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IPC Repair, Room & death.


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Hello, this is my first time doing this but anyways...


I would like to suggest a Karma job to be added to medbay. Purely for IPC's and limb re-attachment, The job is just a room for one doctor to purely repair IPC's. Since IPC's are becoming more and more popular and most doctors tell them to go to Robotics and robotics tell them to go to medbay, adding this in would be a great help to solving this problem.


I would like to have the room to have all the required thinks for limb re-attachment surgery, as well as a Fabricator that only prints arms and legs, a large supply of nano paste, some metal, wire and welding supplies.


I think IPC surgery should be changed (especially for the head) so instead of treating them like organics and using a scalpel, we use a screw driver and other things. Even repairs to the body should be changed, like damage to the chest could have to be rewired and then have a plate of metal welded onto them, and heads should be able to have the screens opened up and wires can be played with.


Also a distress beacon for IPC's heads that can ping it's location but takes a while to recharge and can only be heard by close range. as well as when an IPC gets killed their head can speak for a few seconds before deactivating.



add a IPC repair room to medbay, change IPC surgery and add after death things to IPC's!



Thank you for reading this and I hope some of it gets added.


- L.U.N.A.


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Two problems: It would be very difficult to fit another room in, unless the acute (useless) room was changed to it.

The ideas about fixing MP so it makes more sense are great, but adding another job just for MP and the repair changes make the job useless as robo can simply fix machine people. Unless people just stupid, then adding another job is an even worse idea.


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90% of the time doctors refuse to help me, telling me I need to see the roboticist. About 60% of the roboticist I deal with tell me to see a doctor.


Heck even if they agree to help, I still have to walk them through it. I would love to see someone more devoted to fix IPC, but making it more complicated without that job would be a nightmare. Most people never know how to restore an IPC and I have never been revived.


Maybe call the job "prosthetics specialist" and have them install all artificial limbs as well as repair IPC?


Lack of space is easy to fix. Embassies are wasted space right now. Remove them and have space for all your needs.


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Mate, mapping is far more complex then that. It would be easy to just replace the acute rooms though. Mentioning prosthetics, I really like this idea now. That was a system that was mostly just shoved in.

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Well, this is a topic I am personally vested in, given my "main" character is an IPC.


Giving medical some nanopaste and possibly a spare limb or two in medical storage would be nice addition, but to go as far as to create a karma-locked role dedicated to IPC repair / prosthetics and give medical another room seems excessive.


First, karma locking such a role will pretty much guarantee it won't be commonly played (how often do you really see a Sec pod pilot or Mechanic?), so it doesn't effectively address the lack of knowledge... it could actually make it worse, since that duty no longer falls to the medical doctors/surgeons.


Second, while having a room dedicated to IPC repair / limb attachment might be nice, it's also unnecessary. Giving them a fabricator would essentially remove a point of departmental interaction, which could be argued as either good or bad.


Third, while I do support the idea of making IPC repair and surgery more appropriate, the hurdle is avoiding making it too complex. Currently, they use the same surgery as organics, making it easier for a player controlling the doctor to perform since they don't need to remember different procedures to use depending on if the patient is IPC or organic. Updating the text for these operations would be a step in the right direction ("cuts away the flesh where the hand used to be", IPCs don't have flesh), but I'd rather see the revival and repair bugs fixed before we begin to change the actual system.


Finally, IPC death is a very difficult and tricky topic to approach. The distress beacon idea would be cool, though it would definitely need to be blocked by bags (so a traitor doesn't have the IPC ping every time they pass security or something like that), and possibly have a visual indicator of the location similar to pointing's arrow or the laser pointer's dot.


This is a good suggestion though, and I look forward to seeing how this thread progresses.


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This topic came up several times now and i do agree that there needs to be some sort of solution.


I think a doctor should not have any more knowledge to repair a IPC then a bartender or a security guard. It just doesn't makes sense to me, a surgeon is no computer tech. How should he know how to wire or weld an IPC together? Right now i think robotics is the right place to repair an IPC, except for the fact that they lack some of the nesseary surgery equipment (i think).


I wouldn't mind a dedicated job for this, but i think it would be better placed in Science or Engineering, i would prefer Science. Both of this deparments should know how to wire and weld stuff and actually have the nesseary equipment. Either the science breakroom could be used or the old assembly line could be "reactivated". Placing it in Science could speed up the robotic limb production because people tend to show better teamwork and are more willing to help if they are in the same department.


To give the new job some more responsibilites, it could also be the place for limb replacement surgery (only if it's placed in science), in this case it could make sense to swap robotics to the science breakroom and make the new jobs lab at the old robotics area (connected to the medbay, like genetics).


Obviously robotics needs to keep it's size so the science entrance would needs to be moved a bit. Considering this it might make sense to swap the RDs office and the Toxin Storage.



IPCs should either be repaired by roboticists or a new dedicated science job with an lab also connected to the medbay.


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Streaky and SpaceTime, let's keep this civil and avoid unnecessary fighting.


Back on topic:

While SpaceTimeNow does make a decent point (which I hear echoed throughout medbay IC) about the knowledge of medical regarding IPC repairs, the main point of why medical handles IPC repairs is simply: Medical handles crew, Robotics handles borgs. IPCs are considered crew, and therefore fall into medical's domain.


I've seen a number of roboticists procure the necessary tools for limb attachment surgery and perform them as needed, but this is not meant to be their area of expertise. To be fair, many IPC players don't necessarily care WHO does the procedure as long as they get repaired, but become annoyed and frustrated with the endless bickering of which department should handle it while they are standing their with half their limbs broken and/or missing.


While I still don't think a new job or room is necessary, adding some way to quickly transport the new limbs from robotics to surgery might be worth considering. Perhaps similar to a disposal delivery system that only connects surgery and robotics, since a shared desk (like between Hydro and Kitchen) is not possible without re-configuring medical and part of science.


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I can understand streaky's frustration, which I believe is what he means. The trouble is with most people that either you play and understand IPC, or you don't play them and think they should just suck it up.


I have played IPC for quite some time and I saw an issue with the fact that it took two months to convince the coders to remove a feature that made IPC overheat in almost any outerwear, so much that it made any job that needed a hardsuit unplayable. Most responses were from players telling the IPC players to just play a different race.


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say Stupid skreekbag!



While SpaceTimeNow does make a decent point (which I hear echoed throughout medbay IC) about the knowledge of medical regarding IPC repairs, the main point of why medical handles IPC repairs is simply: Medical handles crew, Robotics handles borgs. IPCs are considered crew, and therefore fall into medical's domain.

Again, this does not make sense to me. Crew is an IC term. OOC, both IPC and Borgs are players and equaly important.

I admit i am not big on the lore side of ss13, but i think centcom does not value IPCs the same they would human. So i don't really see an IC issue of forcing IPCs beeing repaired in medbay, yes repaired, not healed or cured. A IPC is even more machine as a cyborg, by definition. It makes absolutly no sense for a doctor to repair a machine. This is reinforced by the simple facts that there are no tools in the medbay to repair a IPC and that a doctor has no access to welding helmets at all.


I have repaired and revived several IPCs when i played Medic or surgeon more often, but it never made actual sense to me, i broke my RP to repair a complicated machine, so that a other player could continue playing. And let me tell you, every time reviving a IPCs was a fucking major undertaking that basicly filled up half my round.


Let me describe that for you:

- A IPC head and torso is beeing brought into medbay, limbs are allways left behind or thrown away.

- Find a roboticist

- Convince him that the IPC is more important to help then finishing the mech

- go search for metal, because the roboticist used it all and i am the one who want the IPC to be revived

- return and wait for limbs

- transport 4 limbs to surgery

- search for cables (relatively easy)

- search for welding tool (not so easy, if non is left in the public tool storage)

- go to engineering for a welding helmet, get told to go to cargo

- go to cargo for a welding helmet

- recive the form that needs to be signed by the CE

- return to engineering

- find the CE

- convince him that you want to revive a IPC

- return to cargo with form

- wait in line (again) for welding helmet

- return to surgery

- repair the body

- make like 5 operations 4 limbs + head

- repair the rest of the body

- run out of welding fuel why doing so

- kill yourself with a blunt object


(btw, the story is fucking true, except for the part of killing myself. I found welding fuel and repaired the IPCs so we both could board the shuttle, this was basicly my round)



IPCs are just stupidly difficult to revive if you have non of the tools required, only because every one else cares even less about reviving a IPC still doesn't make the medbay the right place.


I do agree that there should be a place for IPCs to go, i just don't agree with that place beeing in the medbay with some random doctor or surgeon, because it forced them to be extremly meta.



Edit: if you for some reason want it to happen inside the medbay, as i suggested there could be a room between medbay and science that could be accessable for both roboticist and doctors.


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