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Some Thoughts on Fluff for the Greys

Dark lord derpy

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The race that is known by humans as the Greys are not a natural species, but an artificial creation of an older species, The Greys do not entirely remember what created them but they do remember that they were intellectual servants. The Greys are highly intelligent and seem to possess some form of psychic ability not fully understood by human science.


Biology: The Greys are synthetic lifeforms but are entirely biological, genetic analysis shows that they have much in common with other humanoid races, but some sections of the DNA appear entirely unique to them. physically, greys are weaker than humans. The most obvious difference between humans and greys is the skin large head which houses a large brain that although at first thought similer to human brains in structure, upon closer examination has a very different layout, much of the grey brain has functions unknown to humanity, and the greys have difficulty explaining the functions in terms that humans can easily understand but they appear to allow telepathy and empathy. The large eyes of the Greys provide excellent night vision. there are some remarkable differences in the Greys muscular structure, although it is weaker than humans, it does not degrade when in lower gravity environments and it has been found that greys are very comfortable in zero-g. perhaps the most bizarre trait of the greys is that water appears to cause alkalyne burns to them and that they are naturally acidic, much like Xenomorphs.


Psychology: The Greys brain is very flexible, when a grey is born it has only two emotions, these are "Good" and "Bad" when a grey child learns something new it gets the good emotion, when a source of information is extinguished it gets the bad emotion, and searches for a new source of data, the brain of a grey can develope in many different ways, and it appears that they use other species as templates for growth. Grey parents create 'hybrids' which are modified to appear as a member of a different race, they then capture a mother of the species, and replace the child with the hybrid. the greys will raise the races child, while the mother raises the grey hybrid. the Greys will keep in telepathic contact with the child until adulthood, when the Grey child will be given the opertunity to either live with the greys, or live with the race. The Grey hybrids telepathic empathy allows them to absorb the mentallity of other creatures, and become like them psychologically. Most Greys are near emotionless themselves, but can feel the emotions of other beings, for this reason they prefer to be around people who are in a happy state of mind.


Grey Culture: Grey culture is divided between the "Mainstreamers" and the "elite" the elite are very logic oriented and generally the leaders of the grey population, they dedicate lives to math and science, most Elite were raised within Grey society, with little contact with outsiders and have not picked up much emotion. The Elite dont neccessarily despise emotion, but they prefer to keep it away from the logic. The Mainstreamers on the other hand are a mix and mash of various alien cultures, with ideas borrowed from all around the galaxy, they still tend to chose the cultures most devoted to logic and the spread of knowledge.


Grey Technology: The Greys are an advanced species, some of the technology they use is inherited from their creators, but the greys also create their own technology. Grey cybernetics and genetic engineering is some of the best in the galaxy, They have fairly standard level interstellar travel capabilities but are renowned for their cloaking devices and energy shields along with exotic weapons.


Homeworld: Unknown, the Greys appear to live in vast fleets of advanced starships, they have a few planetary colonies, but seem to prefer the inky blackness of space.


Relationship with other species:


Nanotrasen: The Greys are considered a business partner to nanotrasen, The Grey elite generally avoid them when possible, but mainstreamers have been known to join.

Tajaran:The Tajaran are generally nervous around the greys, as in the ancient past, the masters of the tajaran traded with the greys, often using tajaran, those tajaran taken never returned. The Tajaran slaves purchased however, were treated far better than before.

Unathi: For reasons few fully understand, the unathi and greys seem to distrust one another, The Greys view unathi as barbarians.

Skrell: The Skrell and the Greys trade scientific knowledge and have become good friends.

Diona: The Greys only recently discovered the Diona, but so far, they have found that they have alot in common.

Kidan: The Kidan fear the greys, as entire hives have been abducted by the Greys and have seemingly joined them.

Vox: the Greys seem to have good relations with the vox, though they rarely interact, most interaction appears to be with the armalis and it is rumored, that the grey elite have contacted the Auralis.


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