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Everything posted by LostEnzeru

  1. Yeah, it doesn't matter horribly, no, but you know. MAH ARPEES>>>> Coroner would be perfect.
  2. A Mortician isn't a doctor, it's someone who works for a mortuary or funeral home. The term is synonymous with Funeral Director, or perhaps Undertaker. The doctors who deal with the dead are Coroners or Medical Examiners, so I suggest that Mortician, while retaining its scrubs and autopsy equipment, be renamed to one of these.
  3. I really like this idea, but it does seem pretty OP.
  4. They have both spray bottle and soap. Which is good, because spray bottles don't clean walls or "things" very well.
  5. We don't want them to step on cyborg toes TOO much, though. Though in that vein: Syndicate drone. This is a thing we need.
  6. Yes. Wintermote has all the best ideas (after me).
  7. 1) One again I'd like to suggest a cooler name for drones. Instead of calling them "maintentance drone (###)" I suggest "RAM Drone ###." It stands for Repair and Maintenance, but it just looks so much cooler. 2) Give drone gripper claws the ability to pick up more stuff. I really think there's a lot of cool potential for emagged drones, but there'd be even more if they could clandestinely swipe parts. *Or at least, you know, restock their own light bulbs or spray bottle (they can't pick up lights or beakers). 3) Give drones (and cyborgs/androids/robots) the ability to see their own GPS coordinates from the Self-Diagnostics window. *4) Make the Matter Decompiler restock light replacer and spray bottle. *=Added in edit.
  8. I can't take the credit beyond shrinking it to 32x32 and putting the frames together. I also have an icon of the dead brain in the jar that took a bit more work though.
  9. Check it out, it's Mother Brain, only scaled for perfect use as an AI. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img540/4156/571QLs.gif Though uh, I guess I need to put the two eye-closing frames somewhere for this to be useable animated. I'll do that if there's any interest in using it for anything.
  10. Right what it says on the tin. A naming formula similar to those used for cyborgs using Greek letters. Personally, I like the idea of calling them RAM Drones (Repair and Maintenance), so it's be things like RAM Drone Beta, RAM Drone Epsilon, etc.
  11. Sven Olsen sounds like he's probably some kind of badass.
  12. Hi. You seem like a sexy cool dude.
  13. This. Stun batons are fine as is. As long as security doesn't become shitcurity, there's no reason to nerf their gear. It's does the job exactly as it's intended to do.
  14. I use them in cargo. It is my personal policy to be as infuriatingly bureaucratic as possible when working as a quartermaster. Sign this. Now sign this. Now give me that requisition form. Oh, it needs a stamp. Now pay this fee. Okay, I'll let you know when it's here.
  15. It was totally on topic. Addressing the issue of mechs being controlled by the AI wandering out of camera range.
  16. Make it so AI can use mechs as cameras, like I believe they can do with non-hacked borgs?
  17. Seriously. Look at my avatar. That's me. So yeah. Hi everyone. Currently I play A Certain Shade Of Red (As Cast Upon A Blade Of Grass By The Light Of The Second Star Through The Droplets Of Morning Dew), the diona doctor/scientist. I'd never really played too much medical before, I have to say, I'm having a blast with it. Also, Red is female. I am not. Don't try to get into her rough, bark-covered vajayjay or she might dismember you or something. Upcoming character ideas include a security type. Officer at first but maybe expanding into HoS and possible Blueshield if I ever get the karma for it. I'm thinking of calling him Rafe Steelhardt. So far, I like what I see, even with the unexpected server downtimes and occasional bouts of lag.
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