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More hands for engineers.


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Year 2557, everybody can have robotics limbs if he wish to. But what if I need more than two arms? Could i have another arm, like on my shoulder or on my back?


So this is my suggestion: a new item, a robotic engineering arm (it is NOT the regular robotic arm made in the fabricator ). Avaiable only for engineers because few of them would spawn in the engineering lockers. The sprite (if any is ever made) would be a robotic arm above the head, like the medibot's arm. (*cough* techpriest *cough*)


It could be an attachment to the jumpsuit, like the tie or the webbing. It would make a third hand slot avaiable, on the HUD the new slot could be located left of the head slot or above it.

If you want to add a recipe to make it, i would say it could be a robotic arm, left or right (the one made in the fabricator) and some R&D thing, like a manipulator or something. After all, the roboticist could use it too.


Before you yell "OP!!11!", the robotic arm CAN'T hold every item the normal hands can, it can only hold things you can put in the toolbelt, that means: wrenches, crowbars, T-ray scanners and stuff like that. It won't hold a riot shield or your backpack. Only tools.And of course, you can use this tools on the robotic arm as they would be in your regular hand.


I don't know the BYOND code, but i realise that coding this can be a pain in the ass, is a third hand slot after all.

Also, i'm sorry for my english, i hope you didn't cry too much blood.


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