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Minor mining suggestions


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I know this is more money but can mining have the mint machine? It makes coins.(theres three parts the input, the machine itself, and output)


Have a dual way conveyer belt that leads in and out of the main mining station.(to easy move boxes and crates. Maybe other things)


With the outside unloader, can you make it we dont have to mess with the belt? Like move the unloader where the wall is..


Can you try to make gathering ore quicker by hand.(i like how a borg can run over and collect them)


1 sheet snatcher would be nice.(digsites can produce various mineral sheets that we need to collect)


A mining vending machine? Takes coins to various mining tools, or something that mining can benefit from.



All in all, id like most of these in for ease. But i still feel mining is lacking in itself.

Perhaps devices that can locate specific ores. Or teleport ores or something....idk.


Oh and can you atleast make it so non ores/sheets passthrough the stacking machine.


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