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Emaged Recycler suggestion


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Exec summary: A bigger reward for pulling of a hard murder would be if the emagged recycler gibbed things like the gibber.

Correct me if im wrong but as I understand it is a person was to go through the emaged recycler they die and get horrific brute injuries. However they are revivable and the body stays intact and can be recovered. If a traitor is going through the effort of using the disposals to dispatch a target they have to get get them into deposals then through the delivery office to finally the recycler. I feel that is a lot of effort that you then have to go personally shoot the body out into space via the mass driver all while not being seen.

I feel it would be more realistic if the big mangaling rollers of the recycler were emagged and safeties disabled they would act far more like the gibber and destroy the poor body of whoever was put through it. This feels like a fairer reward for pulling off a difficult murder. I know this is how the recycler worked in years past on Oracle station back when it was running but unsure if its present on other codebases so not sure of how hard this would even be to implement.

would love to hear peoples thoughts and suggestions!

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It's really not that hard to recycler people, and it's often not done just for a single target. I really wouldn't like to see it as recyclers currently can cause enough problems as it is. Not only does it kill you and give a ton of damage it destroys all your items too. This is especially crippling for security as is.

Not to mention you can take grinders and drag them around killing people with them.

  • fastparrot 1
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Not gonna lie i've never seen anyone use it, but was unaware you could drag it around and it still work that would defo need to change if it insta gibbed.

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Would make gibbing people way too easy IMO. Emagging a recycler is already incredibly easy and low risk. Further, as long as the disposal lines were on, all you’d need to do to perma kill someone is disposal them anywhere on station. There’s also the issue of collateral damage from people accidentally walking into it or falling into it. 

Fully gibbing someone isn’t something that should be easy, and it certainly shouldn’t be something that costs as little as an emag. 

I don’t like emagged recyclers as a general rule as they exist already. Making them gib on top of what they can do is overkill. 


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There is a midpoint in disposals at the cargo office, typically the conveyor would be disabled and someone should be manning the office, If there is not its a failure on due of multiple departments for engineering not noticing the recycler, cargo leaving conveyor on with no one there, and the heads of staff for not providing oversight of their departments. I do think its cheesy but I have personally tried this tactic and it is harder to pull off than it looks, Good suggestion tho, just putting in my two cents

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