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Drone (and some borg) tweaks


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1) One again I'd like to suggest a cooler name for drones. Instead of calling them "maintentance drone (###)" I suggest "RAM Drone ###." It stands for Repair and Maintenance, but it just looks so much cooler.

2) Give drone gripper claws the ability to pick up more stuff. I really think there's a lot of cool potential for emagged drones, but there'd be even more if they could clandestinely swipe parts. *Or at least, you know, restock their own light bulbs or spray bottle (they can't pick up lights or beakers).

3) Give drones (and cyborgs/androids/robots) the ability to see their own GPS coordinates from the Self-Diagnostics window.

*4) Make the Matter Decompiler restock light replacer and spray bottle.


*=Added in edit.


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*Or at least, you know, restock their own light bulbs or spray bottle (they can't pick up lights or beakers).

*4) Make the Matter Decompiler restock light replacer and spray bottle.


Drones could fill their spray bottle from the wall-mounted space cleaner dispenser in the janitor's closet. However, I believe they recently had their spray bottle removed and replaced with soap, so they don't out-clean the janitor (assuming the janitor is actually cleaning).


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