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The royal guard


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When my bluespace particles realigned I found myself on the N.G.S. Cyberiad once again. As always I was Jerry Powell, as I was once called. This reality was one I relished. I had a good job as a virologist, nice soothing work. But something was new. A piece of paper in my hands from the Syndicate Organization. I guess in this reality I was very against NanoTrasen, something I could get behind. My mission was to protect Elisa Larkens, the Xenobiologist.


This time I tried a new strategy. I came clean. I told her everything. It was then that I learned that she too was with the syndicate, so we teamed up. We worked together and forged me a new ID, as a xenobiologist so that I could be near her. She told me she had a target to kill. The cargo tech, Hunter. I told her I would take care of it.


We both arrived in the virolab, and I sat her down in the sick bay and told her my plan. I handed her the energy sword and told her that when the time was right she deserved to do the deed. That was when some jackass fresh transfer walked in. I nervously said hello and asked if he was new. He said he was, and that he is used to smaller labs and wanted a tour. I obliged him. At some point after leaving him in the lab I went back and took the energy sword back.


I told the new guy to follow me into the monkey pen, as though to show him something. I asked if how new he was, and he said he had some training but not much. So I started talking about antibodies and spitting out medical garbage. Then I took out my energy sword and started hacking him up. He managed to run all the way to the sick bay before I caught him. Once he was decapitated I started to drag his body away and asked Elise to pick up any left over bits of the late doctor up and toss them.


It was as I was dragging him away that I got a PDA message from Hunter. He said that he was outside, with the viro crate, ready for the immunization. Shit. I was full force panicking. I gave Hunter the classic, "OOooone secoooond!", while I made things look presentable. I just dumped the body in a room he wouldn't see and showered up to get the blood off.


I took a deep breath and answered the door. I led him into the sick bay and put on my act, he followed closely with virus crate in tote.


"Alright take a seat both of you. Alright Ms. Larkens I hope you don't mind, but I was going to let our friend go first since he was nice enough to drag that heavy virus crate all the way from the cargo bay! Alright deep breath for me." I said as I injected him with five units of sleep toxin. "Now you may feel start to feel dizzy and tired after this." I continued through five more doses. "This is normal. It is your body building up toxin damage due to your lymphatic system working in overload." I finished with the final five doses in the syringe. "Now I am going to give you some anti-toxin to help with that." I state as I pulled out a second syringe of sleep toxin and emptied it into his veins.


As soon as he was slumped over in his chair I gave Ms Larkens the signal, and she chopped his head off. We disposed of the bodies, their stuff, and booked it. I changed back into my xenobiologist identity, and prepared to head out. That was when I noticed her look at her mission statement. "How does one die an honorable death?" She asked. My heart nearly leapt out of my chest as I heard this. It directly conflicted with my mission of protecting her. "Well really anything, as long as it has flair." I said nervously. "Come with me I have an idea." She said.


On the way out I refilled my two syringes with sleep toxin, and grabbed a straight jacket. We walked back into her lab where she instructed me and her lab partner to sit down with her. Then she left the room and said she would return shortly. I told her lab partner that she intended to kill us but that we need not worry. He worried indeed, as he grabbed a fire extinguisher. Before I could reassure him further she returned. We all took our seats as she started to speak.


"No Turno, we are both Syndicate Agents." She said calmly.


"WHAT!?!?!??" He screamed.


At this point I knew my time was limited. I had to protect her from herself. I plunged both my needles into her veins and emptied the sleep toxin into her instantly. She seemed hurt as she collapsed, as if she couldn't believe it. Her lab partner only got angrier. He began to move towards me as I put the straight jacket on her and buckled her to the chair. When she came to, she saw me being chased around the table by her angry lab partner armed with a fire extinguisher. Finally he caught me and began to bash my head in. My last words?


"Don't harm her. She is innocent. Be good to her. Goodbye Elise. I am sorry."


My spirit drifted away as I noticed him disposing of me and largely leaving her alone. It returned at the end of the shift and noticed with glee that she was still alive.


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