but if you prove yourself in roleplay, BAM, you're free to do as you wish. I read somewhere a suggestion about putting a time/number of games played lock on them as well.

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I'd say either low-karma (5kp for Head, 10kp for Captain?), or time-based whitelisting. If there's a way to track the number of rounds played as a role, that would be optimal. Use that to unlock departmental heads based on the number of rounds played as a member of that department. For example, five rounds played as any of Chemist/Geneticist/Doctor/Paramedic/Virologist will unlock CMO, and five rounds played as Non-Assistant Civilian will unlock HoP. Five to ten rounds played as any Command unlocks Captain. Five rounds played as Borg unlocks AI.

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I wouldn't be opposed to timelocking head positions so you have to have been with us for a week or so before getting a head position, but some people who are good players are Karmabanned, and some people who really shouldn't be in head positions are popular and have alot of Karma.

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I wouldn't be opposed to timelocking head positions so you have to have been with us for a week or so before getting a head position, but some people who are good players are Karmabanned, and some people who really shouldn't be in head positions are popular and have alot of Karma.

I find this to be a pretty good solution, how about a week for RD, CE,CMO, HOP, and two weeks for HoS and captain.


In my experience on other servers, if the wait time is too lengthy it seems that the head jobs aren't all filled too often, though correlation doesn't equal causation.


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A week sounds about right - Enough time to know the department from scratch with semi-serious play, enough time to weed out the casuals, and low enough for veterans like me to slum it.


I still say that round-locking within department would be optimal, but if that's not feasible, timelocking is already implemented.


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