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A murder most foul


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I was Argile the Cool. Company man turned Syndicate Agent. I was posing as an engineer, and my mission was to steal the RD's jumpsuit. No easy task, to steal the clothes off another man's back. So I started to gear up.


1 voice changer

1 agent ID

1 laser sword

1 full set of default engineering tools

1 multitool

1 pair of insulated gloves


I formulated my plan: Kill the virologist, pose as him, contact the RD telling him I need him to come to the lab for an immunity, then kill him and take the suit.


I cased the target sight. I paced back and forth in the maintenance tunnels around virology. They are normally clear but today they were a buzz with activity. Engineers, security, and security bots all seemed to hang around. Three times I made passes at the door, but had to stop due to the passing security bot. They even stopped me from practicing hacking a maintenance door to figure out wires.


Finally when the coast was clear I hacked the door and snuck in. I made my way through various locked doors into the decontamination room. I had been very careful to cover my tracks up until now. All I had to do was take a virology biosuit and fake it to make it.


Upon opening the biohazard suit closet my heart jumped out of my chest. For inside was the virologist himself.


He panicked as well, screaming before starting to run. All I could manage was a nervous hello before he darted off. I hoped that if I appeared non-threatening he wouldn't try and kill me.


At that point I was certain security was on it's way, so I hopped into the closet and pulled a super man. I emerged in a biosuit, a new ID, and a degree in virology.


At that point I stood around washing my hands waiting for security or the good doctor to return. They never did, so I started to hack the door inside. I psyched myself out and stopped halfway through, and went back to pretending to wash my hands. Eventually the doctor returned and almost pissed himself again. He was surprised to see me, but seemed glad to know that I was transferred by the HoP (*wink*) and not there to kill him.


I shmoozed him up with talks of cures, and mutating viruses. In reality I could careless, but I knew that it calmed him.


Then that damn security borg showed up. He asked my why I was hacking doors. This seemed strange to me, I just got a new ID how did he know? Apparently the AI spotted me hacking my way in and stopping halfway through. I made up some bullshit about a friend needing to know the wires orders. The borg asked me who my friend was. I said, "Argile the Cool. Odd bird that one." This seemed satisfactory to the robot, as he scolded me for my toolbelt but otherwise let me be.


I dicked around with the doctor for a bit, until his back was turned. That was when I pulled out my sabre and sliced his head clean off. I gathered his ID, his headset, and his PDA; before flushing the rest down disposals. I used my agent ID to get the access from his ID before I flushed that too down the trash chute. All that was left of the crime were a few little specks of blood.


Then the damn bucket of bolts came back. He asked me to open the closets in the lab, probably to check for bodies he knew in his head existed. After finding nothing he asked me where my partner was. I told him he went to go get food, which satisfied the robot who quickly left.


I took the late doctor's PDA and messaged the RD telling him I had immunizations for the heads of staff and that he should come down right away. He showed up rather quickly saying he was outside. I told him (VIA the doctor's PDA) that I would send my assistant to let him in. At this point I arrived to lead him in. I sat him down on a bed in the sick ward, and told him I would be back in one second after I prepared the injection.


I walked into the hall and got a vial of sleep toxin, and filled my syringe with it. Then went back into the lab, in full view of the RD who was behind some glass and pretended to fill my syringe from a vial of cure. Upon my return I injected him with my devilish poison and waited. He informed me his vision was going and that he felt dizzy. I assured him that was normal. When he passed out I decapitated him, and took his uniform. Unfortunately I forgot the sick bay has a window into maint, and was spotted.


So I made my escape, switching IDs, and stripping off select clothing as I went. At certain points security tried to stop me, but the convenient lack of gravity made my escape possible.


Moral of the story: Subterfuge OP as shit


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