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Traitor items: jammers


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As in a power jammer, a box like device that shut off the electricity in a certain radius around it for a short while( think: mini power sink, maybe 4-12 squares for 30 seconds or so with a time delay to activate?)

Like in the black out random event but on a localized scale.

Obviously it'd be very potent (switching off all the lights nearby? great for losing pursuit, no idea what to price it at in crystals though), but a viable alternative to emagging everything, probably with limited uses or a really long cool down for balancing.

On that note: a radio jammer would be cool too, far too often are fights over in 10 seconds when someone yells "halp bein killed", specialized gear like this would allow traitors to be more... well, specialized : too :P, after all, the emag is much more than just a masterkey but that's what its usually used for.


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