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A gentleman's guide to murder


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**IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I do not condone using this information in any situation where you are not being forced to murder someone by your syndicate overlords. And remember, DA RULEZ still apply.**


Hello gentleman (and ladies if you are out there) and welcome to a gentleman's guide to murder. Here you will learn how to murder, maim, and destroy your targets with little to no harm on your part.


Part 1: Understanding your role.


Your job as a gentleman is to kill your mark. That is all. However when you explore what this means it goes much deeper. It is to kill your mark and get away with it. How to do this is quite simple. You are playing a shell game. It is about moving your targets life from one cup to another while the audiences attention is shifted away. This naturally means moving less balls. Killing five people is not only morally unjust, but it is difficult to pull off. To put it simply, kill less people. If possible only murder your target.


Part 2: A plan


One of the most important parts of the process is developing a plan. Within this section I will present a few as jumping off points, however the more original your plan is the more likely it is to work.


One plan that I use frequently is the position of authority. The aim is simple, take over the authority of someone who has power over something others fear. This could include but is not limited to: Crime, disease, bodily harm, alien life, and more. Now keep in mind to steal this authority (unless you already have it) gets difficult with a few of these. Crime is usually at the front of the spotlight, you can't move the shell with everyone paying attention to it, and it is difficult to impersonate the HoS. Disease however. It can be so easy to impersonate the faceless lab rat in his secluded sick ward. So that is where I start. I break in, undetected of course, with an agent ID, and a gas mask. I fake an identity as a virologist and get a biosuit. Then I wait for the virologist to enter the hallway and allow me to slip in. (This may require coercing). After that I talk him down from the panic he is likely feeling at his new mysterious lab partner that showed up unannounced. Talking is key here, you have to talk to people. Simply sounding like you know what you are doing and belong there is often enough to convince people. Then you work with him for a bit so he trusts you enough to turn your back. Then you pull out an energy sword or other weapon and off him. Take his PDA and ID and dispose of him.


Part 3: The murder


After you have everything all ready you just need the right time. You need the crew to be focused elsewhere, for them to not notice one more person has gone missing. (I.e. spiders, rogue AI, or other traitors.) Then you use your position of authority to lure them to you, or a secluded area. For instance I use my new virology position to convince them that they need to come to the lab for an inoculation. This usually suffices. Once they are there use something of your new title to incapacitate them. Virologist can give them shots of sleep toxin claiming it is a cure. A fake HoS can cuff them. And more. Incapacitating them is crucial as SS13's combat is clunky at best and in a 1v1 you may not win. After that lop off their head, and clean up. Flee the area, switch ID's and be home free.


Good day gentleman


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