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  1. we have the new disposal system.
  2. I made this meme for twinmold.... stap me plz!
  3. Hello, this is my first time doing this but anyways... I would like to suggest a Karma job to be added to medbay. Purely for IPC's and limb re-attachment, The job is just a room for one doctor to purely repair IPC's. Since IPC's are becoming more and more popular and most doctors tell them to go to Robotics and robotics tell them to go to medbay, adding this in would be a great help to solving this problem. I would like to have the room to have all the required thinks for limb re-attachment surgery, as well as a Fabricator that only prints arms and legs, a large supply of nano paste, some metal, wire and welding supplies. I think IPC surgery should be changed (especially for the head) so instead of treating them like organics and using a scalpel, we use a screw driver and other things. Even repairs to the body should be changed, like damage to the chest could have to be rewired and then have a plate of metal welded onto them, and heads should be able to have the screens opened up and wires can be played with. Also a distress beacon for IPC's heads that can ping it's location but takes a while to recharge and can only be heard by close range. as well as when an IPC gets killed their head can speak for a few seconds before deactivating. tl;dr: add a IPC repair room to medbay, change IPC surgery and add after death things to IPC's! Thank you for reading this and I hope some of it gets added. - L.U.N.A.
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