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See-through shutters


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Many offices and labs seem to get shutters right now and all are getting privacy shutters (blocking vision and sound), because this is currently the only type of shutters. I think there should be a new type introduced that is see-through, so mappers could use them more selectively.




I absolutly hate the change that robotics has privacy shutters now, one might argue that they need a little bit more security for there lab like shutters that could go down when someone tries to break the windoor and i could agree to that. But them just shutting their lab down to everyone that walks by? No, just fucking NO!


I am so over it, seeing (or rather - not seeing) roboticists building combat mechs for themselfs and nobody notices it until its to late and the roboticist sit inside his very own combat mech, obviously without a beacon inside so they can't be shut down remotely. This is highly disruptive to the entire round if security, command and AI have to chase this one idiot non-antag running around in a mech. Beeing able to see them building this things would be very helpful, but of course they just close their very own privacy shutters. Why a lab that is designed to create mechs and equipment for other department even need privacy shutters is beyond me.


Privacy shutters are for offices, like the HoPs, conference room, IAA or magistrate, because there is a legitimate reason why NT would install privacy shutters, to discuss things that not everyone needs to know.


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I see a simple solution here for this. Because I do not like shutters to begin with. If you ever been to a mall, why not make metal grate shutters like that. Literally have it where/if need be/ robotics can shut down the lab part with grates but we can still see inside! It would simply be a invisible background of a re skinned shutter.


It should have its own separate thread, but the combat mech business is getting out of hand. Its just a matter of time before people fully realize phazons are the strongest mechs in the game and can overpower most situations barring a mechanized ert/ds (even then it still has an upper hand). Just to throw in maybe build mechanics should change slightly lest you are a syndie or special mech already spawned in that forces you to have a beacon inside. (hell maybe even put in when the board is locked into place)


anways gg for the shutters. I like science but secluding yourself from the world and limiting visibility of your shady shit is a real big nono when its that easy. (science rebuild so crew can see inside hehe)


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emergency doors also need to be see trough...i cant tell if its a joke or an actual hull breach.

If the doors flashing yellow it means the air alarm in there is telling it it's not safe to enter, generally. That's why they drop sometimes and then reopen, air alarm code is funny like that.


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