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Coroner/Mortician Karma Role


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Coroner/Mortician Karma Role


StreakyHaddock mentioned this last week however the suggestion was lost with the server wipe/roll-back.


Anyhow, just had a round where the bodies really did start to pile up, I was playing my usual surgeon role and ended up more or less operating the Morgue, labelling the bodies, ensuring correct storage, autopsies ect (personal note here but for future reference if you're medical staff AT THE VERY LEAST ensure the bodies are put within a body bag, don't just put them direct on a slab to decompose... This really irritates me for some reason.) At one point we just seemed to be dealing with the dead and corpses, then the chaplain ended up getting fried in the chapel whilst trying to dispose of the bodies I had already processed!


It was all very stressful...


Basic job of the Coroner would be to maintain the morgue, ensure bodies are stored correctly, perform autopsies to determine a course of death at the request of command staff, Security Personnel and last but by no means least the detective. Their primary purpose will be one of forensic investigation, much like the detective their role will be vital into determining the cause of a persons death (if at all possible with the broken/buggy nature of the autopsy scanner.)


Bottom-line is there always seems to be something going off to merit the role, in most rounds corpses come in thick and fast so this would really add a bit of depth to the game.


As always please share your thoughts and opinions and thanks again for reading,




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Makes perfect sense.

Would be great if they got an office and a pet raven though...


The morgue just seems to be an area of the game that gets ignored or is poorly executed when used. In rounds where the brown stuff really hits the fan bodies generally pile up.


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I already think karma unlocks for petty station jobs is pretty ridiculous... Explain to me why a job as simple as stuffing bodies in bags and performing autopsies requires a karma unlock?


Aside from that, why the hell not? A mortician or coroner SHOULD be available, it's a section of the station that often goes unmanned, perhaps someone would actually want to play a role specifically restricted to that work place.


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I already think karma unlocks for petty station jobs is pretty ridiculous... Explain to me why a job as simple as stuffing bodies in bags and performing autopsies requires a karma unlock?


Aside from that, why the hell not? A mortician or coroner SHOULD be available, it's a section of the station that often goes unmanned, perhaps someone would actually want to play a role specifically restricted to that work place.


Well bodies are often delivered with their ID cards intact along with uniforms - I've had command bodies delivered to me with all of their equipment left intact.


Pretty easy to get ahold of items from said corpses plus out in the real world Coroners are fairly responsible people, it could be seen as an 'elite medical role.'


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