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Sarea the ling


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Sarea goes about her business about to go for a shower with her Voxxy friend when she catches some random in the dorms! Yay! Sarea silent stings and decaps the poor victim and eats them on the spot. All cool. She goes for a shower with Voxxy friend, they break up. Sarea then goes to clone poor victim ((IE they complained about how they were AFK after punching mewhile I murdered them)) and I get a man monkey. Joy! Gobble that up, AI reports me. Innocent act. I go to sec. I get interrogated and end things go sour. Sarea turns into a monkey and flees until she gets into the sec pod. She survives!


Eventually she finds the bartender alone in a pod. She breaks in through the window and drags him out paralyzed into space while screaming super discomforting Sarea stuff. Sec finally break into the other pod and I pretend to be the bartender screaming for help (With the intent of scaring them). an extended battle is had and eventually after suffering from plenty of gun shots, Sarea closes the pod. The pods launches, Sarea is flung out the front of the pod in her sec gear. She comes back to life and threatens the living.


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